2,101 replies, Replies 61 to 70

Should I have an extramarital affair?

Mark Gungor is fantastic. Watch this clip. If you feel it speaks to you his entire marriage guidance video is available for free on YouTube. Watch it together, parts at a time and then discuss. You will laugh. You will cry. And most importantly, you will grow.https://youtu.be/29JPnJSmDs0

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Are you pro life?

The complete UNEDITED post were not MY words but from the cited 3rd party. His words should be able to stand on their own. I found the post interesting and thought I would share it here. I am not out to change peoples minds on the issue of abortion. Just give them something to think about before judging others, especially use of their bodies.

Lano. You should not have edited it.

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Every time I come here now is deader than a door nail.

Has anyone seen a "live" door nail? And my follow up... how hard are they to kill, really!???

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We have Covid-19!

TheClue wrote:
We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

How do you know you had Covid-19? Were you tested?

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We have Covid-19!

Lano wrote:


Those are cdc guidelines. Your state will have specific guidelines, or quarantine requirements on their health department website (i would hope).

Your doctor should be able to tell you too.

Thank you Lano. I read most of what the CDC website has but I did not find anything about post the 10 day quarantine period.

Follow up: The other 2 adults in the residence have tested NEGATIVE. So only 1 adult has tested positive. Their quarantine period expires on Wednesday.

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We have Covid-19!

Anonymous wrote:
The vaccinated will always test positive. Doesn't matter how "inert" the formula is - it's in you.
Moniter the symptoms over the passing days. Keep a journal.
As for going back to normal activity, that's something that will never happen. The best plans to make are none. It's always going to be about the virus and the next inexhaustible thing you must comply to.
My question is; are you vaccinated?

Is this finding based on science and facts or simply your opinion? Reread the post. Yes, everyone is vaccinated as stated in the post.

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I miss the old help.com

Give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Hi is anyone good at Excel??

What about us Mac users....??

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thank you all for your good wishes about my dog.

Thank you for keeping your promise. It really means a lot.

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End racism in football

Lets work on us first. Football will get the message...

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