2,101 replies, Replies 821 to 830


Well that's one way to bring down the house. Congratulations!

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I keep on finding wasp in the house?

It should not be very big. Maybe around a 50 cent coin or so.

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63 earths can fit inside uranus (when the sun goes supernova, it'll burn up the earth, but uranus should be ok.)

Sorry but you are wrong. The most earths I've been able to fit in my anus is like 3 or 4.

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I keep on finding wasp in the house?

Even if you find one keep looking. If you feel comfortable, check neighbors too.

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I keep on finding wasp in the house?

Go outside and look for a nest. Under eaves or corners of doors. Check behind window shutters also. If you find one spray it with Raid wasp killer. There other similar brands but I find Raid to be the best. After dousing the nest knock it down with a broom or stick.

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Keeping in touch.

Rockster160 wrote:
Other two are back. ๐Ÿ˜„

Archives go up and down a lot.

Damned your good!

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Keeping in touch.

Only the last link is working Yeti.

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Kalinihta wrote:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

Here, let me try -
- buhyyy, bhuyyy -
No! No music contracts for me. ๐Ÿ˜‹

hah lol

Great! That makes you the omnipresent choir director!!!

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Religion - Sad or Angry

Should you be sad or angry? I humbly say neither. You should not feel any obligation to pay these bills. Get a lawyer and let him/her deal with the emotions.

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Hey everyone, long time no see.

Welcome back! What took you so long to find us? Well, anyway. Glad to have you among the living.
[All them dead people stopping by was beginning to creep me out.]
Soco, e.g. Southern_Comfort

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