472 replies, Replies 31 to 40

Should I go to trade school?

Auto repair, small engine repair, metal working/welding, 3D printing, robotics. I want to do all the things, but it ultimately goes back to a childhood desire to be a mad scientist and inventor.

But these are things that must be learned hands on, not from a book.

And even though I'm not broke anymore, I'm also not rich. I'll never be rich.

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We have Covid-19!

Several of my friends and family members, all vaccinated, have had it. One was briefly hospitalized but recovered quickly. The rest quarantined at home and recovered. Before the vaccine was available I had a few friends caught it and were sick for weeks or months. Thankfully, my unvaccinated mom has not caught it. Also I'm thankful she didn't become antivax until all her children were grown.

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Should I have an extramarital affair?

soco wrote:
One more thing I need to add here. We love you smiley. We care about you more than you'll ever know. Keep in touch please.

Thanks. That's sweet. I'll try to stick around. Things are always crazy in my world.

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Should I have an extramarital affair?

My husband is a good and generous and decent person. My kids enjoy stability in our home. Heck, I enjoy the stability.

But I feel unappreciated, my husband goes entire days never speaking to me, it's been ages since we've even touched each other, We never do anything together, or even are interested in the same things, except a few TV shows that I like. He loves TV, absolutely anything on TV. I don't have the attention span to sit for hours every day, I need to exercise my mind and body and do things that produce results I can feel good about.

And so why would I be tempted? Because it's really damn nice to feel wanted, to be listened to

Given that I don't really want to give up stability, and definitely don't want to hurt my children or husband, but feel very unappreciated and basically like an invisible household servant, how can I stand steady at "no"?

I hate to admit it, but maybe those people who say men and women can't be friends are right.

On the other hand, I don't know for certain that I wouldn't feel the same way if the proposition had come from a female friend, not that I'm lesbian or bi, just that I'm that unhappy with how things are. If an adult were to hug me, I'd probably happy cry.

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I can't help with a place - we are six of us and three pets in 1300 square feet - but I hope you find something suitable.

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This site is getting popular again.

Cool. I go away for a month and come back to this.

Maybe my presence was holding y'all back.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our fearless leader @Rockster160 !

Happy every day, then.

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C-store point of sale systems are equivalent to the Federation Starfleet virus that created Hugh.



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Getting to know HelpQA family..

Born in the US Midwest but don't remember it. Grew up in West Virginia and have lived almost all my adult life in Virginia. I like it here and hope to stay, though I'd love to visit the Grand Canyon, Redwood Forest, Pacific Ocean, and if I get a chance, Moon, Mars, and Venus.

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Having a cat, an evolution of being a slave.

If you have a cat and a dog, you get to be both slave and master.

Plus the dog is delighted to eat the hairballs. He considers them a treat.

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