47 replies, Replies 21 to 30

ask me anything

NaCtHoMaN wrote:

beautycomesfromwithin wrote:
I really like this post. It makes me think.

*How do you feel your life is right now?

* What is one thing you can eat till eternity?

great question, i am still to this day debating whether if i should be glad with what i have - a pretty stable job, a home, a car and somewhat saving money. but on the other hand i do have the FOMO ( fear of missing out ) and the fact that im not really prospecting the idea of being in a relationship and not utilizing my social skills because I for the most part prefer to be alone :/ i do have a few friends i meet up with every now and then and keep close contact with my parents and relatives. only downside is my subconscious thinks i should be kicking ***ass and taking names, striving for popularity, runnning 100 mile marathons and cashing in on good ol capitalistic US of A. With that not happening, i guess im pretty comfortable..

i wouldnt really eat ONE thing ONLY forever, funny thing about me i get bored of the same taste FAST!. for instance.. Chipotle.. for a while i just couldnt go without it a few times a week but after a while the flavor loses its savoriness and starts to taste pretty bland :P this goes for .. pizza, burritos.. salads.. even while i was on the keto diet.. i got sick of the flavor of steaks/ shrimps and burgers.. hard to believe huh!

@beautycomesfromwithin if theres anything you're an expert on, what is it?

Thank you for answering my questions. I got to understand you more. Well done with all your achievements. I wish they had Chipotle in the UK. Never been to the US.

Great question. Well, I would say mental health. I worked with the field for over four years. There is always room for improvement.
However I would say I'm an expert of analysing people. I've been emotionally hurt by friends and loved ones that I can tell who genuinely cares or don't give a ****

- written
ask me anything

I really like this post. It makes me think.

*How do you feel your life is right now?

* What is one thing you can eat till eternity?

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is it possible..

Follow your heart and do it!

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My sixteen year old has been asleep for over 40 hours.

It's good that you are trying to keep him busy. He has been sleeping along time but if he does it again. Wake him up to have some fluids because he will be extremely dehydrated. If he is not keen on antidepressants then the same chemicals that is within this tablets; he can do some sort of exercise. GPs don't like to give out this information.

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Ladies/gentlemen, what is the ideal maxi dress length for individual who are 5ft 4?

DocteurRalph wrote:
I think I'm the only one I know that did watch. It's really hard for a right wing conservative like myself to watch since Hollyweird has become so politicized. I guess they don't care that half the population of America disagrees with their views, but it kills the ratings. The last two years less than thirty million people watched, the least since they started keeping track of television ratings in 1974. In fact in 1974 45 million people watched the telecast and there were 100 million less people in the country... whew. I don't understand why the movie industry has been taken over by left wing crazies.

I really don't know but I use to watch the awards shows but I find it all too much now :)

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Ladies/gentlemen, what is the ideal maxi dress length for individual who are 5ft 4?

DocteurRalph wrote:
Did you watch the Oscars? Apparently the ideal dress length is dragging behind you these days, even if you're a man. https://sslh.ulximg.com/image/740x493/cover/155...

No I didn't watch the Oscars but this is too funny. Thanks for making me laugh. His waist looks so small.

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Ladies/gentlemen, what is the ideal maxi dress length for individual who are 5ft 4?

Thank you all for the advice :)

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I'm about to start a new job at a Preschool,

You will be a natural. Don't force the interaction with the children. I am sure they will be nervous too. Just get to know the children's abilities and support them as best as you can.

It is definitely a rewarding job. :)

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Hello, is there any life in this forum..

peter wrote:

beautycomesfromwithin wrote:

Thank you. I enjoy my field of work which is mental health. I've been working in inpatient for over three years. I think I need to move in the community or somewhere that's not ward based.

I hope you start feeling OK too. I know it's not easy. Are you using other coping strategies to help your anxiety that does not involve overeating at times?

Inpatient with mental health indeed sounds draining.. I was visiting a friend for 7 months while she was a MH ipnatient and that was pretty draining..

Hope things work out with the community work for you!

And I do exercise as well as overeat to manage that anxiety.. O;)

Thank you for reading and replying. I hope you're friend is doing better now. That's a good way of managing your anxiety. :)

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Hello, is there any life in this forum..

peter wrote:

beautycomesfromwithin wrote:
At the moment, I'm contemplating life. I am not suicidal or anything. Just thinking about life and how work is so draining and if I am burning out. I am listening to music while on this website. I'm from London, UK.

How are you doing Peter? :)

I'm sorry your work is draining you and you are feeling low. Any chance of changing that job?

And thanks, I'm okayish.. - 'taming' my anxiety by overeating. Hope you'll feel better soon, and things with your work will turn positive.

Thank you. I enjoy my field of work which is mental health. I've been working in inpatient for over three years. I think I need to move in the community or somewhere that's not ward based.

I hope you start feeling OK too. I know it's not easy. Are you using other coping strategies to help your anxiety that does not involve overeating at times?

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