47 replies, Replies 41 to 47


Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time. Do you feel that the medication is working? Did something happen or anything triggered you for the past week? Have you been receiving support from your community mental health team? Are you currently safe in your own home? We are all here to help you but it sounds like that you are going through a crisis. Are you from the UK? There is helplines in each borough in the UK when someone is going through a crisis. I hope you're ok and that you are still alive. I would call 999 for medical attention or any other medical number if you don't live in the UK.

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Would you be hurt by this?

I would be upset. I will listen to what he says and make my decision from the answer he has given me. Be weary of him and keep conversation short and simple. ๐Ÿ™‚

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My father took this special moment from me?

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
dont drive with him, my brother is a horrible back seat driver and i wont let him in my car anymore, he's such a control freak he cannot stand it to passively sit there and let someone else drive, he freaks out and screams the whole time like a maniac. so i would never let him ride in my car ever again.

I am so sorry about what happened. I've told my mother that I'm not letting him back in the car. Thank you for your advice much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜

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Post closed, thank you for your help

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I will pray that your child will get better soon. ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care.

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This life

Beautiful :) You nailed every emotion. Thank you for sharing.

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Anime recommendations, Go!

You should definitely watch Boy and the beast!!

These are some of my suggestions:

I saw some of the episodes of Bleach when I was in my teens and it's pretty good.

Your Name
Summer wars
A silent voice
When Marine was here
The Anthem of the heart
Spirited away
Letter to Momo

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First grey hair age 26

I found mine in secondary school about year 7 (13/14). My grandmother use to say that it is a sign of wisdom but I don't know if that is true. Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure it does not show at all :)

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