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This life

Am I inside a dream?
The past and present blur
Last I was here, I remember
A very somber girl
Who didn't know how vast the world was
She couldn't see, she couldn't speak
I didn't want to die..
But I didn't want to live..
Too tired to care for either

Well, I am a self proclaimed artist
I've spun stories in pen, pencil, acrylic
And incorporate the psychology of mental health
I've held a mic, Bob-Ross artist of paint and sips
I own a potters wheel, making cups and ceramic sculptures
And the artist guild just offered me a teaching position

I have been alive for twenty years
I hoped to die for six
Life was an inside joke
And I just couldn't stop laughing
Failing to find any true reality..
Thought I saw love in a fallen angel
But I just loved to see how screwed up we can be
How we can break what "should be" and "Could've been"

I found a friend, this word always saved me
And met a person that saw the world so intricately, logically
I think I may marry her brother
We live together, I share my world with another
We have two cats and two ferrets
One day maybe even children
And I don't worry about it falling apart
This is the bridge I will not burn...
If I walk away, I was happy

I have so much wisdom
I know absolutely nothing
This world is hideous
This world is beautiful
It will kick you
Untill your ribs are broken
And it will kiss you
Untill your lungs are empty

And maybe, that chaos will always burn
Maybe, there will always be a hell inside me
And a heaven, thats the lesson
How to be alive
And not just breathing

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world, alive, burn, artist, untill
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savanna.017 edited this post .

This life¬ ¬ Am I inside a dream?¬ The past and present blur¬ Last I was here, I remember ¬ A very somber girl ¬ Who didn't know how vast the world was ¬ She couldn't see, she couldn't speak ¬ I didn't want to die.. ¬ But I didn't want to live.. ¬ Too tired to care for either¬ ¬ Well, I am a self proclaimed artist ¬ I've spun stories in pen, pencil, acrylic ¬ And incorporate the psychology of mental health¬ I've held a mic, Bob-Ross artist of paint and sips¬ I own a potters wheel, making cups and ceramic sculptures ¬ And the artist guild just offered me a teaching position¬ ¬ I have been alive for twenty years ¬ I hoped to die for six ¬ Life was an inside joke¬ And I just couldn't stop laughing¬ Failing to find any true reality.. ¬ Thought I saw love in a fallen angel ¬ But I just loved to see how screwed up we can be ¬ How we can break what "should be" and "Could've been" ¬ ¬ I found a friend¬ That saw the world so intricately though logic¬ I think I may marry her brother ¬ We live together, I share my world with another¬ We have two cats and two ferrets¬ One day maybe even children¬ And I don't worry about it falling apart ¬ This is the bridge I will not burn... ¬ ¬ ...¬ If I walk away, I was happy ¬ ¬ I have so much wisdom¬ I know absolutely nothing¬ This world is hideous¬ This world is beautiful ¬ It will kick you¬ Untill your ribs are broken ¬ And it will kiss you¬ Untill your lungs are empty ¬ ¬ And maybe, that chaos will always burn ¬ Maybe, there will always be a hell inside me¬ And a heaven, thats the lesson ¬ How to be alive¬ And not just breathing

savanna.017 edited this post .

This life¬ ¬ Am I inside a dream?¬ The past and present blur¬ Last I was here, I remember ¬ A very somber girl ¬ Who didn't know how vast the world was ¬ She couldn't see, she couldn't speak ¬ I didn't want to die.. ¬ But I didn't want to live.. ¬ Too tired to care for either¬ ¬ Well, I am a self proclaimed artist ¬ I've spun stories in pen, pencil, acrylic ¬ And incorporate the psychology of mental health¬ I've held a mic, Bob-Ross artist of paint and sips¬ I own a potters wheel, making cups and ceramic sculptures ¬ And the artist guild just offered me a teaching position¬ ¬ I have been alive for twenty years ¬ I hoped to die for six ¬ Life was an inside joke¬ And I just couldn't stop laughing¬ Failing to find any true reality.. ¬ Thought I saw love in a fallen angel ¬ But I just loved to see how screwed up we can be ¬ How we can break what "should be" and "Could've been" ¬ ¬ I found a friend, this word always saved me¬ That saw the world so intricately though logic¬ I think I may marry her brother ¬ We live together, I share my world with another¬ We have two cats and two ferrets¬ One day maybe even children¬ And another that saw the world so intricately, logically¬ I think I may marry her brother ¬ We live together, I share my world with another¬ We have two cats and two ferrets¬ One day maybe even children¬ And I don't worry about it falling apart ¬ This is the bridge I will not burn...¬ If I walk away, I was happy ¬ ¬ I have so much wisdom¬ I know absolutely nothing¬ This world is hideous¬ This world is beautiful ¬ It will kick you¬ Untill your ribs are broken ¬ And it will kiss you¬ Untill your lungs are empty ¬ ¬ And maybe, that chaos will always burn ¬ Maybe, there will always be a hell inside me¬ And a heaven, thats the lesson ¬ How to be alive¬ And not just breathing

savanna.017 edited this post .

This life¬ ¬ Am I inside a dream?¬ The past and present blur¬ Last I was here, I remember ¬ A very somber girl ¬ Who didn't know how vast the world was ¬ She couldn't see, she couldn't speak ¬ I didn't want to die.. ¬ But I didn't want to live.. ¬ Too tired to care for either¬ ¬ Well, I am a self proclaimed artist ¬ I've spun stories in pen, pencil, acrylic ¬ And incorporate the psychology of mental health¬ I've held a mic, Bob-Ross artist of paint and sips¬ I own a potters wheel, making cups and ceramic sculptures ¬ And the artist guild just offered me a teaching position¬ ¬ I have been alive for twenty years ¬ I hoped to die for six ¬ Life was an inside joke¬ And I just couldn't stop laughing¬ Failing to find any true reality.. ¬ Thought I saw love in a fallen angel ¬ But I just loved to see how screwed up we can be ¬ How we can break what "should be" and "Could've been" ¬ ¬ I found a friend, this word always saved me¬ And met a person that saw the world so intricately, logically¬ I think I may marry her brother ¬ We live together, I share my world with another that saw the world so intricately, logically¬ I think I may marry her brother ¬ We live together, I share my world with another¬ We have two cats and two ferrets¬ One day maybe even children¬ And I don't worry about it falling apart ¬ This is the bridge I will not burn...¬ If I walk away, I was happy ¬ ¬ I have so much wisdom¬ I know absolutely nothing¬ This world is hideous¬ This world is beautiful ¬ It will kick you¬ Untill your ribs are broken ¬ And it will kiss you¬ Untill your lungs are empty ¬ ¬ And maybe, that chaos will always burn ¬ Maybe, there will always be a hell inside me¬ And a heaven, thats the lesson ¬ How to be alive¬ And not just breathing

last online: 07/27, 11:05
Verified User (7 years, 5 months)
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(1 hour after post)
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You have a talent for writing:)

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(7 hours after post)
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Hi, Savanna. I agree with Max. You surely DO have a great talent as shown here.
Keep up the great work! 🙂

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(8 hours after post)
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Yes--you have truly nailed "life" as much as it can be nailed!

(18 hours after post)
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as a lyricist .. bravo

(1 day after post)
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Beautiful :) You nailed every emotion. Thank you for sharing.

User photo 22810 561248
(3 days after post)
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Very well written, this existence and life are truly absurd.

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