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Ash wrote:

I'm sitting here with all my medication out
64, 100mg zoloft
14, 300mg lithium
12, .5mg clonazepam
12, 100mg quetiapine

Along with a blade.

The truth is I dont want too do it.
I like living with my pets.
But I kinda have too. ๐Ÿ˜• so I dunno. I'm procrastinating
If I was gonna sleep I would have been in bed
But I havent tsken them yet

Part of the reason is because its alot ro mentall prepare for
And to take all those pills is very hard because there alot to take
It's like eating a whole bowl of cereal without chewing or milk to soften it

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I wouldnt know how to help since she might not even read this. I know it caused a whole lot of trouble last time someone called the cops to help her. But maybe its the only way?

It so sad everytime I read her posts, I wish there was a way to take her pain away. The help she is getting isnt enough, but I really wouldnt know what else to suggest.

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If we believe this is real then someone needs to be notified

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(2 hours after post)
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First things first. Take the proper medication that you would normally take. It will calm you down. Second, Iโ€™ve been in your situation and although that all seems like enough to kill you it probably wonโ€™t. Drug overdosing is hard to to with just antidepressants and benzodiazepines. It will most likely put you in more pain. Thirdly hug your pet. You are doing the right thing by reaching out for help. I know you are in pain right now and it seems like your only option but it is not and we are all here to help. We love you.

(6 hours after post)
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So sorry to hear this. ๐Ÿ˜•

Ash- why do you feel like you have to do it?
You never HAVE to do anything. Especially something that stops you from ever doing anything again. So why is it that you feel that this is something that you absolutely must do?

(11 hours after post)
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Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time. Do you feel that the medication is working? Did something happen or anything triggered you for the past week? Have you been receiving support from your community mental health team? Are you currently safe in your own home? We are all here to help you but it sounds like that you are going through a crisis. Are you from the UK? There is helplines in each borough in the UK when someone is going through a crisis. I hope you're ok and that you are still alive. I would call 999 for medical attention or any other medical number if you don't live in the UK.

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God no.

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How do I sell a car?

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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How is she doing Yeti? I hope the feeling has passed.

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Why do you have to do this? If you like living there isn't a reason to do what it looks like you are talking about doing.

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I need help.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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I am going to be completely honest with you. Most likely you would not die. You would, however, end up as a half-brain-dead person that the nurses would set up in a chair, where you would drool constantly and have a blank look in your eyes for the rest of your short life.

And, if you succeeded, you turn all of your potential into worm food.

You have a voice inside your head telling you that you are worthless, that you will never amount to anything, that your problems are too great to solve, that death is the only answer. That's called depression. Millions of people have suffered from it. The biggest problem with people with depression is that they take no positive steps to cure their illness. Yes, that's right--cure! There are cures out there!

Right now you have a chemical imbalance in your brain that is producing suicidal ideations. That's like your stomach being messed up by some bad food. The chemical imbalance has to be righted.

You should call 911 and ask to be taken to the hospital.

You have a beautiful life ahead of you. You are needed. Even your pets know what a valuable person you are!

Do not disappoint us! We all want to see you out of this mental rut, and becoming the person you were meant to be!

Call 911 and don't regret it for an instant!!!

Do it now!

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(4 days after post)
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Has anyone heard from Nevermind recently?

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How do I sell a car?

I won't quote her on this, but she seems loath to discuss the experience here at this time.

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Yeah, I think I would feel the same way. I hope she knows she has many friends here. And that we care.

Her pets doing okay?

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How do I sell a car?

(1 week after post)
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Why do you feel you have to Ash?

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