905 replies, Replies 871 to 880


smiley wrote:
You mean like you feel temporary?

More like you're just being taken for granted like a nice yet subtle piece of furniture.

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I just tried to post a question and it errored out

I guess ill try again

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Last post before I go back into hiding.

I think i need a better job and to do more for my own and the larger community.

Other than that, tho, im happy.

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Let's talk about victim shaming.

Re writing my original comment cus im getting a lot of feels

I'm sorry to hear about your horrifying experience. The cultural climate can be tough on victims of sexual violence right now.

That said, I think that the president had no place to say anything about it but the facts. The mocking tone he used to describe her testimony was inappropriate and really unnecessary.

The issue the op is dealing with isn't whether or not cavanaugh did it. No one posting in this forum has any secret knowlege of that.

Neither does Donald Trump.

Not knowing the truth of the situation, would it have been right to block cav's appointment? Maybe, maybe not. I dont think i feel comfortable about it, but fair enough if you have the opposite view. The point is, Trump isn't making fun of the falseness of the accusation because he doesn't really know one way or the other. He's making fun of Ford for the act of accusing. Thats why trump is wrong.

Fine if we want to give a respected judge the benefit of the doubt. But even if it comes out tomorrow that dr. Ford's accussations are completely false, the president has no reason belittle her in a public forum. Leave that bs for the sean hannity's of the world. He's the goddamn President.

When Trump says this stuff he's not crapping on sexual assault victims, though they're the ones immeadiately hurt. He's crapping on every single one of us and yes we should all be embarassed. He's got a big damn mouth he needs to stuff it at least one time for each time he lets it do whatever it wants.

Furthermore making fun of accusers does nothing to help the falsely accused. It does not validate them. Only evidence and truth can do that. And the falsely accused dont find making fun of their accusers funny either. If you laugh at that you're taking pleasure in cruelty. Which is fine, we all find jokes in bad taste funny sometimes. But trump isnt a stand up comedian and he's making light of something he should take deathly serious.

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I feel like Iโ€™m the girl who never gets the guy.

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

Lano wrote:
The type of advice necessary here really depends on age...

Incorrect, (and trust me on this), it no longer matters the age of a person. There are players at every age level.

Tip: Don't have ***sex with a guy too early. Don't be afraid to wait ten dates. If he likes you for you, he can wait.

I personally would suggest waiting until after marriage. Why? Because, it's a big deal. If you're willing to give it out, there will never be a reason to remain loyal to you.

There are players at every level but if a guy has never been married at 40 and is looki g to smash on the first date thats kind of a red flag for the woman who's trying to settle down while if its a 20 year old maybe you can overlook those hormone infused decisions. Also most twenty year olds are just not ready to settle down as a rule.

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I feel like Iโ€™m the girl who never gets the guy.

The type of advice necessary here really depends on age...

I don't know how old you are, but if you're in your early twenties, and you're dating guys you're own age, it's going to be tough to find a guy who wants a serious relationship. And the other problem is...they'll all pretend like that's what they're looking for. They're not. They want to enjoy being single.

Tip: Don't have ***sex with a guy too early. Don't be afraid to wait ten dates. If he likes you for you, he can wait.

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Does anyone know how to work for Live Nation/VIP Nation as an independent contractor/vip Assistant/brand ambassador?

maybe this? http://www.livenationentertainment.com/Careers/

I'm too tired to look further into it than that.

Also, you could always try contacting them directly for that information.

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Ever notice that cannibals are always painted in a bad light in movies?

Yeah, I was gonna say Hannibal.

Cannibalism usually implies murder though. Both incest and cannibalism also carry connotations of "unnaturalness" that murder (by itself) often doesn't for some reason.

It's funny, take Jamie Lannister. What's the skivvier part of his character? The fact that he attempted to murder a child on a sociopathic whim, or that he has consensual ***sex with his sister?

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its my life

I don't really understand this post...but any gal who thinks that particular Bon Jovi song is good, isn't worth it.

That and the cowboy song. UGH. Please stop telling me about you're gross "steel horse" Bon Jovi. And no, I won't "lay my hands on you."

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Why would someone unfriend you from one social media platform but not another?

I don't know. I wouldn't think to deeply on it...if you did something that he's upset with you about, he should confront you, and not do some passive aggressive social media stuff. If he's not the kind of person you talk to regularly, he might just feel like you've drifted apart.

Another possibility: Do you post a lot on facebook? Maybe he just doesn't like your posts....but hey, there's no accounting for taste, right?

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