Alien Covenant is not a good movie and we should stop watching new Alien films because it is so bad.
I mean, Michael Fassbender aside. The writing. I mean. There was obviously very little effort put into the writing.
Now, I have been wikipedaing. Apparently this was written by the same guy who wrote Gladiator. Which is like..whoa. Dude. What happened?!
Then I keep reading. This guy has also written...Bats. Overall he's written some bad movies, but he has some real good movies here and there.
I dunno, I can't explain it I just know it's a terribly written movie.
So, I'm not saying you're a bad person if you pay money to see a new aliens movie. But I think it's safe to say that you can draw your own conclusions on that.
Alein Covenant is not a good movie and we should stop watching new Alien films because it is so bad. ¬ ¬ I mean, Michael Fassbender aside. The writing. I mean. There was obviously very little effort put into the writing.¬ ¬ Now, I have been wikipedaing. Apparently this was written by the same guy who wrote Gladiator. Which is like..whoa. Dude. What happened?! ¬ ¬ Then I keep reading. This guy has also written...Bats. Overall he's written some bad movies, but he has some real good movies here and there. ¬ ¬ I dunno, I can't explain it I just know it's a terribly written movie. ¬ ¬ So, I'm not saying you're a bad person if you pay money to see a new aliens movie. But I think it's safe to say that you can draw your own conclusions on that.
Alein Covenant is not a good movie and we should stop watching new Alien Covenant is not a good movie and we should stop watching new Alien films because it is so bad. ¬
I mean, Michael Fassbender aside. The writing. I mean. There was obviously very little effort put into the writing.¬
Now, I have been wikipedaing. Apparently this was written by the same guy who wrote Gladiator. Which is like..whoa. Dude. What happened?! ¬
Then I keep reading. This guy has also written...Bats. Overall he's written some bad movies, but he has some real good movies here and there. ¬
I dunno, I can't explain it I just know it's a terribly written movie. ¬
So, I'm not saying you're a bad person if you pay money to see a new aliens movie. But I think it's safe to say that you can draw your own conclusions on that.
I didn't like A.C. also, I didn't like Prometheus either.
Fassbender is an okay actor (sorry, I have a different standard when it comes to performance and acting), regardless you can't hang a shitty script on a mediocre actor and expect a really great Alien movie.
Honestly, should have brought back James Camron to write any one of the newer scripts.
Just my opinion.
Not my genre of movie I like either but appreciate the heads up.
As a contrast, go see The Hate U Give. Well written and acted. Surprise ending too though perhaps a little unreal. Everyone in my theater loved it judging from the applause it received.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
Wow this is weird, usually I am the sane critic, but these movies just work for me. I will always remember seeing the beginning of Prometheus in theaters. The cinematography was so damn good. Such a small intro, but so kick-***ass. The movie was objectively awful with its gaping potholes, but again Fassbender was just sooo good it more than made up for it for me. Like have you guys seen Lawrence of Arabia? Fassbender playing a robot obsessed with actor Peter O'Toole's portrayal of TE Lawrence just awed me. Especially because I love Lawrence of Arabia. Anyway, I had low expectations for Covenant and went into the theaters in the middle of the day on my day off to see it. Theater was empty and I was totally alone for the Fassbender vs Fassbender show. Loved the experience if not the movie.
I thought Prometheus was the beginning of a great trilogy, I thought it kept the audience in question and stumped with mysteries and clues in waiting.
Only problem was after it premiered. Mixed reviews and disappointed alien fans were so upset that there weren't any direct referrals to the old alien franchise and expected such a thrill when it turned out to be something of a suspense film. this obviously changed the course of how Alien Covenant came to be.
Keep in mind the whole idea Ridley Scott had planned was - A complete stand alone trilogy directly relevant to the "space jockey" in the original alien film. a Story that people were very much dying to know about in first place
Because of the backlash of Prometheus and with the help of Hollywood...Alien Covenant was made straight to answering "wtf was prometheus about" then some the birth of aliens.
killed the mystery if you ask me..
I was really hoping the follow up to Prometheus would be more mystifying and keep us either wondering in awe or going into detail about the background on the "Engineers" but nope.
we got left with a AI DNA butcher (david) as the father of the xenomorph.
verge wrote:
Yeah I was dying for just a movie about her and David the psycho sailing cooperatively through the universe after Prometheus, I was curious about the total change of direction and kinda sickened by how they ended her story.
but who knows.. they might squeeze in a spin off hmm??
Broadly agree with most of what ya'll have said. I see we're all on the right side of history on this question.
I thought prometheus was confusing but intriguing and it had some cool scenes. But covenant took everything that was interesting about prometheus and just threw it in a dumpster fire and gave us the most generic and predictable plot possible.
I laughed hysterically at this:
In response to the request: Can someone please explain David's motivations during Prometheus and then Covenant??
"He hates daddy because he made him to pour tea. So he decides he is better. He then decides he can create better life. But instead of creating intelligent life, he steals existing tech and does not create anything. And instead of being a great being, he comes up with a semi intelligent parasite species. He does not create anything and what he comes up with is not half as capable as the engineers creation (humans) or human creation (david himself). It is totally idiotic and makes anyone with half a brain say "what the ****fuck? This makes no sense?" Covenant further confuses the David storyline with the opening. So David had these superior thoughts from the moment he "woke up". But he does not do anything about them for 50 years until he happens to find black goo. Now all of a sudden he becomes a mass murderer. It is pretty *******fucking stupid. David is really smart write, so why does he not understand he is not creating anything? We know the black goo turns even worms into alien like killing machines. Sooooo him mixing black goo, which happens to do anything the script seems fit for it to do at the time, is not creation. Fires burns, so if I take fire and start using it to burn things, the end result is not a creation, it is just what fire does to things. The fact that this is lost on David totally ruins the entire driving force of Pro and Cov. They suck, and the Daddy issue android thing sucks."
twosocks wrote:
Not every movie is going to be a real winner winner chicken dinner. To be honest, I liked the movie Bats a lot growing up. And I liked Alien Covenant, even though it was so sad. But everyone has different taste.
I honestly do not feel this is a matter of taste. Shallow, barely explained character motivation, lazy writing, overused tropes....I mean, I'm sure some people enjoyed the movie, but not because there is anything good about it.
Bats is also a movie like that, I hardly remember now, but I did enjoy it when I watched it, and remember enough about it to know that it's kinda of a silly b type movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Covenant takes itself INCREDIBLY seriously, which is what fans wanted, but ends being a silly movie since it was so poorly done. If it took the time to laugh at itself, it would be better, but even so, that wasn't the kind of horror sci fi I was led to expect by everything that came before it.
True, it definitely seemed to me like the movie took itself super seriously. It was really dramatic and dark, and even gratuitously. However, personally for me, I appreciate movies that put out the effort to be beautiful cinematically; shots, cgi, special effects, costume/set designs, etc. That's something I really appreciate because a lot of movies that aim high don't meet the mark (probably due to their smaller budgets) and visually pleasing movies are more often liked even if the story is unoriginal and the acting is sub par.
I think another reason I liked the movie when I first saw it was because I really enjoyed the very mystifying Prometheus. And since this movie was on Prometheus's tail end, I connected them together. Even though Covenant takes everything from Prometheus that was likeable and kills it almost immediately. It really only served as a connection between Prometheus and Alien, which I like was a fan-service. The old fans of Alien could say at the end of Covenant; "Oh! This is how Alien started, neat!" And call back to it.
But yeah, I agree and disagree with you. I can see how on it's own it's not great. And how it doesn't really compare to the other movies of the series because it definitely falls short. But something about it was still interesting to me. Maybe because I liked the actors, and also like I said before it was visually pleasing, and even though predicable it had stakes to invest in.
Rant over
Lano wrote:
twosocks wrote:
Not every movie is going to be a real winner winner chicken dinner. To be honest, I liked the movie Bats a lot growing up. And I liked Alien Covenant, even though it was so sad. But everyone has different taste.I honestly do not feel this is a matter of taste. Shallow, barely explained character motivation, lazy writing, overused tropes....I mean, I'm sure some people enjoyed the movie, but not because there is anything good about it.
Bats is also a movie like that, I hardly remember now, but I did enjoy it when I watched it, and remember enough about it to know that it's kinda of a silly b type movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Covenant takes itself INCREDIBLY seriously, which is what fans wanted, but ends being a silly movie since it was so poorly done. If it took the time to laugh at itself, it would be better, but even so, that wasn't the kind of horror sci fi I was led to expect by everything that came before it.
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