148 replies, Replies 101 to 110

Yes.Be Less Stupid!...

Yorick wrote:

where do you stand?

I (firmly) stand with our country and our planet. I'm not cool with anyone so willing to destroy both. Of course, I can only speak for myself.... That's my most honest reaction to their (bad) actions, and I don't need to think twice about that.

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What is the most ethical profession?

verge wrote:
Hmm I think someone who has medical education but is able to work outside of the system. I work in healthcare and am going to nursing school, so I notice a lot of very smart people having to constantly compromise their integrity to do things by the book. It may be necessary, but I envy people who have the knowledge and are able to work apart from it all. Even something like a physical trainer or private nutritionist. Best of all is any expert who teaches others I suppose.

I'm guessing that a good physical therapist makes very good $ too! 25 years ago, they we're making $75k right out of school!

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Facebook is really beginning to suck big time!

Nextdoor.com seemed like a good concept, but it's mostly awful.

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It sure is a scary time!

"****Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police"

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It sure is a scary time!

Slash wrote:
Guessing again??? I want to know when guessing became the goddamm founding cornerstone of the critical decision-making process... Guessing wouldn't be the choice of instrument to determine your fate but why does it seem acceptable when regarding someone else...

Soooo much GUESSING going on!!... (YW)


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Yes.Be Less Stupid!...

Yorick wrote:
only thing i can think of.. is the days when nobody cared who the US president was. their job is to look out for the NATIONAL interest!

Future history books will tell of a time (2016) when all 1/3 of citizens cared about was electing an illiterate failed reality TV host, who cared only about HIS OWN interests - caring absolutely nothing for those "poorly educated" souls who liked him only because he was as stupid as they were.

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It sure is a scary time!

Slash wrote:

To you? Of course - it's you. It's not that it lacks founding, it really seems to be based on the way you....feel....

Actually, you're right. There is no need to guess, when every study on sexual assault says the same thing: only 2-10% of such accusations are fabricated. You should do your own research, rather than going by your "feelings", which are wrong.

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Facebook is really beginning to suck big time!


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It sure is a scary time!

I like you, Smiley. You're a realist! :-)

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It sure is a scary time!

Legion wrote:
I still have my hope in Eastern European women. They haven't been completely intoxicated with anti-male hatred "yet".

"The fact of the matter is, if you haven’t been in an abusive relationship, you don’t really know what the experience is like. Furthermore, it’s quite hard to predict what you would do in the same situation. I find that the people most vocal about what they would’ve done in the same situation often have no clue what they are talking about – they have never been in the same situation themselves.
By invalidating the survivor’s experience, these people are defending an image of themselves that they identify with strength, not realizing that abuse survivors are often the strongest individuals out there. They’ve been belittled, criticized, demeaned, devalued, and yet they’ve still survived. The judgmental ones often have little to no life experience regarding these situations, yet they feel quite comfortable silencing the voices of people who’ve actually been there."
~Shahida Arabi

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