148 replies, Replies 121 to 130

It sure is a scary time!

There is probably several good reasons why people shouldn't entertain workplace romances. ...Maybe your company is recording interactions to also have proof when an accusation is true?

Either way, I don't like it when anyone, male or female is a victim of someone else's bad behavior, but I doubt there are as many false claims of sexual assault as there are real ones. What should a real ****rape victim do, keep it to herself, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings?

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What is the most ethical profession?

Professions aren't ethical or unethical. People are.

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It sure is a scary time!

smiley wrote:
People, especially men, have forgotten social skills, like dignity and respect.

Not ALL men are that way. Just the ones who reply like Mr Incel Anon above^^^, who seems to think he is entitled to take whatever he wants. If a guy can't get laid in this day and time, that's on him, not all the women of the world.

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It sure is a scary time!

Legion wrote:
There is an issue going on regarding sexuality and the rights attached to this however.

As a man you are guilty of whatever people blame you for till you're proven innocent. And even then it'll still cost you your job, reputation and possibly friends and family. This makes dating akin to "kicking a hornets nest and praying no ones home".

Which is more stressful than it is rewarding (And by reward I mean the pleasant night out / the dopamine rush from the excitement of meeting new people.) This currently is gone.

Furthermore. I believe if one is afraid to stand behind their words then one shouldn't share them to begin with. (In regards to anonymity)

Anything other than a "yes" is always a "no". When men follow that simple rule, they have nothing to fear. If a woman wants more than a "date", she'll definitely let a guy know it.

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It sure is a scary time!

Anonymous... Why not just use "Incel" as your screen name? If you can't get your thing entertained by anyone voluntarily, you way want to re-evaluate what you're offering. From here, it sure doesn't sound like you have anything of interest (in your head or anywhere else). ...If you're feeling attacked by feminism, it's no doubt a counter-attack. REAL men value REAL women, and don't have to take what isn't freely given to them. Now run along and make your own breakfast!

As for the song, I just like it, and that's why I shared it ...for the ladies.

SmartAz? She isn't actually here, and probably couldn't care less anyway what you think of her nose ring, or anything else. If that's what you were focused on, you also totally missed the point!

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It sure is a scary time!

Boys, guys, dudes and men... Those of you who aren't somehow threatened by women... Y'all are TOTALLY appreciated! :-*

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Yes.Be Less Stupid!...

I doubt very seriously that anyone is afrsid of that "mental midget". I think they just like that he's so easily manipulated, which has allowed them to pass all the evil BS they couldn't have done under anyone else, except someone as evil SS they are, like Mike Pence. What they will soon fear is how any of them will ever get re-elected, after everything they've allowed that ridiculous buffoon to get away with.

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Help me!

Thanks for the HELP!

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Help me!

Help me if you can! https://youtu.be/2Q_ZzBGPdqE

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Yes.Be Less Stupid!...

Fun??? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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