148 replies, Replies 131 to 140

Yes.Be Less Stupid!...

Personally, I don't want the old gasbag to be impeached, because then we'd be stuck with his equally dangerous homophobe VP. I'd just like to see this be important enough to every eligible voter in the US, to show up at the polls the next election cycle to tell these monsters, with their vote, that we aren't going to take it anymore. Next best thing would be for the two of them to have a terrible fatal accident together, allowing Nancy Pelosi to take over at the helm, and get this ship back on course, before we crash and burn ourselves! ...That's all I have. Next time I'll say how I really feel. ...lol

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I didnt know how else to help myself so I'm writing here.

Journals are private. Books can be written anonymously.

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I tried answering your shout, "OK, will do!", but didn't see a submit button. It could just be me though. I am sometimes challenged computer-wise these days. :-/

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Pretty quiet as in low membership, or low participation?

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I am upset, i grew up with alot of you, and no one is left...

I just found my way here today. I remember you!

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I didnt know how else to help myself so I'm writing here.

You're an excellent writer! Writing has always helped me! Maybe try keeping a journal you could someday turn into a book that could help others with the same issues?

BTW! ...Your fur babies are beautiful, and so is your heart!

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And no, it wasn't from doing parkour! ...lol... I had several strokes, and one was pretty significant to the back of my head. It takes a long time for a brain to heal, and even then, I'm beginning to think this might be as good as it gets. :-/

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My honey is working out of town these days, and only makes it home eow. I am sick to death of Facebook and Twitter, but thought some online human interaction could be good for me now and then. I suffered a TBI 2 years ago, and though I've learned to do many things again, I'm still working on communication.

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You have a good memory, for an old guy! :-) I've been gone a long time. Not in prison or anything, just out living life.

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I'm thinking that as knowledgeable as you seem to be, that I am old enough to be your mother! If I even watch parkour on TV, I could break a hip!...lol

But seriously, I've probably forgotten more rock music than you've heard yet! :-)BTW...Pleased to meet you! Friends call me jj. Other people call me other things! ...lol

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