624 replies, Replies 321 to 330

This is gonna be an unusual one, but appropriate for this site.

Not really.
Got some leads to follow in Ireland, but not got the funds to persew them right now.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

Yea but what can you do...

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I have been ill for over a week now.

Resulting in reproduction would be a pretty big downside tho, I think I'd rather have the flu.

Also since that would require input from a 2nd party, I'm in a hot bath drinking Lemsip with cinnamon and cloves

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I have been ill for over a week now.

Sherlock wrote:
In some animals, and I think minks are an example, their rather rigorous mating induces ovulation in the female.

It is said that minks tend to emulate those "Fifty Shades of Grey" characters.

Hahaha @Sherlock

That's not quite the solution to my flu I was looking for.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

I'm technically a contractor also.
The company that hire our company isn't a problem for the most part, it's our company that's terrible.
We desperately want out company to lose the contract, but every time it comes up for review and others apply for the contract, our lot undercut them on the price so always manage.to keep it.

They make the money back from taking things from us and not paying things they should.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

Haha yea secrets aren't safe at my place either, but management know we hate them, and they hate us.
Everything we say is nothing someone hasn't already said before.
I'd never air any personal problems at work, but every day there's something new work related to moan about.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

I feel ya

I get most of my complaining out of my system at work.
That constitutes about 75% of every conversation between colleagues aimed at management.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

You always seem like you have your ****shit well and truly together..
I guess it shows you never really know what goes on behind the scenes.

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

I'm no good at reading dreams, but at a guess I'd wonder if it could signify a problem you've been trying and failing to get rid of

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I just had a nightmare that I was washing the dishes but they wouldn’t get clean.

I would hate that!!

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