226 replies, Replies 181 to 190


No mater how crazy the mera days which i missed out on . This mera couldnt hold a candle to my last crazed lady friend.

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post closed post closed Thanks

I am mister annomous

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Will 2017 be remembered for the empowered women coming out of the shadows of abuse?

Just a note. When a wpmen is in an abusive relationship there are shelters conseling funds and thats great. Guess what. If a guy is in an abusive relationship there is 0 help. 0.... in fact the police would laugh at this.good guys have it tuff. Also. Why are you gals still going for the bad boy. You know thats where the trouble is. You know you always pass up the nice guy. Why do this in 2017?

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Happy thanksgiving to my friends on help.

Didnt mean to offend anyone. I am vegan myself but am just putting out love you all.

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Difference between help and advice?

It has been my experience to not expect any advice i give to come to fruition. I realise that no matter how great and how tried and true motions people are going to more than likely follow their own path. I also realise helping someone with an emotional problem isnt doing me any good. Im a guy and see a problem and want to fix it. It doesnt work that way. From my experience people looking for help with mental illnesses are venting. They want to realise their pain and feel loved. They ate not really looking for a solution. So i am toning down my fix it personality and trying now in 2017 to just listen and assure the person they are much more than they believe they are and are very much loved. Amwn

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Will 2017 be remembered for the empowered women coming out of the shadows of abuse?

All my male friends dont abuse women animals or xhildren. Pretty humble group. The freakers who do this should be hung by their balls. They ruin it for all of us

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What is it you are Thankful for?

Im thankful i am not a turkey

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I just tried doing a second set of exercises for the day...

First the thought. Than comes action. Breaking inertia is the hardest. Than the consistency. Than the i can do this mindset. Than the begining of your transformation both physical mental. Spiritual. Than the rewiring of your brain with more serotonin. More dopamine more endorphins. Less cortisol and less adrenaline. Than the comitment. Than the results. Dont worry at first about how much you do. Just do..

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I feel agitated.

Go hiking. Best anedote for stress. Get sun.

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I'm so glad to see this site I thought it was gone forever !!!!

The maturity of the helpers on help is astounding. Freak faceboik and its millenial vibe of selfies. This is real down to earth homies with real personalties

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