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So... We all need to talk about Mera

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75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Do we have to? Can we just believe that she died a horrible and slow death in the last 10 years?

I'd like to think the same about Pae, honestly. I'm still not half convinced they weren't the same person, but Pae was in Ohio, and I can't remember where it was revealed the nightmare Mirror came from. I know that Mera was somewhere in the US.

It really wouldn't surprise me if Mera was in Ohio though. Nor would it surprise me if Mera and Pae were the same person.

Matt Smith voice Oh look, here I am talking about it, and I said there wasn't time!

(dark humor at the above impression there)

Edit: I do recall that Mera at some point "revealed" herself though, through a post and avatar, and looked nothing like the Pae I was exposed to. (I was shown a picture of "Pae" privately, who was "apparently" someone else, -according to Pae themselves- which I found in 2011, to be the SAME person as someone in a pretty well-known news report). Also, I recall that "Mera" claimed in said "confession" post, to be named "Rebecca", or something to the equivalent.

Which is rather insulting really, because that's my middle name, and I recall seeing that "confession" post and going completely effing psycho at them because I was sucked into one of her stupid effing personalities.

breathes heavily

Okay, composing myself...I hope.

I also recall several members convinced I was the same psychotic b.i.t.c.h, and therefore whenever I asked for genuine help after that entire fiasco, I was mocked, abused and discarded, so I might have just a teensy bit of severe anger to her/it/them.

However, I was also accused of being Pae (despite being on the other side of the freaking world), and despite being completely abused and taken advantage of to the point is sent me psychotic and mentally ill for the next 10 years (and I am STILL in intensive therapy for it, as well as having to take medication).

That above, I cannot fault for, because I was sucked into their lies and manipulation so bad that it must have seemed like I was a part of their b.s.

But even after I tried my hardest to say that I was "me", with photos, videos and even trying to get my own parents to say "hello" I was still bullied, ostracized and rejected.

And somedays, can still be a sore spot.

Sorry. Didn't mean for this edit to be so....ugh. I'm still working through the pain.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(49 minutes after post)
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I'm officially clueless here. Then again, that's my general state of being.

(49 minutes after post)
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Who's mera?

(1 hour after post)
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Omg mera, where to even start with her

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Gem-15 wrote:
Omg mera, where to even start with her

Right?! That's pretty much how I felt when I first saw her/its name come up here. Lol.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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BigWilly! wrote:
I'm officially clueless here. Then again, that's my general state of being.

Stay clueless.

Seriously. It's a lot less likely to cause you thoughts of anger, misanthropy and general "death to the human race" irrationality.

Red1263 wrote:
Who's mera?

A psycho who decided to take on multiple personalities/genders/lives/stories for some unknown reason. If my suspicion is right on "one" particular personality/identity, they probably just wanted to make friends and went the really really really wrong way about it.

To the point it drove "some" of us to the brinks of metaphorical hell. (Hint: that would be me, because people thought that me being pathetically gullible, meant that I was "in" on her b.s. or actually WAS her).

2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
(1 hour after post)
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Ummm huh...

Animation2 2
(2 hours after post)
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She was a hurtful personality (ies) on OH who knew which buttons to push and managed to antagonize quite a few.

I certainly hope that people like that don't show up on this new will ruin it

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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PepperJ wrote:
She was a hurtful personality (ies) on OH who knew which buttons to push and managed to antagonize quite a few.

I certainly hope that people like that don't show up on this new will ruin it


Honestly, I'm scared if she or one of her "selves" do show up at any point. I'm worried I won't be able to cope very well... I've spent the last 4 years trying to fight what happened (even 6 years AFTER the ordeal), I don't know if I'm ready to confront her head-on. It was an honest leap of faith that I joined here again, sincerely praying that she didn't show any of her faces. I might lose it if she does.

(3 hours after post)
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I missed the majority of the Mera incident. But it’s definitely somewhat of a sensitive subject around these parts. Even people who weren’t directly affected generally know the basic disdain and story.

I never heard the full story- honestly I’ve learned more from this post than I knew before. Always wondered why/how pretending to be multiple different people could cause such a problem. But I guess if they used that to gain intimate knowledge of some and then using that knowledge against them in some ways. Still strange though. Glad I missed out on that part of the place and hopefully we can prevent it happening again.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Rockster160 wrote:
I never heard the full story- honestly I’ve learned more from this post than I knew before. Always wondered why/how pretending to be multiple different people could cause such a problem. But I guess if they used that to gain intimate knowledge of some and then using that knowledge against them in some ways.

The person of "Pae" that I spoke of above, did indeed try to gain my trust (a full YEAR before they even introduced me to old Help). And they WERE told intimate and sensitive information that I was scared to be revealed. In hindsight, mostly stuff that I am not afraid of to speak of, but some really really dark stuff. I was afraid that if I ever did them wrong, they would use it against me so that people would know stuff about me that was...well, none of their business unless it came from me.

I know the same stuff about THEM in return, but I have only ever told people extremely close to me, because it personally affected me after I cut contact with them (especially since some of it became an actual global news story). My fear, is that if they ever do come back, after everything with my recovery. I might just flare up and say stuff and reveal stuff about them that I shouldn't.

Hard to explain, but let's just say...innocent parties would be harmed, and I have NO anger toward said parties.

Cb97425f a27b 4dd6 a43b e54138790934
(3 hours after post)
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Wow, I'm really glad I wasn't around for the whole mess :/

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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A lot of what I personally went through was in private, manthy. Most people here didn't witness it...thankfully. Once I snapped, I think I told person, and then I just couldn't stand coming here anymore, believing that I was hated for something I didn't do, on the assumption that I was somebody who I wasn't.

I don't blame them on said fears and worries, though. Just at the time, I needed to heal myself, and I knew I couldn't do that with people not feeling that they could support me at the time, because they didn't trust me. At the time, paranoia was very high. Even someone with a seemingly "serious" story or need of help was questioned or accused.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Again, NOT the members who were here (despite above mentioned people) were to blame. Mera and Pae caused a lot of doubt, confusion and distrust. It was understandable that people reacted in such a way.

Cb97425f a27b 4dd6 a43b e54138790934
(4 hours after post)
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That is awful, I'm truly sorry for your experience. It's good that you decided to leave when you did and seek help elsewhere. Although we have a good community of friendly people here, we are all human and fall prey to such confusion. And it seems like this 'person' sent everyone spiralling down some paranoid hole, turning friends against one another.

I'm glad you decided to return after all that :)

(7 hours after post)
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Not to be the baron of bad news, but chances are that there will be another mera/pae/etc person in the future, so what's the contingency plan for when/if they come?

(7 hours after post)
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Red1263 wrote:
Not to be the baron of bad news, but chances are that there will be another mera/pae/etc person in the future, so what's the contingency plan for when/if they come?

Oh there'll always be another mera, I got sucked into her baby/birth/loss story, maybe I was more affected as I'd shared my loss story with her, I guess once you start to question if things don't add up go with your instinct, i guess mods can see a little more than us and maybe can spot something.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(9 hours after post)
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I remember reading the "mera"post years ago . I also remember feeling really sorry for the girl.
Didn't she have multiple personality disorder?

(9 hours after post)
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Evansent wrote:
I remember reading the "mera"post years ago . I also remember feeling really sorry for the girl.
Didn't she have multiple personality disorder?

There must have been something wrong with her, no one would make up all the crap she did just for a laugh. The thing is we're 10 years on, she could have grown up/got the help she needed and be an OK person now

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Manthy wrote:
Wow, I'm really glad I wasn't around for the whole mess :/

I must have been hibernating too as not to remember "it".
I do disagree with Dolly. As much angst and hurtful memories it brings up, there is absolutely NO reason to talk about it.

Move on. Be happy!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Gem-15 wrote:

Evansent wrote:
I remember reading the "mera"post years ago . I also remember feeling really sorry for the girl.
Didn't she have multiple personality disorder?

There must have been something wrong with her, no one would make up all the crap she did just for a laugh. The thing is we're 10 years on, she could have grown up/got the help she needed and be an OK person now

I hope so, Gem.
Either way the girl clearly needed our help and not the grief she suffered when she finally admitted the truth. I to got involved in that post as I tried to stick up for her..
Everyone has their own story to tell. Maybe we should start listening more instead of jumping on the band wagon. I would like to think she has got help for her disorder and she's living a much happier life.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I would like to think she has gotten help, too. But I do worry that if she does come here, she may find that she may not be welcomed very warmly. A lot of people got hurt through all of that (not just me).

I actually developed the habit of "hoarding" after all of that. Like it was some sort of "credibility" card if I was to ever need it. Photos, documents, text messages, e-mails, conversations, proof of people existing or ceasing to "exist" (AKA, died), etc. Just from sheer paranoia that everything I did, said, or would say/do would be questioned and I could avoid losing friends because they could know that I wasn't b.s'ing if it ever came into people's doubt.

Maybe it's a weird bit of silver lining. Lol. The drawback however, is that I discovered things about people who I could verify were b.s'ing me and it sucks when those people were once people you cared for and were your own blood...

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(12 hours after post)
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I think we have all said and done things we are not proud of. The focus now is to concentrate on the future and the general well being of others. Leave the past where it is..

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Lesson to be learned: to accept those that come seeking help to do our best to do just that and NOT judge their motives ahead of time.

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(20 hours after post)
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No mater how crazy the mera days which i missed out on . This mera couldnt hold a candle to my last crazed lady friend.

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aeolian wrote:
No mater how crazy the mera days which i missed out on . This mera couldnt hold a candle to my last crazed lady friend.

(perhaps you can divulge all in a separate post.)

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Are you trying to call Beetle Juice?
It's a thing and name of which we should let die!
Don't lick the You'll get infected.

(1 day after post)
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Mera was a lot of people

Animation2 2
(1 day after post)
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Max2 wrote:
Are you trying to call Beetle Juice?
It's a thing and name of which we should let die!
Don't lick the You'll get infected.


1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Can we move past this? Mera and his/her Minnions have moved on. Why can't we?

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 day after post)
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I second that.

198963 1008455105016 1896 n
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soco wrote:
Can we move past this? Mera and his/her Minnions have moved on. Why can't we?

Unfortunately to many ppl can be classed as "drama queens and this is why posts about past issues will appear.

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Too many? I don't think that was the case. I was there and I didn't let the charades affect me at all. Its done. Lets raise our maturity level a bit.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Dolly wrote:

So... We all need to talk about Mera

We? All? Need?
1. Let's don't and say we did.
2. (Looks through replies)
Hmm...where are you?

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Touché ^^^^^

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sophieshizuko wrote:

soco wrote:
Can we move past this? Mera and his/her Minnions have moved on. Why can't we?

Unfortunately to many ppl can be classed as "drama queens and this is why posts about past issues will appear.


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Dolly wrote:

So... We all need to talk about Mera


That's next level shiitake right there!

198963 1008455105016 1896 n
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soco wrote:

Dolly wrote:

So... We all need to talk about Mera


That's next level shiitake right there!

Just someone trying to reopen old wounds. You were on that list at one point.... how are you either way?

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I dont recall the mera days, I guess I missed it? Im not sure.

I wonder if she was the horrific troll that appeared right before the sight got shut down? Sounds like it could be.....

Img 5499 photo full
(2 years after post)
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I knew about Lynne R but not about this one.

Sorry you went through such an awful time Aria.

I went through alot myself with one paticularl user who I believe is probably long gone by now. Had a nervous breakdown. I was a mess

I think that person had their own issues. I guess everyone does. I never considered that MPD could cause people to write as mulitple people but its feasible

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