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What is it you are Thankful for?

This site and all our old friends notwithstanding...

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Since writing this post soco may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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site, friends, thankful
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(5 minutes after post)
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I am thankful for friends and family, near and far, spoken to or not. I'm thankful for each new day.

(19 minutes after post)
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I'm thankful for the family I have

Hiippie chick beautiful
(20 minutes after post)
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I am in complete agreement with Ameliorate here..And I am so happy to open my eyes every single day and take that deeeep breath..I'M ALIVE!!!
I cherish my Family and Friends every single day..Here and there..
Thank you for being my friend, soco....grateful!!

(34 minutes after post)
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27 cent a pound turkey ๐Ÿ˜„

Help me with:


last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Im thankful for my dog, I dont think i would still be keeping it together without him. Hes the only one i trust to not eat my bacon sandwich)

(2 hours after post)
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Going โ€˜round the table- everybody gets a turn and you canโ€™t say whatโ€™s already been said!

That said, Iโ€™m thankful for this community. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Everybody coming back and being here again. It motivates me to continue on. These days, it motivates me to continue to hone my skills and improve what weโ€™ve got.
10 years ago this community motivated me to continue my life. Continue trying, and continuing to be patient and kind to others.

I used to be quite empathic. Now after locking myself in front of a computer screen for years, Iโ€™ve lost my touch with people. I donโ€™t connect to them as well and I while I can still feel for a situation, itโ€™s more difficult for me to put that to words and help them like I used to be able to do.
So- Iโ€™m thankful for having the ability to give back in my own way, even if itโ€™s not with my โ€œWordsโ€ that I was once able to braid in ways that comforted and encouraged others.
Iโ€™m thankful for being part of a community of so many that are willing to share the worst times of their life with others, so that those others can see that there is a bright side to look forward to.

Iโ€™m thankful for Help. Given, received, passed along. Iโ€™m thankful we are a helpful race. ๐Ÿ˜Š

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I am thankful that I had so many friends and loved ones that stood by me in some of my darkest times. I am thankful for the knowledge that I have gained in knowing what is good for me, and what is not. I'm thankful for growing in mental and emotional strength enough to stand up for myself after over two decades of bending over backwards for people that mistreated me.

I'm thankful that I am still here to be thankful.

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Aria wrote:
I am thankful that I had so many friends and loved ones that stood by me in some of my darkest times. I am thankful for the knowledge that I have gained in knowing what is good for me, and what is not. I'm thankful for growing in mental and emotional strength enough to stand up for myself after over two decades of bending over backwards for people that mistreated me.

I'm thankful that I am still here to be thankful.

Amen and Amen.

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Stingrays that mean you no harm or ill will.
God. Family. Friends.
Freedom to follow my faith.
Wisdom to not disparage other's faith.
Strength to get to my w/c without needing assistance.

(7 hours after post)
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interesting. I spend a lot of time thinking what I am most unhappy with.
I easily focus on negative people I met in my life than the positive. and same with negative experiences.
Guess I am thankful for no longer feeling so ill. I felt so sick earlier. so feeling healthy :)

(8 hours after post)
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Don't know, haven't given it much thought

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(11 hours after post)
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Im thankful i am not a turkey

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aeolian wrote:
Im thankful i am not a turkey

I could have sworn I recently saw you on the news, under an alias of 'Drumstick' I do believe. Guessing you were undercover.

Animation2 2
(16 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Stingrays that mean you no harm or ill will.
God. Family. Friends.
Freedom to follow my faith.
Wisdom to not disparage other's faith.
Strength to get to my w/c without needing assistance.

This^^^^^ Sorry I copied, but this is great.
I would add that I'm thankful to be able to park in non handicapped parking and walk across the parking lot and that I'm less thankful for my family as a whole...(there are some real "winners!"), as I AM thankful for the one I have helped in creating... husb and kids
I'm also VERY thankful for great ski days

Drawn log viking 19
(1 day after post)
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We don't celebrate thanksgiving here but!

Thankful that my mother survived her stroke and hoping she'll recover at least somewhat alright (it's incredibly frustrating when you want to speak but can't get your mouth to make the right vowels etc.)

Thankful that i survived every encounter of violence without any permanent injury besides one knee being a bit wonky when it gets cold.

Thankful for having been able to turn my back on my former religion (not going into detail as i'm not looking for offend anyone). That path is now fully behind me as much as the people who believed to be "holy men/women" are below me.

And finally, thankful that scars do heal and fade in time and that fear and shame can become distant echos.


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Legion wrote:
And finally, thankful that scars do heal and fade in time and that fear and shame can become distant echos.

I definitely can relate to this one!

I think in recent years I've learned how to take pride in things I once thought were shameful or feared that would make be seem shameful to others. I probably shout my weirdness just a little more than I should though. Lol.

But I figure, if I'm worried and concerned that people should like me for me, why hide even the wackiest stuff about myself? At least I know the ones who stick around are the ones who see the real me, and don't mind it. :) So, I'm painfully honest these days, and I find myself not too concerned about rejection from others. Because I have people who know it all, and couldn't give a rat's patootie.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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(2 days after post)
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Oh, and I'm extra extra thankful for the new edit button. (thanks Rockster!) I can fix my embarrassing typos! Whoo-hoo!

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Aria wrote:
Oh, and I'm extra extra thankful for the new edit button. (thanks Rockster!) I can fix my embarrassing typos! Whoo-hoo!


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