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One only has to take a single dose of dmt to realise that what we perceive as reality is a distraction to the whole of what should be right before our eyes the true realness. Al. I believe through decades on meditation that the true realness however you get there is so beautiful and so life affirming that we as humans who were seeded on earth would suddenly wake up from their sleep and be a total peace. We are so powerful. We are so much more than our so called identity.

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Hi, I'm new here...

Me thinks your playing dungeons and dragons.

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I'm 6 years sober and I want to quit going to alcoholics anonymous.

I dont need someone outside of myself to keep me from drinking. When I decided to stop drinking 24 beers a day habit i simply stopped. I went through the withdrawals which lasted about 6 weeks and never went back to it. I totally believe any addiction can be beat. Im not the best person to ask about aa because I never needed outside help. But if you do feel outside help is keeping you from drinking than stick with it as if your life depends on it and it does

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Have you ever loved someone you shouldn't have?

I know this is off topic but people who are in relationships are more into getting off and less into being friends. I dont know where we're,going with this. Add to the mix of cyber cheating ***********pornography cheating. Im sick of todays relationships. If you can find an old fashioned relationship you found paradise. End of rant carry on

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well, the shithole has hit the fan...

Sherlock spot on. Learn from what's happening in Europe. I mean to me it seemed obvious that we have to stop open border policies.

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Are pit bulls safe to have as a domestic dog?

No kidding willy.

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Are pit bulls safe to have as a domestic dog?

Again these pro pit bull people refuse to look at all these cases. Their argument is its how the humans raised the dog that makes them attack. What is wrong with people to trust a pit bull with an innocent child with all the attacks on record. They seriously need some consequences for this mauling

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Are pit bulls safe to have as a domestic dog?

Oh my god...

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What's your new years resolution and will you really keep it?

What else can you ask for cara. Be the shining star that you arr

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What's your new years resolution and will you really keep it?

Keep up the good work araz

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