226 replies, Replies 81 to 90

What's your new years resolution and will you really keep it?

Congratulations on the weight loss. I myself lost interest in drinking when i couldn't get a beer buzz from it anymore. It just stopped working.

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.


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Are pit bulls safe to have as a domestic dog?

Dam facebook idiots... check out the comments about pit bulls on facebook. Idiots...

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Why can't I write?

Who are you speaking to

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I used to write a lot of stuff for the old Help.com.

I vote the man of the year for 2017 goes hands down to the man who resurrected help.i believe he is a hero.rockster

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Why can't I write?

Why is she a he when she has all these sexy female pics up and leads us to believe its a her ???

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This is Mepzort from planet Toomukus.

sorry i made a wrong turn and ended up here.

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

Ok.. i was told more than a few times that i looked like olsen wilson. At least 10 years ago. Now im old. Lol. But the movie is about the saga of help dot com from its birth to death and it resurrection.
So olsen wilson would play me. Lol

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I used to write a lot of stuff for the old Help.com.

Why was I told repeatedly that help to go had a zillion members when in fact overtime I logged into help to go there was no one on board? Help to go or whomever ran the site was flat out lying on a regular basis the popularity of the site. Water under the bridge. I just tune out with lies from the top. Please moderators dont do that on this site. Amen

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.


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