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I used to write a lot of stuff for the old

Does anybody know what happened to all those things that people wrote when the site was destroyed.

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Since writing this post littlenick may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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people, site, happened, wrote, destroyed
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(3 minutes after post)
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It was stolen and used for a book in the making.

(5 minutes after post)
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I wouldn't doubt it. Some of the stuff that other people wrote was very interesting. I wish I could get my writings back. I made the mistake of not backing it up.

(8 minutes after post)
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I wrote some great stuff myself. The time and thought that went into some of our prose should have some reward. But its gone.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(11 minutes after post)
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You need to ask Padre (perhaps even Soco). I know the full history of the old Help still exists at Helptogo(dot)com BUT it's been stripped in a strange way (I can't explain it).
@Padre_J_Roulston @soco

BA1 invited 1 user .
Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(13 hours after post)
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I want a cut of the book royalties... heck I want to buy the book.

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I need help.

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(14 hours after post)
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As BA1 said it's all at It's listed in the Misc forum.

And as it couldn't be converted from one format to the other very well, it is "stripped."

(14 hours after post)
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@Padre_J_Roulston - Is it only in the converted format? If we had the original data I could probably format it nicely and get some nice searches set up. The new format maybe not- it looks like it loses a lot of data. ๐Ÿ˜…

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(14 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
@Padre_J_Roulston - Is it only in the converted format? If we had the original data I could probably format it nicely and get some nice searches set up. The new format maybe not- it looks like it loses a lot of data. ๐Ÿ˜…

Ryan should have access to the original data if it still exists.

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:
@Padre_J_Roulston - Is it only in the converted format? If we had the original data I could probably format it nicely and get some nice searches set up. The new format maybe not- it looks like it loses a lot of data. ๐Ÿ˜…

Ryan should have access to the original data if it still exists.

Who is Ryan?
And better yet, why does he have our data?!

Fb img 1683336237907
(1 day after post)
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After the book is published the movie.what celebrity will play aeolian?

(1 day after post)
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Fern wrote:

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:
@Padre_J_Roulston - Is it only in the converted format? If we had the original data I could probably format it nicely and get some nice searches set up. The new format maybe not- it looks like it loses a lot of data. ๐Ÿ˜…

Ryan should have access to the original data if it still exists.

Who is Ryan?
And better yet, why does he have our data?!

I think he was the one who built up Helptogo, if Iโ€™m not mistaken? I spoke briefly with him before starting this project. He didnโ€™t seem too fond of me or the idea, as he wanted to continue with the Helptogo path.

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

[quote from Rockster160]

Ryan should have access to the original data if it still exists.

Who is Ryan?
And better yet, why does he have our data?!

I think he was the one who built up Helptogo, if Iโ€™m not mistaken? I spoke briefly with him before starting this project. He didnโ€™t seem too fond of me or the idea, as he wanted to continue with the Helptogo path.

Yes, yes, everyone needs a job. The Texan from Florida. Still, the data is ours.

(1 day after post)
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Fern wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

[quote from Padre_J_Roulston]

Who is Ryan?
And better yet, why does he have our data?!

I think he was the one who built up Helptogo, if Iโ€™m not mistaken? I spoke briefly with him before starting this project. He didnโ€™t seem too fond of me or the idea, as he wanted to continue with the Helptogo path.

Yes, yes, everyone needs a job. The Texan from Florida. Still, the data is ours.

Most of the data would have been lost had he not rescued it, so thatโ€™s something!

Chances are it only exists in the Helptogo database, which means itโ€™s formatted and things are messed up, which means there isnโ€™t much that can be done.

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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[‌quote Rockster160]

Fern wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

[quote from Padre_J_Roulston]

I think he was the one who built up Helptogo, if Iโ€™m not mistaken? I spoke briefly with him before starting this project. He didnโ€™t seem too fond of me or the idea, as he wanted to continue with the Helptogo path.

Yes, yes, everyone needs a job. The Texan from Florida. Still, the data is ours.

Most of the data would have been lost had he not rescued it, so thatโ€™s something!

Chances are it only exists in the Helptogo database, which means itโ€™s formatted and things are messed up, which means there isnโ€™t much that can be done.

Rescued? Is that the word you really meant?! Rescued!
That is a very optimistic way to look at it.
Not at all the correct way, but a way.
*Similes broadly

(1 day after post)
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Fern wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

[quote from Rockster160]

Yes, yes, everyone needs a job. The Texan from Florida. Still, the data is ours.

Most of the data would have been lost had he not rescued it, so thatโ€™s something!

Chances are it only exists in the Helptogo database, which means itโ€™s formatted and things are messed up, which means there isnโ€™t much that can be done.

Rescued? Is that the word you really meant?! Rescued!
That is a very optimistic way to look at it.
Not at all the correct way, but a way.
*Similes broadly

If he hadnโ€™t grabbed it, it would all be long lost! So I think rescued is appropriate. ๐Ÿ˜„

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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(1 day after post)
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[‌quote Rockster160][‌quote Fern]

Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

[quote from Fern]

Most of the data would have been lost had he not rescued it, so thatโ€™s something!

Chances are it only exists in the Helptogo database, which means itโ€™s formatted and things are messed up, which means there isnโ€™t much that can be done.

Rescued? Is that the word you really meant?! Rescued!
That is a very optimistic way to look at it.
Not at all the correct way, but a way.
*Similes broadly

If he hadnโ€™t grabbed it, it would all be long lost! So I think rescued is appropriate. ๐Ÿ˜„

They stole our site and all of us with it!

Every word, comfort, exclamation, frustration, cry, desire, hope, thought, idea. All stolen in an instant!
Oh, sorry: Rescued

(1 day after post)
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He wasnโ€™t the one that brought down our old site. ๐Ÿ˜ž
@Padre_J_Roulston would know the details better than I, but I believe they somehow got a database dump from right before it shut down.
Ryan and Padre worked together (I think) to set up HelpToGo since the original Help got shut down/sold by CNET.

(1 day after post)
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Also looks like the quotes get a little janky after a few levels of nesting. Need to fix that. ๐Ÿ˜„

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(1 day after post)
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[‌quote Fern][‌quote Rockster160][‌quote Fern]

Rockster160 wrote:

Fern wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

[quote from Fern]

Rescued? Is that the word you really meant?! Rescued!
That is a very optimistic way to look at it.
Not at all the correct way, but a way.
*Similes broadly

If he hadnโ€™t grabbed it, it would all be long lost! So I think rescued is appropriate. ๐Ÿ˜„

They stole our site and all of us with it!

Every word, comfort, exclamation, frustration, cry, desire, hope, thought, idea. All stolen in an instant!
Oh, sorry: Rescued

It wasn't stolen.... We were betrayed, and left for dead. Helptogo was an attempt at restoration. A lot of hard work was put into it. I did what I could. But with no money, and no knowledge of how to code, it was what it was... Until Rockster came along with the programming knowhow to bring the community back to life.

And as I understand, going to school with, at least in part, the goal of bringing back the site was needed to bring back the site.

Helptogo didn't steal anything. It was merely first aid for a rapidly deteriorating community.

Basically CBS sold the domain. The new owners liked the idea of the original site, and dumped us onto helptogo. Ryan worked for the company that bought the domain.
Ryan, and I as a user of the site, and newly appointed mod/admin, did what we could to keep the community alive.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Padre wrote:
It wasn't stolen.... We were betrayed, and left for dead.

Helptogo was an attempt at restoration.

You know, Padre, I get the fact you did what you could.

But, as a member of the helptogo, I tried doing my part too....

I seem to recall making a post that entailed returning the look of the website as close to the original as possible. No other post got as much attention as that one! Period!

I never experienced so much praise with control measures, shackles and chains as with THAT post, in my life!

When that website rolled into Ryan's lap, it became his little baby and it made no matter to him how many people were on board with my point of view - I was stepping on his conquest and I'm sure that bothered him a-lot!

I understand you were just the guy caught in the middle but I was floored - FLOORED - about how "agreeable" you were on every beach-front. That's not possible in reality - the existence of this place TESTIFIES to that!

Who cares about the egg toss of CNET - they displaced enough members to populate a first world country! Helptogo wasn't Noahs Ark even with the historical post data! What few people managed to swim into helptogo, left for Facebook and other social platforms.

Looking back, as much as I didn't like it, Dani kept a solid down-stroke on her brow regarding the resurrection of the old help site - "It'll never happen - huhh, keep dreamin'." Another control puppet of Ryan - but she made herself clear as she and the Jackyl was chewing on my strung-up body.
She wasn't agreeable nor invisible as the feast began.

I'm not ungrateful or unthankful for your part because I saw you later had a great deal of crowed control to manage - likely, most of it behind the scenes - and I welcome your presence here as a moderator.
Only a few others understand my ire of what it was like when it came to being a member of the to go site.
Water under the bridge. Auld Lang syne and all that.
Rant be done. But, I figure before I return to my customary pleasant disposition, that I would not keep entirely invisible or mute about the he!! everyone went through at -to go.
Having shared in that mess, I am grateful to see your moderation star. Not exactly something I am comfortable with regarding others...
Both thanks and apologies.

Fb img 1683336237907
(2 days after post)
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Why was I told repeatedly that help to go had a zillion members when in fact overtime I logged into help to go there was no one on board? Help to go or whomever ran the site was flat out lying on a regular basis the popularity of the site. Water under the bridge. I just tune out with lies from the top. Please moderators dont do that on this site. Amen

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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Yeah they had thousands of registered users that never posted a single thing. What a joke...

Help me with:

I need help.

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(2 days after post)
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aeolian wrote:
Why was I told repeatedly that help to go had a zillion members when in fact overtime I logged into help to go there was no one on board? Help to go or whomever ran the site was flat out lying on a regular basis the popularity of the site. Water under the bridge. I just tune out with lies from the top. Please moderators dont do that on this site. Amen

I think that the original maker of the -togo site, (before Ryan) made a number of accounts to help with SEO. But don't quote me on that.

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(2 days after post)
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@BA1 Thank you :)

I agree that this is what was needed to bring the community back. But knowing that I couldn't do that, I tried to work with what I had.

Helptogo was first aid. But as we all know first aid doesn't always work.

Fb img 1683336237907
(2 days after post)
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I vote the man of the year for 2017 goes hands down to the man who resurrected help.i believe he is a hero.rockster

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
@Big-Al-One Thank you :)

I agree that this is what was needed to bring the community back. But knowing that I couldn't do that, I tried to work with what I had.

Helptogo was first aid. But as we all know first aid doesn't always work.

No. It doesn't always work.
And thank you for maintaining studious composure while an old barking dog barks.

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