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Somehow that sounds like a mixture of the movies The Matrix and Inception.

To be honest I can't wrap my head around an altered state of thinking like that. Present day reality is frightening enough as it is.

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One only has to take a single dose of dmt to realise that what we perceive as reality is a distraction to the whole of what should be right before our eyes the true realness. Al. I believe through decades on meditation that the true realness however you get there is so beautiful and so life affirming that we as humans who were seeded on earth would suddenly wake up from their sleep and be a total peace. We are so powerful. We are so much more than our so called identity.

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Their= our

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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aeolian wrote:
Their= our

OMG youre an alian!!!!

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Everyones reality is different. Some believe in what they want to believe, or need to believe. Thoughts evolve, we evolve. Reality is what we experience now, and if there was a different 'reality', then that would become reality.

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Check out the Mandela Effect. 😄

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There are many different flavors of reality; perceived, perception, true present, tangible, forcasted, guaranteed and emotional just to name a few. Mine is a work in progress and I see it using a bubble and a truck like Mad Max:)

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You may ask how many fingers.
Or you may ask how many hands.
Just don't ask how many there are ;)

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I think humans over estimate their own intelligence, I think humans are good at imitating and mixing... Most inventions beyond our imitation and mix and match were by accident.

There is something very wrong with our logic, if everything has to have a creator then something must have created God or the Aliens that have put us here... am learning to accept our limits... but never stop dreaming 🙂

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An incomplete but illuminating quote:"Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man."

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Hiippie chick beautiful
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BA?? Omgosh...How spot on can you get?? Perfect. I'm snagging this and putting it into my profile...Thank you.

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How important do you think societal influences are on our reality?

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Thank's for the link Big Al, (The Real) This reality is what we live each day. Now the "Truth" is a totally different animal. Maybe in our lifetime we'll see that Total Truth ?? Your right, it will rear its "Nasty" little head and deceive many. I believe in the Bible and the fallen. God created them and Humans. God sent them here to help us learn to be "Truthful & Just" they were deceived by the devil, as many humans are today. They are powerful and have great knowledge, but they can't figure how He did it (Created Life without of nothing) so like spoiled children, they destroy the very thing the Father built.
People say: Times Up !! (??) Who's to say ?? God said it: We fight not against flesh and blood but evil at it most. (That's very powerful Big Al) so that leaves us in a choice (Good verses evil) That could be a clue ?? The devil can say too me: Hey Tony your a sinner already, you know it and Gods pissed about that, so come with me and i'll never get mad at you. (Oh Really) I'll accept any punishment God is willing to give me for the sins I committed, because I know in my heart it will be just and True. They can NEVER make you do anything (that's one of the rules) we have to do whatever willing. I chose Truth Al. God Bless (+)
And Thank you for sticking up for me on the flat earth subject.

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Thank you again Big Al, my son and I talked about my conversation with some of the people that were beating me up (calling me a bad dad) he started to cry. I told him that it was ok because of people like you Al, sticking up for me.
I watched a video of a FE researcher, He found several (Astro-Nots)and offered them $5,000 cash if they would put their hands on the Bible and swear to God that they really went to the moon. They wouldn't do it !! WHY ??
1 They know the Bible is Truth (Most of it), 2 They Know God is not fiction. 3 they know they never went. They actually got physical with this guy.
My son and wife were very happy to hear about you sticking up for me, that doesn't happen too often. God Bless (+)

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BA1 edited this post .

THEPost REAL¬ ¬ DoClosed youPost think what we perceive as "reality" could, in fact, be something altogether different?¬ ¬ When we were born, we accepted the world in the manner it was presented.¬ It seems recent history (the past 200 years or so) has brought about a dramatic change in the face time.¬ ¬ No doubt that somethings never change, but I'm under the impression the continuity of time (ie 'history') has been completely derailed into what it is now.¬ ¬ Because of this, I feel that "reality" as it is now, is about out of cards and the real Reality is soon going to rear it's nasty little head.¬ ¬ Consider this an extension of my former "Conspiricy" posts.¬ ¬ Where and/or how do you draw the line for the things you will (or won't) believe in?¬ ¬ What is your envelope?Closed

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