246 replies, Replies 201 to 210

What is thee time?

I am utterly confused. Lol.

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@Legion is back in the room!

He could add a bow-tie and look really dapper. :)

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@Legion is back in the room!

Welcome back, Legion! Sorry, I forgot to say that when I was triggered by the fez.

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@Legion is back in the room!

Evansent wrote:
passes Legion a fez

Hey, fezzes are cool! Don't don't the fez!

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Okay Jebus, just for you, I came back.

School counselors are weird, and usually pretty damn ridiculous. I never understood any of the crap mine tried to use either. I preferred my psychologists, they didn't talk to me like I was mentally handicapped.

The 20's are a weird time, yes. I think I went through about 5 different stages during mine, and now I'm just left feeling like my life is over and I still haven't done anything to not feel like I need to apologize for wasting oxygen.

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Okay Jebus, just for you, I came back.

I believe that you were a bit newish when you and I first met, Vampy. We spoke mostly on Skype, if I recall correctly. Though, I was going through a bit of a rough time with a family loss at the time.

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

From what you've described and the way he reacts - he is definitely meaning to. He's just being sly about it. Take it from someone who knows far too many people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder - they know exactly what they're doing, they're doing it on purpose, and they know it works, that's why they do it. It took me until I was already in a dark place before I even realized what was happening with my last situation. Almost a decade later, and I still have issues from it, and I still even have nightmares about certain events.

If you can keep that timeline of 3 weeks, if you can stand firm in that decision for yourself, then that may be the best way. My further suggestion? Once he leaves...get your locks changed and cut all contact.

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

My apologies, Vampy. I missed the part above where you mentioned of his family and friends not being able to help.

Still, my suggestion remains the same in any case. As nasty as it is - sometimes, it is just better for your own well-being to walk away from someone who is taking advantage and playing mind games with you.

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

Vampy, I'm going to say something that might sound extremely harsh, but my intentions are only because I'm concerned for you - it sounds like he is using and manipulating you. He is making you feel responsible for him, and he knows that you feeling guilty gets him what he wants.

That is not okay, and you should not allow it. It's a form of abuse.

I've been in that position. Outbursts when I've not even done anything wrong (such as having to sleep after being begged to stay awake for over 24 hours to keep them company because they couldn't sleep), then empty apologies until the next time. My situation put me into a position where I was housebound for 8 years - feeling panicky if I left the house or guilty for even going grocery shopping or needing to see a doctor.

Your guilt is being used as a weapon against you. You are not responsible for him. You cannot let him use his horrid behavior and treatment toward you and make yourself feel like any of it is your fault. It's not.

I know that you feel like he needs you, and that you're trying to help because he has nowhere else, but you are putting yourself at risk. And YOU need to come first. This is your life he is taking over and it's cruel for him to dump his stuff on you and not even give you an "allowance" to step back before you're accused of "not being supportive". That's a manipulative tactic and it needs to stop.

You may have to look at giving him an ultimatum and make it clear that if things do not change, he's out. Whether or not he has somewhere else to go. Does he not have any other family or friends?

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Looks like you had a gorgeous trip, Jeb!

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