246 replies, Replies 221 to 230

So what has everyone been up to lately?

I'll be going back to school next year part-time, which will take two years, and then after that, I'll be going for my Masters in Journalism at university. I spent the majority of the last 8 years recovering from severe agoraphobia, as well as dealing with a whole range of personal issues, but I'm in a better place now, and ready to properly start life - if I may have left it a decade too late. Lol.

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?


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Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

Nope nope nope. Dani is the only Dani. Accept no substitutes.

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Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

Eddieee wrote:

danihatesyou wrote:
I agree even if that means I go

You have solid credentials Dani. I would gladly vouch for you!

Me too!

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

I remember your Frank-N-Furter avatar very well. Lol.

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

Hiya, Dani! Yup. I remember you. :)

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Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

Eddieee wrote:
I am not at ALL saying to make it a pay site! However, you should add a donation option. A bit of funds will change how many people find our home.

I was actually going to ask about how it was being funded! Having a site myself, I definitely understand the costs that go into maintaining one (mine went dormant for about 5 years, and it's going to cost me another grand to build it up again), I was wondering about offering a donation to help out.

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Hello Again!

Eddieee wrote:

Aria wrote:

Eddieee wrote:
*Quickly ties you to a chair before you get up to your old tricks again ;)

Oi! The BDSM room is down the hall and three doors on the left! This is the general area; behave yourselves! ๐Ÿ˜‹

We prefer an audience. It's much more fun then the room three doors down. There are a bunch of crazies in there ;)

I resemble that statement!

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Any fellow students/psychologists about?

Wow! A difficult subject to be doing! Congratulations. I've just re-enrolled at my local "adult college" (local term for those who didn't get enough "society approved" education at a public or private school system during the years of government indoctrination). I start in February next year.

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As it turns out I need some advice :)

One of my favorite quotes of wisdom; "it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it." Usually, that quote was mostly said about umbrellas when it looked like it might rain, but the principle still works in any other situation.

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