267 replies, Replies 91 to 100

How do you treat an acidic

Slash wrote:
There are several methods of treatment.

1. Pepto Bismol.
2. Heavy Cream.
3. Water and a tsp Baking Soda.
4. Rolaids.
5. Prilosec.

Avoid food and drinks that have a lot of sugar.

What Slash said.

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Great news!!!


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Hey, I have received an email of my removal from the QA web page and i feel like i would have been removed wrongly and i have done a good job.

when you set up the account, you should receive an email requesting that you verify the account. You need to click the link in said email.

As far as I know there have been no bans lately.

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Do do do dah do do do, how is everyone doing?

Well... I'm recovering. :)
I had to have surgery on my knee on the 27th of September. Broke the patella tendon while playing basketball.

Aside from that, I'm doing well.

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Why do I still come back here?

It could be for a sense of community. One thing that unites us all is that we need/have needed help, and/or wanted to help others. Additionally many of us, have known each other for years. There is community here.

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if god were real i'd murder him.

This is turning into a urinating contest, and doesn't help anyone. Please bring it back to a civil, helpful tone, or the post will be closed.

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if god were real i'd murder him.

Anonymous wrote:
Now, to be out of order about the second point. Leaders of this structured process of trying to save people from going to hell, have told me what the Christian bible says, which contains within it a promise of eternal life. It's been told to me over and over in very much a similar way I was told paying more will save my phone if I drop it and it breaks. The biggest difference being, I am still here to collect probably if my phone dies and I have to use the insurance I've been buying to replace it. To sell someone on the promise to receive something after death, is not a fair transaction in my humble opinion. There is not even proof of a product. No one alive can write a google review on the salvation buying experience. Yet God gets all our money and emotional and psychological investment at a nearly 100% tax forgiven profit.

I believe it was Sherlock who said it once, that there are Christians, and there are Churchians… Christians have a relationship with God, that is bourn out of Love, not out of fear of Hell or death. Churchians believe as a measure of insurance or for the community involvement, or some other reason that isn’t one of Love of God.
Unfortunately, I would say that there are more Churchians then there are Christians.

Now sticking with the Christian belief of God, and the afterlife… Life is eternal for all (at least until God remakes the world following the rapture). Our choices in this life effect what happens in the next. If we know of and choose to Follow God out of Love, then we are rewarded with Heaven and eternal Life. If we know of and choose to reject God, then we are rewarded with punishment in Hell. Those in Hell face their punishment until God remakes the earth, whereby they will cease to exist.

Anonymous wrote:
Believing in god is a transaction. It's sold, bought, and never delivered.

Belief in God isn’t a single transaction it is a relationship. I’ll admit that it is a little different than your usual relationship with another person… (personally I would say it is more intimate) But it is a relationship.
God requires Love through Faith. In return He offers so much more than just eternal life in Heaven. Every person receives different things from God. One of the greatest gifts I have received from God has been peace. When I was suicidal, and deep within the bowels of depression, I was so chaotic within myself that I was willing, (and tried to) kill myself. In discovering the relationship with God, I found peace.

Anonymous wrote:
I don't care what anyone believes. What I Need, is a way to not be influenced by your beliefs, which often makes me an oppressed minority.
I can't seem to get anyone to understand that this is an attack on people who do not believe in what the majority believe in. In 2016, Christians represent 73.7% of the total population of this country and of those who vote.
You people really believe in this unprovable product that religion cannot deliver, and go and vote those values. The folks you vote for come in and make laws that affect my life! What I need is a way for you to believe in what you want to believe in without it affecting my life in this horrible negative way that the majority of you have brought upon me. This is what God has done for me.
There is seemingly no way for that to happen though. Religion has become a foundation of your psychological existence. And no one I talk to sees this the way I do. For me, God is loneliness, it's social and spiritual exile.
Because I can't get away from your opinions. The whole country has been talked into buying it. And you don't want to hear it may be different. I wouldn't be here complaining about it if I wasn't being involuntarily influenced.

I honestly don’t know how to respond to this. It troubles me deeply that this is the case for you. Personally, I am not in the USA (where I assume you are from).
One thing that I would like to offer though is that God is not loneliness… that is the definition of Hell. Hell is the absence of God. God is Love and communion.

You have mentioned before about the segregation that you experience due to religion. That is in part due to the Churchians.
Those to truly follow God, Love ALL. No conditions or caveats. That is what God calls us to do.

I don’t know that I have explained myself well enough. But I hope that I have.

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if god were real i'd murder him.

Anonymous wrote:
help me understand how an entire species of human, maybe more than one entire species of human, have been so desperate that they make up this kind of crap and force others to live in it? how do we take something we have no evidence of or proof of and make it our bible man? it's sick.

You have your opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have my opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. Those opinions differ, and there is nothing wrong with that. And even though those opinions differ, that doesn’t mean that we (and others) can’t get along.

I have read a few articles of people trying to explain why humanity seems drawn to religion. This particular article gives a quick explanation. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/04/04/neurotheol...

That article might explain the first part of your question… As for the second part… Why would people force others into their religion?

If you truly believed that someone else were going to have an eternity in hell or the approximation thereof. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to help them so that, that wouldn’t happen? If you had it within your power to make the difference in someone’s life so that they would reach everlasting life/heaven/Elysium/Valhalla/etc. wouldn’t you try to make that happen?

Whether God is real or not, whether there is proof or not, is completely irrelevant. What matters is intent. The intent is the betterment of others.

That said, I am the first to admit that many MANY people, in the name of religion have committed atrocities, and have gone about the “betterment of others” in ways that are obviously not bettering others. That doesn’t mean that the intent wasn’t good.

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if god were real i'd murder him.

Mod Reminder:

Nothing that has been said so far has broken the terms of use. That said, the goal of the site is to help others. Just keep that in mind, and stay on topic.

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Can you get in trouble for writing an angry email to someone who betrayed you.

A scathing email/letter is not illegal, however, name calling could be construed as bullying, which many places is now illegal...

What do you hope to accomplish by sending this?

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