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if god were real i'd murder him.

or it.


what a lazy, apathetic piece of ****shit.

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god, real, murder
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Anonymous edited this post .

if god were real i'd murder him..¬ ¬ ¬ or it.¬ ¬ ¬ whatever

Anonymous edited this post .

if god were real i'd murder him.¬ ¬ ¬ or it.¬ ¬ ¬ whatever¬ ¬ what a lazy, apathetic piece of shit.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Is that because God wpuld reflect to you certain disiplines you refuse to abide by?

Original Poster
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Is that because God wpuld reflect to you certain disiplines you refuse to abide by?

not at all. it's because if there really were a god he'd be the sickest most apathetic piece of ****shit out of all of us. to sit back and do nothing when it could do something. my self discipline miss, is of much higher values and morals than that of the christian god(assuming you're probly christian).

i don't care if you believe or not it's not a debate about what you believe or why you think i should believe in the same bullshit.

all i'm saying is, he's a piece of ****shit if he were real.

you can take me out of the equation entirely. my opinions my feelings my judgements. he'd still be a piece of ****shit.

i might run into a burning building to save a puppy. god wouldn't. he'd rather it burn to death.

everyone wants to let god handle it or think it will be worked out by god in the end. he's taught you be the same way as him. apathetic and sick.

god concepts have been a plague on our species of our own making for centuries.

it's truly sad.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I understand.
I think humans tagged god with a poor definition.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Interesting.... But, I think I understand.

1. Blame God for what Satan does.
2. Blame God for the same thing you're guilty of which means getting off your lazy ***ass and do what you were created to do.

- my self discipline is of much higher values and morals than that of the christian god

People generally assess themselves as flying higher in altitude than they're really at. Nothing more beautiful to behold when it comes to the reflection in the mirror - me.

Trouble is, what do your "friends" say about you, what does your family say about you, what does your enemies say about you. Those are the claims that are closer to the truth about you than what you have to say about yourself.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Just a note.
The post doesnt make sense to me.
Lets break it up.
"If God were real" you have already determined God isnt real.
"Id murder him" why would you murder someone who you determined isnt real?
And why would you stoop as low as your perception or self described definition of God? Wouldnt that make you just as wrong.
You sound very young. I wish I was but here is my limited advice.
Study astronomy in university.
Ill leave it at that.

Animation2 2
(1 day after post)
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Why are you so angry at a God who you believe to not be real. Seems like you are angry with your own imagination (of God)

(2 days after post)
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people already murdered god via jesus

Drawn log viking 19
(3 days after post)
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Anyone/thing that declares itself the one true God, omnipotent and all loving. Yet allows it's creations to ****rape and torment one another, allows things like parasites and flesh eating microbials to exist, and does nothing when children get abused and *****raped at his altars in his "house". And is so all loving he created an entire dimension to punish and torment those that disagree with him/it for all eternity.

Is not worthy of life. I'd much rather disappear or be burned (I'm not a Catholic anymore so I have my doubts) than to suck up and kneel to that arrogant sadist. Yes, I'd kill him too, and smile while doing so.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Legion wrote:
Anyone/thing that declares itself the one true God, omnipotent and all loving. Yet allows it's creations to ****rape and torment one another, allows things like parasites and flesh eating microbials to exist, and does nothing when children get abused and *****raped at his altars in his "house". And is so all loving he created an entire dimension to punish and torment those that disagree with him/it for all eternity.

Is not worthy of life. I'd much rather disappear or be burned (I'm not a Catholic anymore so I have my doubts) than to suck up and kneel to that arrogant sadist. Yes, I'd kill him too, and smile while doing so.

Let's come to an understanding -

Give me paradise, then let me kick you in the nuts. Give me paradise, then let me stab you in the back. Give me paradise then go f**k off because I'm in charge.

.....that is the nature of man.....but then you complain when God left man in charge and inherited the ****shit-hole results of our fathers.....

Back during the days of paradise, none of those evils existed. Yes, he 'allows' those things to happen so we can see what we have brought upon ourselves.

How are you liking things so far?

Confessing to a "hypothetical" case of premeditated murder with joyous connotations, proves how far oxymoron driven thinking goes.

Only God is capable of repairing the damage that has happened to us. Judgement and hell await (not with those that "disagree" with Him) evil-doers.

I love how the God-haters always seem to detach that part when it comes to the matter of eternal hell-fire.

"He'll send you to hell if you disagree with Him."

No, He sends you to hell if you got a murderous heart. He sends you to hell for a lying heart - the specifics have been laid out to you in such a way that you can understand them but you have no respect and therefore cannot relay the intent in it's proper context - you're a liar.
You're unrepentant - you don't stop to consider your own ways - give me paradise and f**k off....
And then you get exactly what you want, the inability to repent.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I believe greed and pride are 2 of the unforgivable sins.
Hello monsanto/bayer.
I dont believe we are supposed to spray poison on our food to line your 160 billion dollar corporatation.
Just chiming in on an example.
I believe what drives monsanto/bayer big pharma is the most ugly insidious sinsister lowest form of humanity that without any doubt in the universe should go to hell for eternity for shitting on Almighty God.

Drawn log viking 19
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People like you are one of the biggest problems in the world.

Catholicism and Christianity have done more damage to humanity than all diseases combined. And I'd gladly burn for all eternity rather than go to the same place hypocrites like you end up in.

I spit on your religion, your church, your God. And should I live long enough to witness the fall of Christianity, then you're God damn right I'll celebrate it.

What is God if not the oppressor? What being tests faith by asking one to kill his only son? What king abandons his greatest general?

Oh and finally: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Lucifers sin was pride. I suppose God didn't like the competition.

The arrogant ****cunt he is.

(4 days after post)
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Why didnt you mention Islam?
They kill people who are gay .
They oppress women.
They kill the Infidels.
Man legion you are way inconsistant not mentioning Islam.
I personally am agnostic but you are christain a phobic.
You may have pushed away anyone on this site who is christian and
Spunds like you can be turned in for hate speech.

Drawn log viking 19
(4 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
Why didnt you mention Islam?
They kill people who are gay .
They oppress women.
They kill the Infidels.
Man legion you are way inconsistant not mentioning Islam.
I personally am agnostic but you are christain a phobic.
You may have pushed away anyone on this site who is christian and
Spunds like you can be turned in for hate speech.

Because everyone knows Islam is a vile ideology. It has shown it's face. What people won't see is that christianity is just as vile. And it's not a phobia, I don't fear Christianity and Catholicism (though admittedly if they still had the same influence than they had in the dark ages up to the early 1800s I would) I hate that they exist, and that their members consider themselves superior to the rest of humanity "because their man in the sky is the best man in the sky." It's the definition of arrogance.

Especially the whole "God's plan" bullshit. A child dies, oh it was gods plan. A natural disaster, it was gods plan. Multiple deaths in a fire, gods plan... I can do horrible things and claim they're gods plan. It's not like he'll stop me now will he? That's how loving their God is.

You know who are more loving than God? Firefighters! Animal rescue, the police (in most cases). The nurse working the nightshift having to read her kids a bednight story over the phone.

All of them are more worthy of praise and vindication than God. Every last one is superior to him. Where is their temple? Their church?

In regards to pushing people away. I'm fine with that. I don't want to be friends or even associated with people who submit to "God" anyway, man is entitled to be their own God. I have had my membership to the Catholic church removed and it's one of the best choices I've made. No longer am I in the same league of people that try to cover up systematic homophobia and child ****rape. Which really lifts a burden.

As for hate speech. Grow a bloody spine! This ride is just getting started. (But by all means, report me. Let's see how much of a liberal thinker the mods are.)

And should I be banned, it's not like I'll lose anything... As a matter, it'll be knowledge gained and points proven.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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Mod Reminder:

Nothing that has been said so far has broken the terms of use. That said, the goal of the site is to help others. Just keep that in mind, and stay on topic.

Original Poster
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Slash wrote:
Interesting.... But, I think I understand.

1. Blame God for what Satan does.
2. Blame God for the same thing you're guilty of which means getting off your lazy ***ass and do what you were created to do.

- my self discipline is of much higher values and morals than that of the christian god

People generally assess themselves as flying higher in altitude than they're really at. Nothing more beautiful to behold when it comes to the reflection in the mirror - me.

Trouble is, what do your "friends" say about you, what does your family say about you, what does your enemies say about you. Those are the claims that are closer to the truth about you than what you have to say about yourself.


thanks for trying though

Original Poster
(4 days after post)
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Just a note.
The post doesnt make sense to me.
Lets break it up.
"If God were real" you have already determined God isnt real.
"Id murder him" why would you murder someone who you determined isnt real?
And why would you stoop as low as your perception or self described definition of God? Wouldnt that make you just as wrong.
You sound very young. I wish I was but here is my limited advice.
Study astronomy in university.
Ill leave it at that.

lol i'm not young i'm mad.
people really believe in bullshit and let it run their lives and they of course in turn have an effect on my life and it's not fair. it's disgusting. it's sad. people need to keep their bullshit beliefs away from me. i am angry because they are intrusive hypocrites who preach one way and live another and then try to knock each others morals when they don't live up to their bullshit expectations that aren't even based in reality. it's psycho it's f**king psycho.

but you have a decent point i'll give you that.

Original Poster
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
Mod Reminder:

Nothing that has been said so far has broken the terms of use. That said, the goal of the site is to help others. Just keep that in mind, and stay on topic.

help me understand how an entire species of human, maybe more than one entire species of human, have been so desperate that they make up this kind of crap and force others to live in it? how do we take something we have no evidence of or proof of and make it our bible man? it's sick.

Original Poster
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PepperJ wrote:
Why are you so angry at a God who you believe to not be real. Seems like you are angry with your own imagination (of God)

because you take your beliefs in nothing, twist them into whatever the hell you want, and then go vote or something. you're bullshit is effecting me. and i hate you for it. because i don't believe in bullshit that isn't real and i certainly wouldn't impose my will on you based on said non existent bullshit.

surely you can understand someone imposing their beliefs on you is wrong?

Original Poster
(4 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
Why didnt you mention Islam?
They kill people who are gay .
They oppress women.
They kill the Infidels.
Man legion you are way inconsistant not mentioning Islam.
I personally am agnostic but you are christain a phobic.
You may have pushed away anyone on this site who is christian and
Spunds like you can be turned in for hate speech.

The story of Islam probably came from the same bullshit story that was before it. It's been split and applied to each culture so that it matches their ideals and values.

Egyptian religions, Muslims and Christianity(among many others) all share very similar stories they've just been tweaked a little per different culture that adopts them.

It's the same bullshit. That's why. It's just being identified by a different name.

It's the same god. Muslim god and Christian god is the SAME GOD. So call it whatever you want. It's all the same bullshit.

I'm not a Muslim though so no disrespect, I could be wrong. But I really believe most popular religions were another more original work of story or stories at one point.

And I also believe it was originated for the purpose of getting everyone's minds on the same page. If leaders can make their people believe in something that doesn't exist and rally behind it if it suits their purposes and supports their agenda. why wouldn't they? Religion is a tool.

Original Poster
(4 days after post)
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Legion wrote:

People like you are one of the biggest problems in the world.

Catholicism and Christianity have done more damage to humanity than all diseases combined. And I'd gladly burn for all eternity rather than go to the same place hypocrites like you end up in.

I spit on your religion, your church, your God. And should I live long enough to witness the fall of Christianity, then you're God damn right I'll celebrate it.

What is God if not the oppressor? What being tests faith by asking one to kill his only son? What king abandons his greatest general?

Oh and finally: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Lucifers sin was pride. I suppose God didn't like the competition.

The arrogant ****cunt he is.

if this species ever gets rid of this self created plague - party at my house!


I love you. This was well said.

Original Poster
(4 days after post)
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
I believe greed and pride are 2 of the unforgivable sins.
Hello monsanto/bayer.
I dont believe we are supposed to spray poison on our food to line your 160 billion dollar corporatation.
Just chiming in on an example.
I believe what drives monsanto/bayer big pharma is the most ugly insidious sinsister lowest form of humanity that without any doubt in the universe should go to hell for eternity for shitting on Almighty God.

LOL This is deep. So deep in this kind of thinking that....

I don't even know wtf you just said. LOL

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anon Poster wrote:

thanks for trying though

Stupid is correct, while you'll believe in "aliens" you never seen or creatures you never met, it becomes an all-stopping show case to think a being with unlimited lifespan is running the ant farm you live in....
Which makes your existance much like that of an insect. Who cares how you live, who cares how you die, you are easily replaced.
But no, instead of seeing the wisdom in that (or admit that some people have wisdom you don't) spit on those that do.
Here...I'll prove it to you. Let's pretend you're right. Okay, let's get rid of ALL these people and religions that believe in God (or a god). Okay.... Done.
Okay. What now? Oh! No, no, no! It ain't over yet - it's just on to something else (i.e. someone else) that you're just as disgusted with. The problem, in fact, is you.
Thanks for trying though.

Original Poster
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Slash wrote:

Anon Poster wrote:

thanks for trying though

Stupid is correct, while you'll believe in "aliens" you never seen or creatures you never met, it becomes an all-stopping show case to think a being with unlimited lifespan is running the ant farm you live in....
Which makes your existance much like that of an insect. Who cares how you live, who cares how you die, you are easily replaced.
But no, instead of seeing the wisdom in that (or admit that some people have wisdom you don't) spit on those that do.
Here...I'll prove it to you. Let's pretend you're right. Okay, let's get rid of ALL these people and religions that believe in God (or a god). Okay.... Done.
Okay. What now? Oh! No, no, no! It ain't over yet - it's just on to something else (i.e. someone else) that you're just as disgusted with. The problem, in fact, is you.
Thanks for trying though.

Religion has taught you to believe in something that doesn't exist. Or there is at least no proof of. If you have proof show it to me and I'll shut the f**k up.

Until then you may believe people can't live life without believing in a non existent god, or at the very least trying to convince me that I'm incorrect for believing that you(we all) should believe it is probably not real at all based on evidence. You want me to feel like I'm ignorant for wanting to get rid of it. But when I see you making decisions and arguments based on something that isn't real, that doesn't look like God to me that looks like mental illness.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Legion wrote:

People like you are one of the biggest problems in the world.

Catholicism and Christianity have done more damage to humanity than all diseases combined. And I'd gladly burn for all eternity rather than go to the same place hypocrites like you end up in.

I spit on your religion, your church, your God. And should I live long enough to witness the fall of Christianity, then you're God damn right I'll celebrate it.

What is God if not the oppressor? What being tests faith by asking one to kill his only son? What king abandons his greatest general?

Oh and finally: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Lucifers sin was pride. I suppose God didn't like the competition.

The arrogant ****cunt he is.

People like me? The problem IS yours Legion because your skill level amounts to no more than throwing the baby out with the bath water. It's all the same to you and explaining to you there was a baby in that water, isn't going to turn the light on.
So there's no sense in explaining that Christianity and Catholicism are NOT the same thing.
And this claim of more damages done than all diseases combined is a load of bullshit.
Where? When? How much? Stop vomiting words of the God-haters that came before you.

Oh, I can promise you one thing for certian; if you live long enough to see the fall of Christianity, you won't have time to celebrate it, because you'll be the next to go.

- and you ask these questions -

What is God if not the oppressor? What being tests faith by asking one to kill his only son? What king abandons his greatest general?

- as if you never asked them before. As if they have NEVER BEFORE BEEN ANSWERED within the proper Biblical context (which any 4th grade child can understand) I said in my last reply to you - no respect.

I believe that (to a point) we are our brother's keeper. But, there comes an appointed time that so much can only go so far for some people.

Stay how you are from now til Judgement Day.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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Anonymous wrote:
help me understand how an entire species of human, maybe more than one entire species of human, have been so desperate that they make up this kind of crap and force others to live in it? how do we take something we have no evidence of or proof of and make it our bible man? it's sick.

You have your opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have my opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. Those opinions differ, and there is nothing wrong with that. And even though those opinions differ, that doesn’t mean that we (and others) can’t get along.

I have read a few articles of people trying to explain why humanity seems drawn to religion. This particular article gives a quick explanation.

That article might explain the first part of your question… As for the second part… Why would people force others into their religion?

If you truly believed that someone else were going to have an eternity in hell or the approximation thereof. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to help them so that, that wouldn’t happen? If you had it within your power to make the difference in someone’s life so that they would reach everlasting life/heaven/Elysium/Valhalla/etc. wouldn’t you try to make that happen?

Whether God is real or not, whether there is proof or not, is completely irrelevant. What matters is intent. The intent is the betterment of others.

That said, I am the first to admit that many MANY people, in the name of religion have committed atrocities, and have gone about the “betterment of others” in ways that are obviously not bettering others. That doesn’t mean that the intent wasn’t good.

(4 days after post)
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for me.. the whole "why" concept went obsolete.

we're not here to enforce our beliefs obviously. but for the sake of what it actually is.. a discussion towards the point of conclusion..


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Yorick wrote:
for me.. the whole "why" concept went obsolete.

we're not here to enforce our beliefs obviously. but for the sake of what it actually is.. a discussion towards the point of conclusion..


I kind of like the clockwork theory. God creates the universe for no purpose really - why do artists paint except to create - and then dips out. Like, k done byeeee. And then our ancestors sit around making up fables and then next thing you know we have religion. That’s my guess anyways.

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I haven't read the whole thread since there is a lot and not all of it interesting to me, but I skimmed through it.

This is the argument that has given me the most trouble with my faith:

I was taught that God was omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent.

If all four of those things are true, and God is makes no sense that god would allow evil/bad things to happen in the world.

The best counterargument against that, in my opinion, is some variation of "God is testing you." But that is the kind of hands-off approach to parenting that would get CPS called on you.

You can bring Satan into things, but again, by the very definition of the word, if God is omnipotent, he should be able to just snap his fingers and make Satan go away. Or make it so he has no influence on people or the world. It should be simple problem for him.

If he can't, that means he's not all powerful. If he won't, then he is not all good.

Next step: Maybe there is some reasoning beyond my comprehension for why he can't just zap all the evil away. Or maybe in some way I cannot comprehend it's good that he doesn't zap all the evil all the way. Heck, maybe he's not even really all powerful, maybe he DOES have some limitations, that prevent him from doing one thing or another to make everything perfect.

Why doesn't he TELL me that? Like, hey bro, it's cool, you know, you don't understand, just try your best and be like, the best you can be.

But he doesn't. So is he not even powerful enough to TALK to me? Like as a normal person? Like, if you had something SUPER important to tell someone, something that the safety of their IMMORTAL SOUL depended on....wouldn't you be desperate to tell them? Like, you wouldn't send Morse code or smoke signals to tell them, you would either call them, or, if you could, teleport right in front of them and tell them. Indeed, that's why we get Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on the door all the time - they are desperate to save our souls.

That's the thing that killed me as a believer. How can God, if he's a reasonable person, expect me to know what he wants? What if I do everything my religion teachers tell me to do and I still go to heck because I was born in the wrong religion? How is that fair? How is that justice? It just isn't.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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First, God is not a thought, or idea. Regardless of proof from our standpoint, knowing of His existance (even if it's only a gut feeling), isn't religious.

Secondly, something I mentioned to Legion (who will forever and deliberately highstep the point), Mankind has a history with God and it can be simply summed up.

Lucifer (aka Satan), leader of the entire angelic realm wanted to be like God, so he stabbed Him in the back.
Mankind made a deal with the devil and stabbed God in the back.

Between the devil and mankind, WE brought in the tide of evil that is upon us today.

Now....with that said, you want God to do what, after having stabbed Him in the back?

Why doesn't he TELL me that? Like, hey bro, it's cool, you know, you don't understand, just try your best and be like, the best you can be.

But he doesn't. So is he not even powerful enough to TALK to me? Like as a normal person? Like, if you had something SUPER important to tell someone, something that the safety of their IMMORTAL SOUL depended on....wouldn't you be desperate to tell them?

You were just hired at your most favorite job to which you applied. The company is global and the company headquarters are located in such-and-such....
Every newly hired employee receives a company guide book and it reviews a number of issues - though it is never exhaustive, it's enough to reveal the spirit of the company. These thoughts and decisions were formed and concluded by the head of the company and the board of directors.

Now, with that said, you don't want to read the company hand book because you hate your manager for suggesting you read it and you scoff at the guys in the printing room reminding them that they're not CEO's of the company.....?

Your attitude, as with many others, is literally, heaven high. Literally.

You want the head of the company to hand write a book specifically for you (because you seem to be the only employee walking this earth), then get into his jet plane and fly from such-and-such thousands of miles to the branch office and hand you the scroll on a gold platter with chocolates and flowers on it.
That's exactly what you want because that's what your mentality adds up to.
You don't appreciate the full chain of command - you hate your position and you're jealous of another...
You have been told, time and again - just like the Anon Poster, and just like Legion, it a matter of how you respect it and accept it.
Clearly, they don't. But they will, at a time when it's too late...
If you cannot be straightened within due season, you will be fired. And from there you will be removed from company grounds and cast into hell-fire.
Who wants that to happen?
In the end, God rights the wrongs because He has the power to do it. There has always been suffering because we are children left to our own demise - so beating a loud drum and crying "For the sake of the children" isn't going to convince anyone.
Time is ticking.....

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I don't think I said that God was an idea, maybe you're saying that something I said implied it? Meaning I said that God is a "mere" idea, or he is not conceivable? In any case I don't think that is what I was saying.

Mankind has a history with God: Ok, but it really sounds like you're saying that people should be held responsible for the mistakes of their ancestors. That doesn't seem fair to me personally, hence my struggle with accepting that argument.

Lucifer's motivations don't make sense to me since it seems like it is impossible for him to win that fight. Is he insane or is it possible for him win? Again, if God is all-powerful, it should be impossible for Lucifer to win, so why is God getting all hung up on this betrayal thing? Are you saying he is not all-powerful? If he's not, that makes your argument a lot stronger, as it adds stakes to this betrayal thing you're talking about that otherwise don't matter if he is all-powerful. Otherwise it sounds like God is punishing everyone (again, for something their ancestors did) because he's still offended by something that happened a real long time ago.

That's the thing, if God ISN'T all-powerful, then the whole "If god is all-powerful, why is there evil argument" is defeated, and you're good to go, at least on that particular point.

"You want the head of the company to hand write a book specifically for you." I don't think this request is as demanding as you make it sound. If god is all-powerful, then it really should take him less than a second to write said book for every person on earth and hand deliver it to all of us. That's the point, he's all-powerful. The analogy you just wrote implies that God has human-like limitations...I mean, that's why companies or any organization work the way they do, one person cannot do everything, so they have to delegate.

So all in all, I can agree that your argument is valid if we're assuming God is a lot more limited than that what my particular religious denomination taught me to believe. Valid in the sense that, if your starting premises are true, the argument does follow.

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I don't think I said that God was an idea, maybe you're saying that something I said implied it? Meaning I said that God is a "mere" idea, or he is not conceivable? In any case I don't think that is what I was saying.


Mankind has a history with God: Ok, but it really sounds like you're saying that people should be held responsible for the mistakes of their ancestors. That doesn't seem fair to me personally, hence my struggle with accepting that argument.

....but we're not talking about "mistakes." We're talking about deal-breaking actions that affect generations without end. Personally....sure, seems unfair in many regards but though I can't quite put my finger on it....understandings were established and deals were broken. It has effected everyone since and will continue to do so until the final end of things. The consequences are allowed to exist as a reminder in the future yet to come - etc.

Lucifer's motivations don't make sense to me since it seems like it is impossible for him to win that fight. Is he insane or is it possible for him win? Again, if God is all-powerful, it should be impossible for Lucifer to win, so why is God getting all hung up on this betrayal thing?

Sometimes, the fewest words carry the most weight.

Now, as the Bible has it, God created the heaven and the angels first. That means the angels were there to witness God make the earth and then mankind.
And it was good. Lucifer wasn't running around as some bad guy. Lucifer can tell you just how good and holy God is. Lucifer was an angel at the top of the angelic food-chain. He answered to no one BUT God - butter, cream, bisquets and rivers of gravy (you get the point).
It's like being the first-born in a family. You're the eldest and have most of the power.


One day....(pay attention)....the angels heard that God was going to create Mankind. Truly what an exciting time! Hey! Let's get to the show - let's check it out....
....and they stood back and watched God create Man....

Chaos erupted.
Because God created Man in His own Image...

So in case you don't understand the meaning of this, let me break it down.

God did not create the angels in His Image.

With that said, let's reconsider Lucifer's position due to the fact he had the most to lose....

What are people willing to do to hold onto power?
(fill in the blank)
Do you get the idea that you would do the same, if not more, if you were a being with considerable status (you have the leverage of many on your side), God-like power (you were already accomplished upon your creation), and unlimited lifespan, (a point where you once did not exist but now that you're here, it IS forever).

Can you wage a war against God and win? Not directly but you sure can work as hard as possible to destroy His creation.
And, if say, it were possible to "win a war against God," it doesn't make God 'less powerful' but only more honest when it comes to playing the game.

The war against God is about destroying the image of God that man bears. It is an attempt to stop mankind from inheriting the power of authority in a time yet to come. It's just bonus round for Satan when man turns upon man - just as the Anon Poster and Legion buddy-up "against" me. (More like what I represent).

"You want the head of the company to hand write a book specifically for you." I don't think this request is as demanding as you make it sound. If god is all-powerful, then it really should take him less than a second to write said book for every person on earth and hand deliver it to all of us.

Lano, lano, lano....

Okay....let's say for a moment that He did exactly as YOU say.... There is ALWAYS going to be someone out there with their own idea of the way it should have been done.
Frankly your point is pointless on another beachfront, considering the Bible is already available. Time, life, blood, tears and more have brought it together.

The analogy you just wrote implies that God has human-like limitations...I mean, that's why companies or any organization work the way they do, one person cannot do everything, so they have to delegate.

Humans have human-like limitations and God recognizes that and acts accordingly to it.

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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
help me understand how an entire species of human, maybe more than one entire species of human, have been so desperate that they make up this kind of crap and force others to live in it? how do we take something we have no evidence of or proof of and make it our bible man? it's sick.

You have your opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have my opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that. Those opinions differ, and there is nothing wrong with that. And even though those opinions differ, that doesn’t mean that we (and others) can’t get along.

I have read a few articles of people trying to explain why humanity seems drawn to religion. This particular article gives a quick explanation.

That article might explain the first part of your question… As for the second part… Why would people force others into their religion?

If you truly believed that someone else were going to have an eternity in hell or the approximation thereof. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to help them so that, that wouldn’t happen? If you had it within your power to make the difference in someone’s life so that they would reach everlasting life/heaven/Elysium/Valhalla/etc. wouldn’t you try to make that happen?

Whether God is real or not, whether there is proof or not, is completely irrelevant. What matters is intent. The intent is the betterment of others.

That said, I am the first to admit that many MANY people, in the name of religion have committed atrocities, and have gone about the “betterment of others” in ways that are obviously not bettering others. That doesn’t mean that the intent wasn’t good.

Okay so you're saying it could be a metaphor. And all of these things would be okay, except, it's all not. There's two arguments I've heard that give me serious pause about the whole idea of this and would frankly disturb the hell out of me.
One: It does seem to want to, for good or ill, get everyone on the same page. Thoughts and feelings are molded, for good or ill, to better others, to make a better and safer society.
Two: It deals with probably our deepest, most final fears. The fear of death. And the promise of being saved.

Now, to be out of order about the second point. Leaders of this structured process of trying to save people from going to hell, have told me what the Christian bible says, which contains within it a promise of eternal life. It's been told to me over and over in very much a similar way I was told paying more will save my phone if I drop it and it breaks. The biggest difference being, I am still here to collect probably if my phone dies and I have to use the insurance I've been buying to replace it. To sell someone on the promise to receive something after death, is not a fair transaction in my humble opinion. There is not even proof of a product. No one alive can write a google review on the salvation buying experience. Yet God gets all our money and emotional and psychological investment at a nearly 100% tax forgiven profit.

You said yourself that many people have committed atrocities in the name of religion. And if these people can convince other people that they are people of God, how can people trust that any people making the same claim are not vulnerable to corruption? Do we have to wait for them to commit atrocities before we realize it can never change so long as we continue to ignore that we cannot distinguish the difference?

If any of this can and has happened, how can we think that following the leader in social thought and feelings might not yield the same atrocious corruption at the social and emotional level?

I need a product. Or I'm not buying.

And to be honest and a little crass(apologize in advance), I would be more offended if a friend did not consider these things were they to try to do everything within their power to 'save my soul' from a hell I don't believe in. Believing in god is a transaction. It's sold, bought, and never delivered. That's a scam. It would offend me more if a friend never considered they could be scamming me after being talked into believing something based on their fear of death and social or spiritual conformity.

For a long time people believed in some weird and crazy things. Their views were shaped by their belief in a God. Today we have women voting, gays marrying, hamburger joints on every street corner, and slavery which is presented as normal throughout the entire bible is at least a work in progress...

But at one time these things not being true were normal. But we changed it. And God didn't send everybody to hell..

This faith makes no sense to me.

I don't care what anyone believes. What I Need, is a way to not be influenced by your beliefs, which often makes me an oppressed minority.

I can't seem to get anyone to understand that this is an attack on people who do not believe in what the majority believe in. In 2016, Christians represent 73.7% of the total population of this country and of those who vote.

You people really believe in this unprovable product that religion cannot deliver, and go and vote those values. You want all this "religious freedom" which sounds like the freedom to believe in nothing and influence others based on your individual interpretation of an ever evolving and changing idea. The folks you vote for come in and make laws that affect my life! What I need is a way for you to believe in what you want to believe in without it affecting my life in this horrible negative way that the majority of you have brought upon me. This is what God has done for me. This is something that tells you to go and be intrusive to spread the word. You wouldn't believe how amazingly difficult it is to just be left alone. It doesn't feel like my life at all.

There is seemingly no way for that to happen though. Religion has become a foundation of your psychological existence. And no one I talk to sees this the way I do. For me, God is loneliness, it's social and spiritual exile.

Because I can't get away from your opinions. The whole country has been talked into buying it. And you don't want to hear it may be different. I wouldn't be here complaining about it if I wasn't being involuntarily influenced.

Going about your lives, believing "God will deal with it in the end" is an excuse for inaction. Meanwhile the scam is perpetuated across generations.

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Anonymous wrote:
Now, to be out of order about the second point. Leaders of this structured process of trying to save people from going to hell, have told me what the Christian bible says, which contains within it a promise of eternal life. It's been told to me over and over in very much a similar way I was told paying more will save my phone if I drop it and it breaks. The biggest difference being, I am still here to collect probably if my phone dies and I have to use the insurance I've been buying to replace it. To sell someone on the promise to receive something after death, is not a fair transaction in my humble opinion. There is not even proof of a product. No one alive can write a google review on the salvation buying experience. Yet God gets all our money and emotional and psychological investment at a nearly 100% tax forgiven profit.

I believe it was Sherlock who said it once, that there are Christians, and there are Churchians… Christians have a relationship with God, that is bourn out of Love, not out of fear of Hell or death. Churchians believe as a measure of insurance or for the community involvement, or some other reason that isn’t one of Love of God.
Unfortunately, I would say that there are more Churchians then there are Christians.

Now sticking with the Christian belief of God, and the afterlife… Life is eternal for all (at least until God remakes the world following the rapture). Our choices in this life effect what happens in the next. If we know of and choose to Follow God out of Love, then we are rewarded with Heaven and eternal Life. If we know of and choose to reject God, then we are rewarded with punishment in Hell. Those in Hell face their punishment until God remakes the earth, whereby they will cease to exist.

Anonymous wrote:
Believing in god is a transaction. It's sold, bought, and never delivered.

Belief in God isn’t a single transaction it is a relationship. I’ll admit that it is a little different than your usual relationship with another person… (personally I would say it is more intimate) But it is a relationship.
God requires Love through Faith. In return He offers so much more than just eternal life in Heaven. Every person receives different things from God. One of the greatest gifts I have received from God has been peace. When I was suicidal, and deep within the bowels of depression, I was so chaotic within myself that I was willing, (and tried to) kill myself. In discovering the relationship with God, I found peace.

Anonymous wrote:
I don't care what anyone believes. What I Need, is a way to not be influenced by your beliefs, which often makes me an oppressed minority.
I can't seem to get anyone to understand that this is an attack on people who do not believe in what the majority believe in. In 2016, Christians represent 73.7% of the total population of this country and of those who vote.
You people really believe in this unprovable product that religion cannot deliver, and go and vote those values. The folks you vote for come in and make laws that affect my life! What I need is a way for you to believe in what you want to believe in without it affecting my life in this horrible negative way that the majority of you have brought upon me. This is what God has done for me.
There is seemingly no way for that to happen though. Religion has become a foundation of your psychological existence. And no one I talk to sees this the way I do. For me, God is loneliness, it's social and spiritual exile.
Because I can't get away from your opinions. The whole country has been talked into buying it. And you don't want to hear it may be different. I wouldn't be here complaining about it if I wasn't being involuntarily influenced.

I honestly don’t know how to respond to this. It troubles me deeply that this is the case for you. Personally, I am not in the USA (where I assume you are from).
One thing that I would like to offer though is that God is not loneliness… that is the definition of Hell. Hell is the absence of God. God is Love and communion.

You have mentioned before about the segregation that you experience due to religion. That is in part due to the Churchians.
Those to truly follow God, Love ALL. No conditions or caveats. That is what God calls us to do.

I don’t know that I have explained myself well enough. But I hope that I have.

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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

If we know of and choose to reject God, then we are rewarded with punishment in Hell.

Then why did you make me know about it? (this is a little joke but it has a point)

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

I honestly don’t know how to respond to this. It troubles me deeply that this is the case for you. Personally, I am not in the USA (where I assume you are from).
One thing that I would like to offer though is that God is not loneliness… that is the definition of Hell. Hell is the absence of God. God is Love and communion.

I walk around everyone thinking there's something wrong with me. It's me thinking something is wrong with them. From my point of view, they're mass insanity. Whatever your views on the topic, I am out numbered. If everybody is walking around believing in a very different way than I do there is no love and communion. They are unable to even understand my point of view. It's like trying to talk to people through a wall. You know they're there. But they can't hear you. It is hell to me.

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Anonymous wrote:
I walk around everyone thinking there's something wrong with me. It's me thinking something is wrong with them. From my point of view, they're mass insanity. Whatever your views on the topic, I am out numbered. If everybody is walking around believing in a very different way than I do there is no love and communion. They are unable to even understand my point of view. It's like trying to talk to people through a wall. You know they're there. But they can't hear you. It is hell to me.

We all have values/beliefs by which we live, operate and structure our lives. When you challenge a fundamental belief like the existence of God or religious faith, you’re forcing that person to question their fundamental beliefs and that is upsetting for most. It actually has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

I am wondering why it’s so important for you to have others understand your own fundamental beliefs? Why not just be secure in your own thoughts and mindset and live and let live?

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Araz wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I walk around everyone thinking there's something wrong with me. It's me thinking something is wrong with them. From my point of view, they're mass insanity. Whatever your views on the topic, I am out numbered. If everybody is walking around believing in a very different way than I do there is no love and communion. They are unable to even understand my point of view. It's like trying to talk to people through a wall. You know they're there. But they can't hear you. It is hell to me.

We all have values/beliefs by which we live, operate and structure our lives. When you challenge a fundamental belief like the existence of God or religious faith, you’re forcing that person to question their fundamental beliefs and that is upsetting for most. It actually has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

I am wondering why it’s so important for you to have others understand your own fundamental beliefs? Why not just be secure in your own thoughts and mindset and live and let live?

Actually it has everything to do with me. Have you read the post previous to the one you replied to? I would be happy to agree to disagree if I could but that doesn't exist here. When I brought up sort of what would have explained this and discussed in some detail:

Anonymous wrote:

I don't care what anyone believes. What I Need, is a way to not be influenced by your beliefs, which often makes me an oppressed minority.
I can't seem to get anyone to understand that this is an attack on people who do not believe in what the majority believe in. In 2016, Christians represent 73.7% of the total population of this country and of those who vote.
You people really believe in this unprovable product that religion cannot deliver, and go and vote those values. You want all this "religious freedom" which sounds like the freedom to believe in nothing and influence others based on your individual interpretation of an ever evolving and changing idea. The folks you vote for come in and make laws that affect my life! What I need is a way for you to believe in what you want to believe in without it affecting my life in this horrible negative way that the majority of you have brought upon me. This is what God has done for me.
There is seemingly no way for that to happen though. Religion has become a foundation of your psychological existence. And no one I talk to sees this the way I do. For me, God is loneliness, it's social and spiritual exile.
Because I can't get away from your opinions. The whole country has been talked into buying it. And you don't want to hear it may be different. I wouldn't be here complaining about it if I wasn't being involuntarily influenced.

So what exactly are you talking about?

Araz wrote:

I am wondering why it’s so important for you to have others understand your own fundamental beliefs?

O.O If there is a complaint of mine beyond that of the obvious this is it.

When your fundamental beliefs can literally attack my fundamental beliefs when I haven't even entered the battle I shouldn't have to realize is going on, it suddenly becomes relevant to me. Wouldn't it if you were a minority opinion being out numbered by a majority opinion? When you look up one day and realize 'hey these motherfuckers are basically making decisions for me' lol I am having some fundamental human behavior issues, with people like you.

Perhaps you should wonder instead why I am having your values and beliefs forced on me?

For decades and decades?

That's not living and let live......

But you wonder why I want you to understand mine?

Btw, my next post will be titled "The hypocrisy of the Christian faith."

And also btw, here's exactly what you said but without the religious bias look again:

When you challenge a [persons] fundamental belief, you’re forcing that person to question their fundamental beliefs and that is upsetting for most.

I've had decades of you questioning my fundamental beliefs by trying to tell me you're right for believing in god and I'm not. After decades of this do you really wonder why sometimes I want to tell you what I think? Really?

Are you really surprised some people would expect you to be open to debate? Rather than just having to listen to what you say and your points of view and talk about your beliefs while constantly figuring that I'm going to hell, and putting up with hearing that my whole life?
You are after all, trying to explain to everyone how to live their lives so they don't go to hell.............

If you don't see anything here you can learn from my responses to understand people who aren't like you better just wow.

I guess I've just learned how to do it after living my whole life around a bunch of people who agree something exists that there's no proof exists lol

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This post has a ton of responses and I admit to not reading all of them so I am going to apologize for making you repeat yourself.

BUT you’re assuming a lot of things about me. I’m actually agnostic and a minority in all things. So I’m pretty well versed in having to fight for my rights.

I support separation of church and state obviously. I’m just saying that not all religious people are batshit crazy and that basic philosophy dictates that people will get upset when their beliefs are challenged. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do. It is what it is.

I think I’ve done more harm here than good though so I’ll leave this post alone.

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Araz wrote:
This post has a ton of responses and I admit to not reading all of them so I am going to apologize for making you repeat yourself.

BUT you’re assuming a lot of things about me. I’m actually agnostic and a minority in all things. So I’m pretty well versed in having to fight for my rights.

I support separation of church and state obviously. I’m just saying that not all religious people are batshit crazy and that basic philosophy dictates that people will get upset when their beliefs are challenged. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do. It is what it is.

I think I’ve done more harm here than good though so I’ll leave this post alone.

Not all of them are batshit crazy you're right. There are some really good people who are Christian. But they have a fundamental belief that has been instilled in them that inherently creates judgment against anyone NOT like them. "Be like us or go to hell" It's a scam.

It's a religion of fear. It's using fear to motivate others to behave differently than they otherwise might.

So regardless of what I assumed about you, and it was a lot, it doesn't really matter much. And neither does our disagreeing about religion itself. I think I discovered when replying to pops roulstin up there, that I'd love for you to believe in anything you'd like to. I want help figuring out how to let you believe what you want and truly leave me alone and out of it. I'm not feeling like we have a separation of church and state in many ways. So regardless of my views about your faith, and regardless about your views of my lack of faith, can you at least agree that we should both be able to live here and believe what we believe without each others beliefs ruining the others lives? It's hard to feel like that's happening when more than 75% of my countries population believes in something I don't. I am actually truly amazed that we're not an acknowledged fully Christian nation. It blows me away that it's not worse here than it is. But it's still really bad. And I live in a particularly concentrated area. Perhaps I should move! LOL

All in all I'm just trying to call it how I see it.

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All in all I'm just trying to call it how I see it.

- which is different from the way it is. It is the inherent nature of man to believe in (a) God. It's not a matter of "religion." it's knowing that anything that exists has been put there by a force greater than itself.
Nature or "evolution" is an attempt to explain the material without explaining the spiritual or the thinking mind. If man is an animal, then he is truly set apart from the animal kingdom.
No ape made an iPad or smartphone. Only man bears emotions that shore up to supernatural beaches.
Survey says 97% of people believe in something greater than themselves. Moreover, people believe in an existence that exceeds the limited life we live here.
The remaining 3% are generally narcissistic. They assess themselves to be higher in thought and deed compared to the "believing" population.

- I'd love for you to believe in anything you'd like to. I want help figuring out how to let you believe what you want and truly leave me alone and out of it.

Since this is not true, I'm calling you a liar. By and large you are left alone. Even the most advent believer will fold the show regarding your sustained sour tone and bitter face.
I hadn't given any thought to tracking you down and saying, "Do you know Jesus?"
Until, that is, you began Posting hate speech with murderous tones against God and anybody who believes in Him.
You raised the issue, you open the gates. Own that. Otherwise, the only thing preaching in your ears are the freeking crickets.
Which brings me around to my point.
It's not the fact that you're walking down the road, alone, with a moody face and hands in your're just tired of seeing the joy in other peoples faces when it comes to sharing the God they believe in with others.
That's what you would like to wipe out.
Given the scope of that, no. You'll never be "left alone." God lives, morning, noon and night.

75% of my countries population believes in something I don't. I am actually truly amazed that we're not an acknowledged fully Christian nation. It blows me away that it's not worse here than it is. But it's still really bad. And I live in a particularly concentrated area. Perhaps I should move! LOL

First, let me buy you a ticket to anyone of the Persian countries who worship any number of a thousand deities. Any number of Asian countries? Okay then, how about any one of the Arab nations? You're already running out of room, buddy.
....while you sit bitching about the 75% Christian population of where you live, you're a sad, stupid sucker to think you will be left alone in nations that are devout higher than 95%.
Don't sit there and tell me how intolerable Christianity is until you taste the fruit of other countries.
If I had the gauntlet of infinty, with stones, I'd snap my fingers and send you there myself.
My feeling is, with your attitude, you'll come back to this Christian nation, frozen and shipped in bite-sized pieces....💩😂
There will be no rest for you.

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Slash wrote:
- which is different from the way it is. It is the inherent nature of man to believe in (a) God. It's not a matter of "religion." it's knowing that anything that exists has been put there by a force greater than itself.
Nature or "evolution" is an attempt to explain the material without explaining the spiritual or the thinking mind. If man is an animal, then he is truly set apart from the animal kingdom.
No ape made an iPad or smartphone. Only man bears emotions that shore up to supernatural beaches.
Survey says 97% of people believe in something greater than themselves. Moreover, people believe in an existence that exceeds the limited life we live here.
The remaining 3% are generally narcissistic. They assess themselves to be higher in thought and deed compared to the "believing" population.

Thank you for sharing your opinion but I would have to believe you're the guru on the subject of natural and spiritual beliefs for me to take this response more than just being your opinion. There is no life changing knowledge here. You've again offered an explanation without any proof or evidence to back it up. How do you know that it is the inherent nature of man to believe in god? Are you saying I'm unnatural for naturally not believing in a god? I would find that a rather close minded view of humanity. One you should probably reexamine. Because frankly it's rude.

Slash wrote:

Since this is not true, I'm calling you a liar.

How is this not true?
You're just making an illogical argument to try and piss me off and get me mad at you I think. I wish you would STFU though and go troll someone else. Because you're clearly not making sense on purpose. You don't know me well enough to say the statement I made about agreeing to disagree is true or not. How dare you? You're not a psychic or empath that can read my thoughts and feelings from across great distances. STFU you're kinda being really dumb here.

This isn't even logical. Go troll someone else please. Thanks.

Slash wrote:

First, let me buy you a ticket to anyone of the Persian countries who worship any number of a thousand deities. Any number of Asian countries? Okay then, how about any one of the Arab nations? You're already running out of room, buddy.
....while you sit bitching about the 75% Christian population of where you live, you're a sad, stupid sucker to think you will be left alone in nations that are devout higher than 95%.
Don't sit there and tell me how intolerable Christianity is until you taste the fruit of other countries.
If I had the gauntlet of infinty, with stones, I'd snap my fingers and send you there myself.
My feeling is, with your attitude, you'll come back to this Christian nation, frozen and shipped in bite-sized pieces....💩😂
There will be no rest for you.

This is really aggressive and threatening. Are you a Christian at all? You're judgments here makes me doubt you're a good one should you claim to be.

You've shown no sense of empathy or ability to understand another persons position on the subject and don't even have the details of what I said correct. I can't talk to people like you. You're closed minded and believe whatever you want despite the evidence. You seem really sick to me.

You have your very erroneous judgmental opinion of me already and I doubt anything I say to you will change it.

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Anon Poster.
You can try to dis-vow what I've said, but I've been very concise and logical. There are only so many directions you can go, based upon the things you've said - it's not rocket science and it doesn't take a guru.
If you don't respond, I won't reply - simple. Try to have a good weekend.

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Slash wrote:
Anon Poster.
You can try to dis-vow what I've said, but I've been very concise and logical. There are only so many directions you can go, based upon the things you've said - it's not rocket science and it doesn't take a guru.
If you don't respond, I won't reply - simple. Try to have a good weekend.

Anyone who reads what you've said can disavow it because it's meaningless propaganda.

If you go back and read what I said you might have some sort of idea what is going on but right now you're just talking and it's clear you have no clue. You've flat out quoted me and responded as if I said the opposite of what I said in previous replies that's up there for everyone to see for themselves. So I don't have to try to do anything.

You types do this to yourselves...

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anon Poster wrote:
Anyone who reads what you've said can disavow it because it's meaningless propaganda.

This isn't your first rodeo. Chances are you've been ranting and raving about certain issue that other people actually took the time out to address. But like most narcissistic idiots it's more important that you campaign your mantra.

Anon Poster wrote:
If you go back and read what I said -

Shut your mouth and take your own advice - that's how bad it is: CLUE (when taking your own advice solves your own problem.)

-you might have some sort of idea what is going on but right now you're just talking and it's clear you have no clue.

I have replied to you based on EVERYTHING you have said to me and others, here. I don't have a comprehension problem anymore than you have a failure to communicate.
You just don't like hearing the truth. Am I tracking you down or do you just keep replying? You're high maintenance, needy and lonely.

You've flat out quoted me and responded as if I said the opposite of what I said in previous replies that's up there for everyone to see for themselves.

I've quoted the focal points of what you mentioned and addressed them in a proper, chronological fashion, and tone they deserve.
Yes, anyone with common sense can look back through the thread and see it for themselves - ooh! Rocket🚀 science! And the 👉PROOF👈here👆 isn't leaning to your favor.

So I don't have to try to do anything.

Sure you types can't resist. Get to replying and smash that send button, Boo-boo.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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This is turning into a urinating contest, and doesn't help anyone. Please bring it back to a civil, helpful tone, or the post will be closed.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I really appreciate how slash articulated his belief in God.
He was attacked for it and retorted with a very convincing arguments that no one seemed to respond in any intellectual coherency

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sorry i wasnt paying attention. so what'd i miss? j/k

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
I really appreciate how slash articulated his belief in God.
He was attacked for it and retorted with a very convincing arguments that no one seemed to respond in any intellectual coherency

So I wasn't attacking so much as feeling I had to defend. Important note though as I've said it before but apparently it needs repeating. I don't gaf what you think as long as you can keep it away from me. But you can't. And that was why I got pissy. Slash tried to argue that if I had the ability to be left alone of influence by others beliefs that it would some how need to complete with his beliefs. It doesn't. He can still believe whatever he wants. But to argue his beliefs require that others cannot be left alone because of them is ridiculous nonsense.

He can't speak to how I feel or think he doesn't know me. And nothing he believes will change that. Just don't try to twist my words like he did and I won't feel like you're being a dick okay?

When his conversations start out with "I can't understand you" then maybe that should change to AT LEAST "WHY can't I understand you"

No joke it's like talking to a brick wall sometimes with some folks. But it's still not a personal attack on your beliefs(you in general). I never meant to do that. Just point out that yours, being a high majority, can affect me is all. If you can't understand that and feel threatened by it that's on you.

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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
This is turning into a urinating contest, and doesn't help anyone. Please bring it back to a civil, helpful tone, or the post will be closed.

I think this happened well before you caught on. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you closed it permanently LOL

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