267 replies, Replies 101 to 110

Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

Anon, what has happened that has moved you to post this? I'm guessing that there is a hurt behind this post.

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Does anyone here use an ISP thatโ€™s not Verizon, Cox, or Comcast?

I don't... But then I'm not in the states either. I use Hay Communications.

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Getting to know HelpQA family..

Exeter, Ontario, Canada!

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Another investment type question....

These aren't going to be rental properties... they are going to be for resale. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Another investment type question....

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
hmm .. i like rockster's perspective on that.

only thing is .. what if all these robber (baby) boomers or high income families buy out all these affordable homes and screw over the needy once more.

Well In theory we will be able to choose who we sell to... But ultimately nothing...

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Another investment type question....

soco wrote:
5% when it is fully occupied? You should figure that it might take 3 years to get to that point. I would shoot for minimum 7.5% at 70% occupancy.

That is the norm for the area, but they are all high end developments, where we want to do affordable housing. The costs to build the houses don't change much, but the cost to sell is significantly less. I think that is where the problem lies. No matter how I work the numbers, we don't get much more than 5%. :/

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Do you know how I know there is no god?

I think the best way to describe thingsโ€ฆ well it comes down to free will and love.

All the scriptures say that God loves us, and He wants us to love him. I think that we can agree on that point.

Now to be able to love we have to choose to do so. If God created us, so that we would โ€˜loveโ€™ Him, it wouldnโ€™t be love, it would be compulsion. To continue with this, if the only choice we had, were to love or not, then that isnโ€™t a choice either. So, for us to be able to love God, we have to have free will to make the choice to love God, or not, and to make any and all choices necessary for life. The choice to follow Godโ€™s teachings or not.

So, because God loves us, and He wants us to love Him, He had to โ€œโ€ฆlet us go about our ways.โ€

As for whether God is the drunk/drugged up mother on the couch having nothing to do with her creation, or the loving Fatherโ€ฆ Well, you know my opinion. :)
I think that you need to look into the world a little more. Listen with your heart, if you will. We all need to listen for God, and if you do listen, then I think you would find that He is not quite as absent as you might think.

An example that I donโ€™t mind sharing is a time my brother and I were in cadets, serving on the Canadian Forces Base Borden.
He was in a different company than myself, and his company had gone to the range that day. Later in the afternoon, word came back that he was missing. I was questioned in case I knew of his whereabouts. I didnโ€™t know anything.
Now to put this into perspective, I was 15, he was 13. We were on an active military base, and he was missing from a range, where a LOT of ammunition goes down range. It was not unconceivable that he was injured, especially had he wandered somewhere he shouldnโ€™t have been. And it had been 4+ hours since anyone had seen him, and it was getting dark.
I was justifiably worried, and taken to the padreโ€™s trailer. The padre and I chatted for a while, prayed, and such. After a while the padre was called out of the trailer to get some news about my brother. I could see the padreโ€™s face pale before he walked out. I did something then that I hadnโ€™t done before except in Sunday school. I played bible roulette. I picked up the bible on the padreโ€™s desk. Set it on its spine, and let it fall open. My eyes landed on:

Galatians 1:3 NIV wrote:
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

As soon as I read, that scripture, a warmth fell on me, and warmed my core. This was not a natural/normal warmth. It was something extra. In that moment, I knew my brother was safe, and sound. When the padre came back in and said that by brother was fine, I said โ€œI know.โ€
As it turned out he had been with the quartermaster the entire time, and someone forgot to tell someone else that my brother was going off base.

When we listen with our hearts, we can know, and feel what God is trying to tell us. We can feel his interaction with the world. That interaction may not be what we might want, but that doesnโ€™t mean that it isnโ€™t there.

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I have been wanting to start working out and start getting into shape (Round is a shape though!)

Well, I've been doing a bit better with my foods intake, but I still haven't done anything extra physically....
Partly due to the fact that I'm going through a med change, and have been dealing with some side effects. They should pass shortly though, and then...

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I have been wanting to start working out and start getting into shape (Round is a shape though!)

Thank you everyone for replying. ๐Ÿ˜„

@DocteurRalph, I will be sure to do so.

@BigWilly!!, @BA1 specific diets and me don't mix. That said, I KNOW I need to change the way I eat.
I used to eat more salads and such, but then I sat down and looked at the cost. I was spending $6+ on a salad for lunch and would still be hungry, whereas I can buy a pizza for the same or slightly cheaper, and be full with leftovers sometimes. Obviously the pizza isn't as good for me, but it is better for my wallet. ๐Ÿ™
As SoCo has said, baby steps, I've been trying for the past week or so to ensure that I do have pizza left over. Eating less, rather than changing what I eat to start.

Big.Al.One From what you have mentioned about when I eat, that is great advice. I think for the most part I am alright... I typically have supper around 5pm and don't eat much later than that. However, my problem is that I drive a desk, and for the most part have a VERY sedentary lifestyle. And that is what I'm trying to change.

@soco I honestly can't see myself doing this. That said, I am going to try. Personal mantras, cue cards, etc. is just something that I have never been able to get behind. But I need to try something different. What I have been doing doesn't work.

Ultimately, with my commitment to the cadets I need to get more in shape. Get the cardio in, and tighten my core. We have an exercise coming up at the end of May where there is a part, that I know I wouldn't be able to complete (a 20 km hike on day one, and a 14 km hike on day two)... I've assigned myself to something else so that I can still take part, but the fact that I can't do it at all, annoys me.

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I have been wanting to start working out and start getting into shape (Round is a shape though!)

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate what you are trying to say, organized sports would be a great way to be accountable, there are 2 problems with that idea (in my case)โ€ฆ

1) I live in rural Canada, and the only organized sport (which costs money to play) is hockey, and I can barely skate.
2) I am not inclined towards sports. As much as I might want to be even half-assed at sports the best I have ever been able to manage is simply terrible ๐Ÿ˜„

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