267 replies, Replies 121 to 130

Its been nearly a year?!

Here, Here! ๐Ÿ˜„

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Hey bitches...

Welcome back!

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Meet my crazy kitten, Tyr!

That is a beautiful Kitten. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Is there anybody out there

Still lurking about. ๐Ÿ˜„

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I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society.

I too am in the process of being diagnosed with Aspergers. And have gone through a similar struggle finding a job. I completely understand the frustrations you are feeling. I still feel them too to a certain extent.

Just because you are different, does not mean that you are not 'normal.' And it is very important to remember that. Difference, does not mean that you are not 'normal.' Normal is just the setting on a dryer.

For me, like yourself, I just had to keep looking for the job that fit for me. After many years of searching, I became the Editor of a newspaper. That was my perfect fit. It allowed me to be heard by the many without having to interact with the many, and it allowed me to put my mind to use.

Consider something similar. People like us who have Asperger's typically have high intellect, and find it hard to socialize. As such the jobs that we thrive in are the ones that let us use our strengths and keep us in the background away from people.
If you could find a job as an author, or journalist covering local events. Something where you don't have to interact socially and just report the facts could be ideal.
Or if you are not the one for writing, then look for something where you can use your strengths.

In my many year search to find a good fitting job for me... I got severe depression. I hope that you don't have the same thing happen to you.

You may not be the exact same as everyone else, but that doesn't mean that you deserve any different then they do. If everyone was the same then the world would be a very dull place.

As Music=Life said: Don't give up, even when things are hard. You don't have to struggle with this alone. ๐Ÿ˜„

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It's my birthday!

Happy Birthday! ๐Ÿ˜„

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Keeping in touch.

Helptogo.com... it has now been taken down since this site is up.

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So I've started writing a new thing...

smiley wrote:

Did they bring livestock, or are they vegetarian?

I was just thinking on that very topic. I was wondering about a middle ground. I read an article not too long ago about lab grown meat. I was going to look up that a bit more...

Yet at the same time, they would need to have brought along some animals, or at least the embryos to be able to perpetuate them in the new world. And if they only brought embryos then they would have to have a way to grow them once at the new world.

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So I've started writing a new thing...

Well... seasons are determined by axial tilt. If the tilt were similar to earth(23degrees), it would go from blazing heat to winter every few days...

I'm thinking of making it closer to that of venus (2degrees) where the seasons would be minimal.

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So I've started writing a new thing...

Neutra-The-SpaceWeaver wrote:
I can get down with it. Is it a short story or a preview chapter for something longer?

This is going to be the prologue for the larger story... though to be honest I have no idea how long that story might be. ๐Ÿ˜€

Rockster160 wrote:
Hm. This scene feels to me like a group of kids who have grown up on earth and recently arrived on the new planet. They talk about Earth with a familiarity that is very unlikely they would have if they had never been there.

Assuming "prox day" is the holiday marked by the inhabiting/landing of Proxima.
I think of history class in the US, talking about something like Independence Day. Whenever it comes around, all of the history classes focus on it, discuss it, etc- but they recite facts and discuss how/what came to be- it's not a personal recollection, but rather a statement.

Also- it's unlikely the kids (especially somebody like the ***POV character- who seems bored by the subject and day dreams during class) would have such an easy time recalling these facts with such precise detail without rehearsing/studying very recently.

Used to be better at formulating my thoughts to words, but struggling now. ๐Ÿ˜…

A 'Prox' is the equivalent unit as a year on earth.
From the research i've done, a year on Proxima B is about 11.2 earth days. (being much closer to the star than earth to the sun. Yet still in the star's green zone)
For the purposes of the book I've done time as such: seconds, minutes and hours are the same on Proxima as Earth

25 hour = 1 Day [Earth Equivalent: Day]
11 days = 1 Year (leap day every 5 years) [Earth Equivalent: Week]
5 years = 1 Lutrum (including the leap day) [Earth Equivalent: Month]
8 Lustrum = 1 Prox [Earth Equivalent: Year]
4 Decade = 1 Prox [Earth Equivalent: Year]

(I have not yet figured out the days of the year.)

I was hoping that by stating that this topic is something that is covered every prox(year) it would convey the familiarity.

smiley wrote:
Well I like it. Good start.

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜„

I would like to hear more of everyone's opinions/thoughts/concerns.

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