I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society.
I feel inferior to others who can work and think I'd probably be better of being put down than live on the taxpayers money. I cry with frustration.
I get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.
I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.
I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.
I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.
I tried wedding photography but found it hard to socially interact with people.
I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.
I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get a job if there is a positive outcome.
I feel if I was to end up pregnant, I'd abort the baby so they wouldn't go through what I do and not create another being in the world thatll take more of the taxpayers money. it hurts to say but thats how I feel. I feel guilty for existing.
People treat me as a nuisance and a scrounger to the system and is lazy.
I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society. I feel inferior to others who can work and think I'd probably be better of being put down than live on the taxpayers money. I cry with frustration.¬ ¬ I get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.¬ ¬ I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.¬ ¬ I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.¬ ¬ I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.¬ ¬ I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.¬ ¬ I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get a job if there is a positive outcome.
I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society. I feel inferior to others who can work and think I'd probably be better of being put down than live on the taxpayers money. I cry with frustration. ¬
I get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.¬
I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.¬
I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.¬
I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.¬
I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.¬
I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.¬
I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.¬
I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.¬
I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.¬
I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.¬
I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get a job if there is a positive outcome.¬
I feel if I was to end up pregnant, I'd abort the baby so they wouldn't go through what I do and not create another being in the world thatll take more of the taxpayers money. it hurts to say but thats how I feel. I feel guilty for existing.
I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society. I feel inferior to others who can work and think I'd probably be better of being put down than live on the taxpayers money. I cry with frustration. ¬ ¬ I get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.¬ ¬ I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.¬ ¬ I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.¬ ¬ I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.¬ ¬ I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.¬ ¬ I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get a job if there is a positive outcome.¬ ¬ I feel if I was to end up pregnant, I'd abort the baby so they wouldn't go through what I do and not create another being in the world thatll take more of the taxpayers money. it hurts to say but thats how I feel. I feel guilty for existing.¬ ¬ People treat me as a nuisance and a scrounger to the system and is lazy.
I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society. I feel inferior to others who can work and think I'd probably be better of being put down than live on the taxpayers money. I cry with frustration. ¬ ¬ I get tired of hearing people say "something else will come up", "look elsewhere" when I have no idea what to do if whatever I try gets me no where.¬ ¬ I applied for a childcare course and they said they couldn't pass my placements and then thats how I got diagnosed with autism soon after.¬ ¬ I tried floristry and realised I have a motor skill disorder and do not have the hand eye coordination to work fast enough. My teacher said, "I would employ you but you are slow". quicker people would be chosen over me.¬ ¬ I tried retail but found it mentally exhausting talking to customers all day.¬ ¬ I tried wedding photography but found it hard to socially interact with people.¬ ¬ I applied for a hamper packers job last year, I applied again this year but they said because "she has told us she is unable to do some of the jobs there, so priority has gone to people who are not restricted to certain job duties". the manager was rude to me and treated me as a nuisance. I applied for the job as on the job description they want dexterity skills. my dexterity is fine, its my gross motor skills which are a problem. I feel discriminated against because they didn't seem the slighted bit interested in negotiating in any kind of reasonable adjustments.¬ ¬ I don't know what jobs I can do. I feel fed up whatever I do gets me no where. I only want to try to get a job if there is a positive outcome.¬ ¬ I feel if I was to end up pregnant, I'd abort the baby so they wouldn't go through what I do and not create another being in the world thatll take more of the taxpayers money. it hurts to say but thats how I feel. I feel guilty for existing.¬ ¬ People treat me as a nuisance and a scrounger to the system and is lazy.
I want to start off by saying that I am so proud of you. You are trying so hard and I don’t think any person has that in them. From that alone I see that you are a hard worker and I would want you on my team. The fact that they aren’t hiring you is discrimination and it saddens me that we live in a world like that. I have 3 little cousins with different forms of asbergers and I am honestly so impressed with how intelligent they are. I think that working with animals would be an amazing job. I know shelters look for someone to photograph the animals to help them get adopted. I also know a few people who work in a library and love it. Make a list of skills that you have (include those that your asburgers gives you-some may seem negative but you can always spinn them to be positive). I am so impressed by you and you inspire me to not give up even when things are hard.
I too am in the process of being diagnosed with Aspergers. And have gone through a similar struggle finding a job. I completely understand the frustrations you are feeling. I still feel them too to a certain extent.
Just because you are different, does not mean that you are not 'normal.' And it is very important to remember that. Difference, does not mean that you are not 'normal.' Normal is just the setting on a dryer.
For me, like yourself, I just had to keep looking for the job that fit for me. After many years of searching, I became the Editor of a newspaper. That was my perfect fit. It allowed me to be heard by the many without having to interact with the many, and it allowed me to put my mind to use.
Consider something similar. People like us who have Asperger's typically have high intellect, and find it hard to socialize. As such the jobs that we thrive in are the ones that let us use our strengths and keep us in the background away from people.
If you could find a job as an author, or journalist covering local events. Something where you don't have to interact socially and just report the facts could be ideal.
Or if you are not the one for writing, then look for something where you can use your strengths.
In my many year search to find a good fitting job for me... I got severe depression. I hope that you don't have the same thing happen to you.
You may not be the exact same as everyone else, but that doesn't mean that you deserve any different then they do. If everyone was the same then the world would be a very dull place.
As Music=Life said: Don't give up, even when things are hard. You don't have to struggle with this alone. 😄
My motto is always 'if you cant find a job, create one!' Go self employed, then you can have whatever job you want and work at your own pace. Start with what you like and figure out how to make money with it.
And if all else fails. Blog! I'm sure theres plenty of people out there who can relate.
What do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies or interests that you could turn into a job?
Your perseverance and determination to work rather than accept disability payment is inspiring, but there is no shame in taking government money if your disability makes it hard or impossible for you to work.
Making money out of things you enjoy doing is always a bonus, but most cases its hard to do that. I think most people to setttle to the next best thing. At least its the case for me, i love football but couldnt make money out of it so i settle on Programming.
Just because you have autism doesnt mean you are bad at everything, you probably good at other things. For example am introvert and am good at programming but i would suck in sales for example. Everybody is good and bad at things. You seem to bring urself way down because of autism, instead of embracing it and finding a job that suits you. Actually computer programming might be a very good career choice since it doesnt involve a lot of people interactions in general. The market is very good and people make good amount of money.
Am sure you can find some kind of job that suits your skills. Just look for stuff that involves less human interactions.
music=life wrote:
I want to start off by saying that I am so proud of you.
WE are all proud of you. Honestly.
Help me with: How do I sell a car?
Here is a start. Never stop asking others!
You can do this! We walk with you, side by side, in spirit and support every step of every day.
And sincerely, you have a gift in your photography. That can be learned but yours is a true gift. You can always partner with someone to do most of your talking. I honestly can't think of any professional photographer that does not have an assistant.
Help me with: How do I sell a car?
I have done a professional cake decorating course and been planning to start that in january. I will also do a welding course in a weeks time.
I reckon the manager who won't let me on the job has problems with empathy, is ignorant of my condition and the law. If my adjustments are 'reasonable' than she is breaking the law. I want to take further action and willing to take the matter to a tribunal. She is rude, seems narcissistic and comes across as only acting in regard to what is easiest for herself and her job. I guess many who break the law lack empathy.
I can draw well
thanks for ur comments
i have an album of my work in my facebook
No fair! I gained 40 lbs just looking at the pictures.
Help me with: How do I sell a car?
Silverset wrote:
i have an album of my work in my facebook
Wow! those are very good, seriously. You should be able to make money out of cake, you seem to be very talented!
Best of luck, you got this!
Stunning work!
Truth is, Silver, is that 100% of the people have some kind of mental or physical condition that could hold them back. The ones who are successful, and I mean that from a talent standpoint--not their ability to ****rape and pillage others to attain a high position--are those who say to hell with their mental or physical handicap.
So you can't read everyone's emotions like you think you should be able to. Not that many people can. So you'd be like Miss Spock. Remember, everybody loved Mr. Spock. He was our favorite Vulcan!
You are not a waste or drain or society. Decent people are the pillars of our society. You are a pillar. And you have sooooo much to contribute!
Thanks I posted to a fairly local community online and people have been supportive. I got recommended to go to a social kitchen community cafe which helps people with disabilites. they gave me their phone number but im going to pop into their cafe tomorrow.
I just realised I likely have been given unfair dismissal for a job last year and got sacked because of my disabilities. the recruitment agency and company refuse to take me on and make resonable adjustments. ive been in shock. id been lied too why iwas told to leave. they said they ran out of work, found out they hired people after me.
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. Some people don't have the patience. The people that you worked with her uneducated in my opinion. You have pushed yourself to find a job and others would give up. I have a younger sister with autism and I would not want her to experience what you have. Within time, you will find a job that suits you. Your past managers need to work on their interpersonal skills and manners. People these days. You could work in a day centre with people with different disabilities, be an advocate for others or working in a specialist school as a teaching assistant etc... Keep on going and you will find somewhere. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for sharing your story because it can help others.
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