538 replies, Replies 21 to 30

This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

I can agree with transgenders but be concerned about the fairness in women's sport. Of course physically it’s not going to be fair, so are we going to see more men transitioning so they can be the top of women’s sport or be mediocre in men’s sport? It’s possible.

But regarding other aspects then it’s fine.

Why would I be concerned about who is sitting next to me in the bathroom? It’s a laughable argument because if anyone did look over, take pictures or whatever else they might do, man or woman, it is an offence and they should be reported.

Most transgender people what to get on with their lives, not harass other women. Any man that dresses as a women solely to get into a bathroom is a sick individual who would be arrested.

I still don’t really understand what you are saying but it sounds to me like you will open doors for anatomical women, but not women who were born men?

Personally I hold the door open for anyone. Man or woman. Old or young. Ugly or beautiful.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

I actually cant believe some of the responses here.

So, in essence, what your saying is, man can no longer dominate women, so they are becoming them?

It's so *******fucking ridiculous. It sounds like men are feeling very threatened by strong women and are using God to cover their *****asses.

Im sorry you feel threatened by my ****tits

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

I’m ok with it.

What I do worry about though is how fashionable it seems to be becoming. And how people may use it as a get out of jail card, to get away with things.

I also worry about them taking part in women’s sports. I just don’t think it would be fair.

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Because I said so

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Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

I get what you're saying.

But, there are a lot of beliefs we hold that might not be 100% proof of.

evolution for one. or big bang theory

I think the creation of the universe is so huge, and maybe way beyond our understanding as humans, that we need something to explain the how and why of life.

Some people need the guidance in their lives.

Some people find it comforting.

Some people need a higher purpose to keep them going.

The 'rules' of religion are generally followed by most humans on the planet, whatever the religion. They are generally seen as a way to be a good human. And its not a bad thing.

But i do think they need updating, and to be less patriarchal. Live and let live.

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Don't treat others as you would like to be treated.

As I have matured and learned more about people and psychology, I've learned that the way people treat others is a fantastic indication of how they view themselves.

Those who are ill tempered, vindictive, angry, hateful, feel all of that about themselves, not so much about the people around them.

I no longer take my mothers angry, miserable, hateful outbursts personally. I know that its nothing I have done that has caused it. I know that if it hadn't been that thing it would have been another 5 minutes later. Its not about me.

Sure people shouldnt treat you like ****shit. But trying to understand what that person is going through if possible (money issues, illness, loss of family member, we just dont know) helps to not take it too personally.

And when you dont take it personally, you can take a step back and react logically instead of emotionally.

And you never know, that little bit of kindness and understanding my be what they need to get them through a difficult time.

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I gave up on giving up.

Yeah me too

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Maybe I asked this before.

verge wrote:
That was me. I had a weird hang up about learning to drive, failed the test at least twice. I told people it was because I had a near accident (I did) and shouldn’t we all be more afraid of driving giant death machines around when one out of any three people in the USA are likely to get injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident?! But really I think it was the pressure. My parents really wanted me to learn and at the same time couldn’t be in the car with me without flipping out and stressing me out so much I would make a mistake. I eventually asked my sister if she could teach me and she did and I passed and have been driving for years, no accidents. Anyway, just being there and occasionally encouraging her to get in the drivers seat in a positive enthusiastic way (never a stressed and angry way) may eventually pay off.

Ive had a license for 6ish years now and still cant drive with my parents in the car. I feel like my dads hand hovers above the handbrake and it freaks me out.

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Maybe I asked this before.

Jetmoo wrote:
Driving instructor with their own pedals on their side. Are there instructors with a steer wheel on their side too? To take over if needed. A security blanket

no steering wheel that i know of, but they are able to grab the drivers wheel if needed

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