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Don't treat others as you would like to be treated.

Treat them how the deserve to be treated.

I always heard this my whole life from well meaning idiots. But to go around treated people the way you wish they'd treat you all the time is foolish. You'll never be treated as you would have them treat you, you'll always be disappointed. And they will never treat you the way you would have them treat you no matter how much you treat them the way you'd have them treat you.

Stop being stupid.

no joke...

A LOT of you need to STOP BEING STUPID about this.

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Don't treat others as you would like to be treated. Treat them how the deserve to be treated. ¬ ¬ I always heard this my whole life from well meaning idiots. But to go around treated people the way you wish they'd treat you all the time is foolish. You'll never be treated as you would have them treat you, you'll always be disappointed. And they will never treat you the way you would have them treat you no matter how much you treat them the way you'd have them treat you.¬ ¬ Stop being stupid. ¬ ¬ ¬ no joke...¬ ¬ A LOT of you need to STOP BEING STUPID about this.

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This is wrong on so many levels.

Original Poster
(40 minutes after post)
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soco wrote:
This is wrong on so many levels.

We might not like it. It might break our naive idealistic faces. But it's absolutely right. Or more accurately correct and factual. It's the way it is. If you go around acting nice to people whether you want to or not you're first of all, not being sincere, and second, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Because most people JUST DON'T GIVE A ****FUCK ABOUT YOU. No matter how you treat them.

That's the TRUTH.

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Dr. Kent said it best.
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,
If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful,
you win false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,
What you spent years building may be
destroyed overnight,
People really need help
but may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have
And you'll get kicked in the teeth,
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world your best anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

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Luke 10:
And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

26  He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?

27  And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

28  And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

29  But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

30  And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

31  And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32  And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

33  But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34  And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35  And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

36  Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

37  And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

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To increase the use of your life energy and allow you to welcome death quicker without fear.

There's nothing wrong with compassion. Or mercy. Or any of the good that might be found in any of the bible.

And it is a welcomed thing for you to discuss it with those who are genuinely curious.

If someone needs to start there, okay.

We need to think about our place in the universe and figure out how we can have purpose. No problem.

What I don't understand, is why it's so forced. I just feel like I'm sitting here actually affected by your beliefs that are supposed to be separate from how we do things and you, are totally getting away with it. I'm no expert here. And it's great that you love your god. I just think it borders on lunacy. From the outside looking in: Hundreds of people gathering slowly into a single location most of them captured by the spectacle of a single actor telling a story about how to act is just a little creepy to me. But then again I find meaning in today's tv shows propaganda and opinions in some ways so I'm not one to judge at all really.

The bible is an old book. I'll give you that. But it's admitted time and time again that we know little of its origins and of its accuracy based on fact or fiction.

If we truly knew the information we don't have, I believe all of us would be unable to deny the facts. Instead we debate and argue and manipulate and on and on it's so exhausting and I don't know how so many people can keep it on their minds as much as you do.

The bible is a reality. It is a book. You can see it and touch it, read it and turn its pages. But all we can believe of it beyond that is what is written inside.

I'm sorry, I want the proof. I want evidence that indicates unequivocally that it's a book of actual history rather than fiction.

The Buddhists have their bible. The Muslims have their bible. Everybody has a bible. It all says a lot of the same things. Even Christianity has picked and pieced their own parts of it together the way THEY WANT it to be. Over and over and over again. That is why you have your Lutherans, and your Baptist, Methodist, and OMG the orthodox ****shit has been turned into it's own biased offshoots like Catholicism, one of the original hypocrites of them all. There's your eastern orthodox which is supposedly the oldest Christian church to ever exist and second in size only to the Catholics, why aren't they the only one's we all follow? Why branch off and adjust and tweak and water down and "modernize"? If it ever was a complete cohesive text it's been picked apart and passed around so much it can only be meaningless at a certain point.

They say, if you make up a small story and tell someone. Then they go and tell someone else it might sound a little different. And on and on until by the last person, it sounds so different it's not even the same story anymore.

This can happen too with text. You'd think writing the ****shit down would make it more permanent but it's not. This is exactly what has happened to the bible to the point everyone is so confused they're fighting about it and it's STUPID.

This has been 2000 years at least of this story being recycled over and over by different cultures to suit their fancy to the point I CAN'T HELP but feel like it's all just total bullshit. An ultimate propaganda tool for those who will use it to manipulate others and an ultimate form of slavery for those who would let them.

Christians I've been around like to use the excuse: "God gave us our own free will" to explain a lot of questions. "We have to choose to love him" they've said.

Well okay then. That is a statement with a lot of finality. Why doesn't every story in the bible, whichever story from whichever cultures bible you read, end with that? Rather than "god wants(expects) us to do it this way." Or you go to hell. LOL

If there is a god, an intelligence of sorts capable of creating this self sustaining(relatively) environment that is our universe, I can't believe he's hung up on these issues.

If Jesus Christ son of GOD came to THIS PLANET and talked to US, I can't believe that, THAT is what we learned.

There's some really good stuff in there. Love thy neighbor and all that. But the stories are just unbelievable. And even if they are real, what do they really have to do with god? They have more to do with the humans the stories are about. Moses and his people. Noah and the arc, saving humanity and all the worlds creatures. The boy that wanted to be a god and flew to high to the sun and his arrogance destroyed him....oops wrong mythology....

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(11 hours after post)
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I agree, one should treat others as they deserve to be treated. Treat people the way you want to be treated is poetic bullshit.

(1 day after post)
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if i had the energy for this negativity train i would jump right in.. but these days im old.. tired and rather not participate.

its hard for myself to believe - tho.. i once was a very angry person and had this drive to make others miserable like me.. but u know.. gotta ask yourself what good comes out of this.

i've dealt with my share of stupid people.. god knows how i couldn't stand em, truth to be told you cant fix stupid, they take pleasure in your tantrums when you try lol.. bastards!

just let karma work at em.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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As I have matured and learned more about people and psychology, I've learned that the way people treat others is a fantastic indication of how they view themselves.

Those who are ill tempered, vindictive, angry, hateful, feel all of that about themselves, not so much about the people around them.

I no longer take my mothers angry, miserable, hateful outbursts personally. I know that its nothing I have done that has caused it. I know that if it hadn't been that thing it would have been another 5 minutes later. Its not about me.

Sure people shouldnt treat you like ****shit. But trying to understand what that person is going through if possible (money issues, illness, loss of family member, we just dont know) helps to not take it too personally.

And when you dont take it personally, you can take a step back and react logically instead of emotionally.

And you never know, that little bit of kindness and understanding my be what they need to get them through a difficult time.

20181121 142229
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WHO decides how one should be treated..? WHO knows everything..?

Courts have (usually) lenghty trials to decide how to treat someone, and often they don't get it right..

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I don’t treat people the way I do in order to get something in return. I do it because I genuinely care about people.

It is not about giving to receive. It is about giving because it makes ou feel good inside.

People hurt me emotionally but I will still continue to follow my heart and be who I really am. Life without love in it is not a life worth living. I have to believe in love otherwise the world does not make sense.

Without love and kindness life has no meaning.

I have felt the bitterness when people have hurt me despite my caring but I will not allow myself to become over come with bitterness in my heart. I will continue to do my own thing. I control how I behave. I will not have another control how I behave or how I feel.

I believe that we should never let anyone dull our sparkle. But on the other hand we should always remain humble and then also be aware that we are also imperfect and that all people are imperfect.

I do sometimes think we shouldn’t treat others how we want to be treated however. For example I love hugs, but some people don’t like hugs especially some people with autism. And just because I like hugs doesn’t mean they make everyone feel good.

Really in my opinion, we should treat people how they want to be treated to the best of our understanding. If we know we are hurting someone’s feelings with words we say then we should stop using those words with that particular person. And just because those words would not upset does not give us any excuse to belittle anyone else for being upset over them.

There is absolutely no reason to be alive without love. I simply can’t live any other way. I feel sad for you that you feel how you do as if I were in your shoes then I’d struggle to find reasons to continue existing. Dunno about you, but I’d feel that way.

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Nix wrote:
As I have matured and learned more about people and psychology, I've learned that the way people treat others is a fantastic indication of how they view themselves.

Those who are ill tempered, vindictive, angry, hateful, feel all of that about themselves, not so much about the people around them.

I no longer take my mothers angry, miserable, hateful outbursts personally. I know that its nothing I have done that has caused it. I know that if it hadn't been that thing it would have been another 5 minutes later. Its not about me.

Sure people shouldnt treat you like ****shit. But trying to understand what that person is going through if possible (money issues, illness, loss of family member, we just dont know) helps to not take it too personally.

And when you dont take it personally, you can take a step back and react logically instead of emotionally.

And you never know, that little bit of kindness and understanding my be what they need to get them through a difficult time.

What a good response!

The way that people shout at others is how they shout at themselves. Possibly because they sadly didn’t learnt any different (yet). That “yet” can change though 😊

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(3 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

soco wrote:
This is wrong on so many levels.

We might not like it. It might break our naive idealistic faces. But it's absolutely right. Or more accurately correct and factual. It's the way it is. If you go around acting nice to people whether you want to or not you're first of all, not being sincere, and second, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Because most people JUST DON'T GIVE A ****FUCK ABOUT YOU. No matter how you treat them.

That's the TRUTH.

Why do you assume people are always being insincere if they try being nice? Not all people behave in the same way or feel things in the same way and if you saw them on a different day then they might behave differently altogether. Changing circumstances of ones life can have a massive impact on how they behave in all aspects of life.

I disagree that it is the truth or a fact. I believe that it is your opinion. And this is all my opinion.

I’m not being insincere when I try to be nice to people.. I don’t think so... I don’t except anything back... I mean I’m not closed minded but when I try and think about it I just can’t think of anything.. I think we are all imperfect however so I am not denying that. But being imperfect doesn’t necessarily make all people “bad” people.

My favourite quote is, be the change you want to see.

Did you ever think that perhaps others might feel the same way towards you? - That you would not care anyway, even if they were nice, so there’s no point being nice to you.

(3 days after post)
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I understand your point. I even agree with it, except for one thing. Just because everybody else is a jerk, that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk too. Some people are jerks just because they have never seen a non-jerk.

Original Poster
(5 days after post)
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SmartAZ wrote:
I understand your point. I even agree with it, except for one thing. Just because everybody else is a jerk, that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk too. Some people are jerks just because they have never seen a non-jerk.

It's going to stop. One way or another. No one's gonna be a jerk to me for long godamn it. I'm sick of it. And everyone in the room is gonna know it if you ****fuck with me again.

(obviously not you specifically but generally)

I might have said this already because I use the example frequently to explain it.

You can take the nicest dog and sit behind him and start punching him in the back of the head over and over and eventually even the nicest dog is going to growl, turn around, and try to BITE YOUR *******FUCKING HAD OFF.

I'm about to start biting. And these dumb *****fucks don't know I guess, that I'm going to *******fucking bite hard. And I feel like it's their fault. If you'd LEAVE ME THE ****FUCK ALONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT it wouldn't have reached this point!

I have been harassed and ******fucked with way more than the average person and that's a fact.

This is the result. I deserve to get them back. Since I can't, I can only make sure it doesn't ever happen again. And I will make sure of it with all the rage and hatred that was spawned by it happening in the first place.

Original Poster
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Cregyn wrote:

WHO decides how one should be treated..? WHO knows everything..?

Courts have (usually) lenghty trials to decide how to treat someone, and often they don't get it right..

Really this is about my lack of freedom to avoid your bullshit.

I am unable to escape what is causing me to be the way I am. And that's sick.

It really has nothing to do with a decision about how others should act. More about the amount of your bullshit I'm not willing to put up with. And how to best control that aspect of MY LIFE not yours. You(you generally speaking) don't have a right to ****fuck with me.

And I just feel like I should be completely within my rights to punch your *******fucking teeth out if you dare try. That's all.

I don't give a ****fuck what any of you do as long as you leave me the ****fuck alone. But that's being made impossible isn't it. I mean, you try to be left alone. Tell me how that works out for you. Everyone is too *******fucking sick to let you. And that is an attack. It's an attack.

My op may not have been as clear and I apologize. Are you understanding better now?

Original Poster
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Jetmoo wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

soco wrote:
This is wrong on so many levels.

We might not like it. It might break our naive idealistic faces. But it's absolutely right. Or more accurately correct and factual. It's the way it is. If you go around acting nice to people whether you want to or not you're first of all, not being sincere, and second, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Because most people JUST DON'T GIVE A ****FUCK ABOUT YOU. No matter how you treat them.

That's the TRUTH.

Why do you assume people are always being insincere if they try being nice? Not all people behave in the same way or feel things in the same way and if you saw them on a different day then they might behave differently altogether. Changing circumstances of ones life can have a massive impact on how they behave in all aspects of life.

I disagree that it is the truth or a fact. I believe that it is your opinion. And this is all my opinion.

I’m not being insincere when I try to be nice to people.. I don’t think so... I don’t except anything back... I mean I’m not closed minded but when I try and think about it I just can’t think of anything.. I think we are all imperfect however so I am not denying that. But being imperfect doesn’t necessarily make all people “bad” people.

My favourite quote is, be the change you want to see.

Did you ever think that perhaps others might feel the same way towards you? - That you would not care anyway, even if they were nice, so there’s no point being nice to you.

I can't assume people are being insincere when they are being nice. I really don't know. But I do know that people are more likely to be nice even when they're not being nice you know? They'll smile at your face and as soon as you let down your guard they stab you in the back. Obviously this isn't everyone. But it's enough people doing it that I just don't trust it anymore. Maybe nice people should be offended that people are hurting other people while using their temperament as a guise. I stopped putting enough trust in anyone to be surprised by their inevitable betrayals anyway a long time ago. I just sort of expect you to be a piece of ****shit and I occasionally get pleasantly surprised if you're not.

My reply was about YOU acting nice to others when you don't feel like it though. That is being insincere. So that's what it was more about.

If you treat people nice expecting others to do so in return, you'll both be disappointed and faking niceness to get it in return is insincere from the start.

Img 5499 photo full
(6 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

[quote from soco]

We might not like it. It might break our naive idealistic faces. But it's absolutely right. Or more accurately correct and factual. It's the way it is. If you go around acting nice to people whether you want to or not you're first of all, not being sincere, and second, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Because most people JUST DON'T GIVE A ****FUCK ABOUT YOU. No matter how you treat them.

That's the TRUTH.

Why do you assume people are always being insincere if they try being nice? Not all people behave in the same way or feel things in the same way and if you saw them on a different day then they might behave differently altogether. Changing circumstances of ones life can have a massive impact on how they behave in all aspects of life.

I disagree that it is the truth or a fact. I believe that it is your opinion. And this is all my opinion.

I’m not being insincere when I try to be nice to people.. I don’t think so... I don’t except anything back... I mean I’m not closed minded but when I try and think about it I just can’t think of anything.. I think we are all imperfect however so I am not denying that. But being imperfect doesn’t necessarily make all people “bad” people.

My favourite quote is, be the change you want to see.

Did you ever think that perhaps others might feel the same way towards you? - That you would not care anyway, even if they were nice, so there’s no point being nice to you.

I can't assume people are being insincere when they are being nice. I really don't know. But I do know that people are more likely to be nice even when they're not being nice you know? They'll smile at your face and as soon as you let down your guard they stab you in the back. Obviously this isn't everyone. But it's enough people doing it that I just don't trust it anymore. Maybe nice people should be offended that people are hurting other people while using their temperament as a guise. I stopped putting enough trust in anyone to be surprised by their inevitable betrayals anyway a long time ago. I just sort of expect you to be a piece of ****shit and I occasionally get pleasantly surprised if you're not.

My reply was about YOU acting nice to others when you don't feel like it though. That is being insincere. So that's what it was more about.

If you treat people nice expecting others to do so in return, you'll both be disappointed and faking niceness to get it in return is insincere from the start.

I sort of feel the same with professionals around my social care and health care. I have put trust in so many people and has it dashed.

Every time I believe they believe me and are listening, later I feel like they’re not actually listening and we’re judging me the whole time.

I’m having an emotional day today. I probably shouldn’t be writing on here today coz my cognition and emotions are all out of whack. I just wish they would believe me and help me 😢

I trust people and then they go against me too. But I don’t think they understand. But they don’t listen for long enough TO understand.

And if they don’t understand then it puts me at risk. If they tell DWP that I don’t need help then I could lose my benefits and die. Cos the professionals don’t believe me.

I’m so traumatised by it all. Last time SALT didn’t think I needed much help and I ended up screaming for ages.

Today I told mam I’m doing my best and she said you’re not actually.. and then I lost it. I’m trying so hard and I don’t know what to do anymore. I need so much help and struggling so bad to get it. But then don’t believe I need it.

Mam doesn’t understand very good either. I’m having to hope on my carers to talk for me cos anything I say is used against me 😢😣

I dunno if they understand or don’t. sometimes people don’t understand but think they do and don’t want to hear anymore.

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One thing I've realized is that sometimes people genuinely don't want to be treated as I do, so it pays to learn about them and how they really want to be treated and do that instead. I have learned a lot about myself and others by paying attention to this. I have also learned that sometimes people act like they don't want to be treated well at all and all signals point to "treat me worse" (they treat everyone including themselves like crap) and they need love and understanding. Mostly I don't care to deal with that, but it doesn't take much effort to be kind in minimal encounters with those people anyway.

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Its best to give them hell.
I used to be a nice guy to everyone.
Now Ill give you the shirt off my back but if you disrespect this Italuan American you will have the wrath you deserve.

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brilliant if not clever

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I agree with OP on this. If you consistently treat me like crap, treating you “the way I want to be treated” is idiotic. No malice in my heart, I just don’t have time for bs and value my worth more now.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I've gotten over the whole treat me bad and I'll treat you worse syndrome., it's just a vicious circle anyway. It's better to smile at everyone, treat them with kindness, and try to make the world a better place. Heck half the time that just pisses them off more than getting in their face, which is even more fun..

Help me with:

I need help.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
I've gotten over the whole treat me bad and I'll treat you worse syndrome., it's just a vicious circle anyway. It's better to smile at everyone, treat them with kindness, and try to make the world a better place. Heck half the time that just pisses them off more than getting in their face, which is even more fun..

i tried it your way for a long time. nice to everyone. smile at them while they ****shit in my face. ****fuck that. i found out that's just kissing some assholes asshole. ****fuck that.

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Cregyn wrote:

WHO decides how one should be treated..? WHO knows everything..?

Very very simple rule to make sure you're doing it right.

Mind your own business.

You stay out of people's way if you can so that they can mind their own business, and you mind your own business.

This is how you make sure you know you're treating people the way you should.

LEAVE THEM ALONE. Be of little or zero influence on them as you can. No one asked for you to get involved in their business. And unless you're asking for people to get involved in your business, they should stay tf out of yours too.

I can never be mad at you if I think you're a natural born asshole if I can simply choose to not be around you. The problem is, we don't have that choice. Because too many people trying to intentionally be in the way.

They're not minding their own business. Which includes letting others do the same.

Check in with yourself. Ask yourself questions like:

Am I unintentionally being a total asshole to someone right now because I'm not even paying attention?

Could I somehow be preventing this person from minding their own business? Am I in their way causing them to be influenced with my self centered thoughts?


Is this person acting in a way that is careless to the point of seeming like an attack, in a way that is not letting me mind my own business?

Is this person intentionally trying to prevent me from minding my own business and should I break their *******fucking nose?

Okay maybe that last one's a little too far...but only maybe. But it's not hard to mind your own business and it should be adopted by all. More so than "God said so". It would be a great way to just be a good human being. What I would consider normal. But then again, that's not minding my own business is it.

Sure there are courts that says so too. And yes I recommend paying attention to the law. But This is more about common sense than having to make laws.

It's not hard yall lol

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Yorick wrote:
if i had the energy for this negativity train i would jump right in.. but these days im old.. tired and rather not participate.

its hard for myself to believe - tho.. i once was a very angry person and had this drive to make others miserable like me.. but u know.. gotta ask yourself what good comes out of this.

i've dealt with my share of stupid people.. god knows how i couldn't stand em, truth to be told you cant fix stupid, they take pleasure in your tantrums when you try lol.. bastards!

just let karma work at em.

honestly, what causes that?

i am miserable, but i'm doing my best not to drag other people down. why am i so different than people who want to infect others with their misery? i know misery loves company, because when someone is more miserable than me i can at least say "could be worse" but...i don't rub it in their faces. i don't try to make them more miserable. i don't try to make someone slightly happier than me equally as miserable as me.

Where does any of that come from? I don't understand it.

(1 month after post)
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miserable people bore easily i guess.. they need pleasure or excitement for their own selfish needs..

as for causes.. .. not enough good things happening to them and many more i could care less about

as for treating someone.. i treat the best for those i care for and refuse to have a bleeding heart for those unworthy of my good intentions.

20181121 142229
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Anonymous wrote:

Be of little or zero influence on them as you can.

Ehm, aren't you trying to be an influence on people by writing this post, and getting them to see things your way..?

Anonymous wrote:

Sure there are courts that says so too. And yes I recommend paying attention to the law. But This is more about common sense than having to make laws.

It's not hard yall lol

This is not what I meant, I'm sorry. I meant that many courts make a wrong decision about guilty/not guilty verdict, and many innocent are in jail/executed, and many guilty are set free wrongly.. Only an arrogant person thinks they are right all the time, aren't they?

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Our court system is not perfect. It never was meant to be. By being judged by a jury of your peers it is meant to take out as many flaws in it as humanly possible.

20181121 142229
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soco wrote:
Our court system is not perfect. It never was meant to be. By being judged by a jury of your peers it is meant to take out as many flaws in it as humanly possible.

Yes; but if so many people can't get it right so often, how a single person can judge someone rightly with an absolute certainty.. and decide how to treat them/punish them?

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Punishment is mainly decided by the laws and the judge presiding over the case. If it is not a capital murder case the judge gets to set sentencing from time served to life. Juries can recommend the death penalty but it is still up to the judge whether or not to follow that recommendation. And if a defendant is given a death sentence the case is automatically retried with a whole new set of jurors. That is 24 different people that get a say in if a person is punished by death of a crime.

20181121 142229
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soco wrote:
Punishment is mainly decided by the laws and the judge presiding over the case. If it is not a capital murder case the judge gets to set sentencing from time served to life. Juries can recommend the death penalty but it is still up to the judge whether or not to follow that recommendation. And if a defendant is given a death sentence the case is automatically retried with a whole new set of jurors. That is 24 different people that get a say in if a person is punished by death of a crime.

Yes, exactly! A long and complicated system.. so how can one person alone decide how to treat others the way they deserve..?! That was the op urging people to do.. I rest my case here

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just the other day i was talking to a like minded co-worker.. about how we're a diverse company.. and the ladies ( not all ) tend to make the most mistakes and get away with it.. a promotion even... and im thinking .. im near perfect endlessly actually preventing the daily mistakes or catching the errors saving millions of dollars.

came up with the saying.. when anything goes wrong.. the girls get rewarded, and the boys are punished. so whats wrong with the picture here.

bit of a chuckle but whatever.

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Cregyn wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Be of little or zero influence on them as you can.

Ehm, aren't you trying to be an influence on people by writing this post, and getting them to see things your way..?

Anonymous wrote:

Sure there are courts that says so too. And yes I recommend paying attention to the law. But This is more about common sense than having to make laws.

It's not hard yall lol

This is not what I meant, I'm sorry. I meant that many courts make a wrong decision about guilty/not guilty verdict, and many innocent are in jail/executed, and many guilty are set free wrongly.. Only an arrogant person thinks they are right all the time, aren't they?

To answer your first question no. I don't care if you're influenced at all it's just a point of view. And this is a great place to come and *****bitch about it. Yeah it'd be great if I could make everyone think the same as me but I never was naive enough to think I'd ever have much success so I would never try. It's great if you see my point of view and find you can agree. Do I expect anyone to see my complaints and something actually happen? No. That would be really stupid of me and I don't want to be that stupid lol

Sorry to misunderstand your second point. I can agree there's probably little reason to doubt the courts are perfect in their rulings 100% of the time.

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