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My little bro is getting married.

Aria wrote:
There are thousands of single parents that do pretty well and can still raise well-adjusted children.

I became more aware of single parent kids immediately after the divorce of my own parents at 11. The most I've heard in my life, to date is, "I did the best I could," from any one of them, just as my own mom did the best she could.
I turned out fairly well adjusted, (as other kids of single parents have), but the lack of balance still exists.
Also, there is a distinction between the effort(s) of a single parent and the result that takes place within the child.

I'm not saying that it's the only avenue I'm looking at - but it would be rather ridiculous to choose a guy within my limited biological clock (which is barely functioning in the first place due to infertility issues) just because of the concept that a child cannot be raised in a single=parent home.

No argument from me - being raised in a single parent home is actually not a concept, but something that has happened down through the ages - the only question with our era is the overwhelming number of single parent kids do not reflect the historic percent ratios based on population (it far more), and so are the reasons.

I'm asexual for a start. There's not exactly a lot of choice to begin with, with just that alone.

Yet your prodigy may not have a choice regarding their own emotional directives - they may likely be Atypical and require "binary responses."

But yes, it is a controversial thing for a lot of people who encounter SMBCs because there's still a lot of belief that children will only function in a two-parent home, but it's not impossible.

IMHO the present can be contrasted to history and belief systems can be founded empirically or perceptively...are we really doing that much better today than we were yesterday, regarding the household?

I think my children would probably rather know that I adore them regardless, and if I was to force myself into a relationship in order to fit the standard, I'd be miserable. That would probably cause more damage to my children than the alternative.

I know my mom adored me and certainly she knew I loved her, yet, I do feel that I could have been more fortified knowing my father better than I did in the long run - which has no bearing on other relationships my own mom could have chose, (after all, she and dad divorced for a reason and, as you said, it would do no kid well to endure parents who are constantly at each other).
It's a difficult proposition at best - of course, I have no chitlins but I was once a tyke....once, haha!๐Ÿ˜Š

- written
My little bro is getting married.

Aria wrote:
I'm going through a Single Mothers By Choice when the time comes that I'm ready. I don't need a relationship to feel fulfilled.

You may not "need" a relationship to "feel" fulfilled, however, I would debate the needs of the child will invariably require the need of the other parent.

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The shortest distance between 2 points is a slight curve.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Lol.. option 4 is stay single. Then option 2 and 3 is useless

....you may be more right about that than you know.

(Later gater!) peace. โœŒ

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Is there anybody out there

aeolians.revenge wrote:
I already knew that.

Was just making sure. No slackers, man - lol!

Well, hey, good to see ya man - it's core time in my neck of the woods and I gotta roll to town.
Yak with you later.

- written
The shortest distance between 2 points is a slight curve.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
I get it.. well its time to raise the bar..
Or lower the cost of drinking.
I guess both will get you there

Option 3 - extend Happy Hour

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Is there anybody out there

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Can you loan me your time machine.

Hahahahaha....funny you should ask -
Apparently I used it and went through time and after so many miles it needed repairs, so my future version came by to pick it up...
So...I should get it back sometime last week, tomorrow.

- written
The shortest distance between 2 points is a slight curve.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Dam.. your one step above. Ok. You win

Well, I've been working years on my portal generating device and it nearly works! So, it's things like this you have to keep in mind.

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Is there anybody out there

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Will a kiss be ok..

.....a fist-bump will do. Lol!

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The shortest distance between 2 points is a slight curve.

I would argue that the shortest distance between two points is zero.
Just sayin'.....

- written
Is there anybody out there

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thats better.

Hey, you had your chance to edit....

(Patients Grasshopper, patients....)๐Ÿ˜‚

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