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Yea he was my dad.

It's hard to find a good male role model. Don't wait for one to come along - go find one and start living life.

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My girlfriend and I need a ride.

Your girlfriend isn't your equal - she has all the power and as long as she does, you're going to discover that life has more backseats than found in cars alone.....
The idea that relationships are equal is a lie - they aren't. It's about mastering an illusion. It's about having all the power and pretending it isn't good enough - because in reality, what can you provide without power?
Love??? It's a dime a dozen, lined up out the door and around the block - how many guys are waiting for their chance at your girlfriend when getting a simple ride shouldn't even be a thought.

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The old farmer

๐ŸŽถ Old McDonald had a farm....๐ŸŽถ

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I donโ€™t know what to do anymore.

When your dreams are broken, make new dreams - specifically ones that you can attain.
As for your job, if you don't like it, start looking for one that you can enjoy, rather than worry about how much it pays.
Need new friends? Go to church or join a club or do some volunteer work. Or, just log-in here at Help!

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Alien Covenant is not a good movie and we should stop watching new Alien films because it is so bad.

I didn't like A.C. also, I didn't like Prometheus either.
Fassbender is an okay actor (sorry, I have a different standard when it comes to performance and acting), regardless you can't hang a shitty script on a mediocre actor and expect a really great Alien movie.
Honestly, should have brought back James Camron to write any one of the newer scripts.
Just my opinion.

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Someone is visiting your town for the first time.

I would take them out to eat at a family diner - more of the Mom & Pops type.
No corporate resteraunts.

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been thinking of it lately

What are you talking about, Nacth? I've seen and dealt with trolls and your visits are far from trolling.
As for your poetery, this place is a good place for it, keep up the good work. Though I don't always respond I have read most of your works. In the good 'ol days poetery was always posted -
Cathetel, Eddieee and many others (who I can't remember) were always writing something, so why not you?
You're okay by me, man, just be yourself (and) most importantly be honest. That's all anyone should do.

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this statement defines my whole existence

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
everything is is irrelevant

Yes. Everything IS irrelevent, however EVERYONE is not. People are not "things."

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
All life is suffering, the moment you're born you're handed a death sentence. It's why some people choose suicide.

Not all of life was created immortal. Of all creatures, only man suicides.

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*** Post Closed ***

I don't think I had it as difficult with my mom as you do yours.
I will say though, there were meeting points where our heads butted with each other concerning certain issues....
It's when things get to a point of pride where love is lost.
You're always going to be the kid, Nix.... It's not that way with all families but someone invariably ends up with the short straw.
You have to think ahead - far ahead, (how much further?), to the end.
A time will come when you will outlive your mom. The chances are, she will take with her, a certain view that is unyielding.
The best you can do is hold on tight and learn. It's a sad lesson to know that people see you for how they want, and not necessarily who you are. Even more painful when it's family.

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Let's talk about victim shaming.

That said, I think that the president had no place to say anything about it but the facts. The mocking tone he used to describe her testimony was inappropriate and really unnecessary.

Trump never detailed anything about the case - he simply summarized it in two words, "No proof."

Trump isn't making fun of the falseness of the accusation because he doesn't really know one way or the other. He's making fun of Ford for the act of accusing. Thats why trump is wrong.

Actually, he's making fun of the liberal Dems and SJW's who, by virtue of their stunted mentality, wants every person he (Trump) appoints, overturned. The Ford/Cav situation was political maneuvering in it's lowest fashion and doesn't represent real victims of sexual misconduct.

Furthermore making fun of accusers does nothing to help the falsely accused. It does not validate them. Only evidence and truth can do that. And the falsely accused dont find making fun of their accusers funny either.

What of the falsely accused, again? .....I wonder who's laughing and taking delight in destroying a mans life just because they don't want him in a political position....but forget that because even he's too high up the food chain to represent the average person who has been falsely accused of sexual misconduct.
Sean Hannity? No-no, it's Jerry Springer down here in the commons and the kangaroo court system that feeds men into an ever-growing penal system when a woman turns on the salty, soap opera tears.
Men get near life sentences when found guilty of certian charges (whether true or not). I would like to see a law passed where anyone laying false allegations, and is found guilty of such, they should serve the exact same time the maximum law would impose on the defendant if they were found guilty of the charge.
Otherwise, I believe that cruel revenge becomes a delicious option - after all...who tried to destroy who's life for $#!t$ and giggles to begin with?

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