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I don't think I had it as difficult with my mom as you do yours.
I will say though, there were meeting points where our heads butted with each other concerning certain issues....
It's when things get to a point of pride where love is lost.
You're always going to be the kid, Nix.... It's not that way with all families but someone invariably ends up with the short straw.
You have to think ahead - far ahead, (how much further?), to the end.
A time will come when you will outlive your mom. The chances are, she will take with her, a certain view that is unyielding.
The best you can do is hold on tight and learn. It's a sad lesson to know that people see you for how they want, and not necessarily who you are. Even more painful when it's family.

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Sorry to hear that Nix. I still think you can love her but not take ownership in the way she treats you. Assuming you are not adopted she did give birth to you. Hate the bubble on her shoulders not the heart below.

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I'm sorry, I have definitely had really rough patches in my relationship with my mother. Can relate. Things can change though, especially with increased time and distance.

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I’ve had some roughly patches with my mom too. We’re very close now, but she still sometimes drives me crazy. The thing I have to remind myself, and I really hope this applies to you and helps you, is that becoming a mother doesn’t make you perfect. Everyone is flawed - some people can be self centered or overly critical. Just keep that in mind and take things with a grain of salt.

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Araz wrote:
Everyone is flawed - some people can be self centered or overly critical. Just keep that in mind and take things with a grain of salt.

Of course that grain of salt may need to be as large as a Buick.

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soco wrote:

Araz wrote:
Everyone is flawed - some people can be self centered or overly critical. Just keep that in mind and take things with a grain of salt.

Of course that grain of salt may need to be as large as a Buick.

Very true!

Nix edited this post .

*** Post Closed ***¬ ¬ OMG I have been feeling for a while now that I don’t love my mum anymore. ¬ ¬ I have no respect for her anymore either. It’s just reached a point where I don’t want to beclose aroundthe her, talk to her, or even interact with her. There is never anything happy with her. ¬ ¬ She will never try to understand my point of view. I have tried to explain it so many tines to her since I was a child. It doesn’t get through to her. ¬ ¬ She’s all about herself and wonders why I don’t want to go out with her. I’m done. I suppose I just need support right now. I don’t have anyone to talk to.post

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