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i'd like to pass a drug test one day...

i know it can take a while if you're a heavy smoker but i quit for two months straight and it still showed up on home tests. wtf do i have to wait a year???

1. THC is considered "water soluable" meaning it largely bonds with the fat content of your body. Further, you don't have to be a heavy pot smoker, but more or less, a consistent smoker to saturate your body with THC.

2. Not all drug tests for pot are the same. Some tests simply detect the presence of THC in your system. However, the drug tests that really piss most people off are the ones that detect the percentage of THC in your system (usually rated on a scale of P.P.M. Parts Per Million).

Without much detail, I had shared a joint with some friends during a particular spring - it had been the only weed I smoked in nearly a decade. Four months later, I was drug tested for a shitty entry level position of a job and was denied because I still had pot in my system....a whole 14 NANOGRAMS of THC!
About the same amount you would get driving through a smoking frat party at 120 miles-per-hour.

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The Struggle.

Did you get a pee jug?๐Ÿ˜‚

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I am breaking all of my ties

You need a vacation.
Go home.

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Which would you choose?

Are there two businesses?
In one breath you say:

- WE were partners in a literal business that WE started.

Great, but then

- he *****fucks up MY art production (and) without his help I can't run MY business with the proficiency I need.


I have been thinking about moving back in with my family.

But, I don't want to go there, be stuck in the middle of nowhere, and feel empty

The trouble is, your current circumstances are making you feel empty right now.

The way your boyfriend interacts with his family will likely never change. It will always be about them. Where does that leave you?

Basically, you need to make some decisions based on your own autonomy. Most everything that has been made in the relationship has been abandoned or failed - you'll get no support if you try to "fix it."

You might want to consider an early carreer move.

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i am so happy i'm not racist.

It's like this....

Once you've sorted through the individual races, the only race left is the human race.

So far, I'm only hearing they are guilty before presumed innocent.

How would that not be racist?

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Which is better way to get physically fit(easier and quicker)?

Fat does not turn into muscle, nor ever it will.

Losing weight and building muscle are two separate issues.

If you want to lose weight, change your diet. Drink lots of water, and eat a large fruit/vegetable diet. You'll need to include some lean meat and a VERY SMALL portion of carbs (go with brown rice).
Then, get some excircise. I'd avoid running and jogging. Walk, do some physical labor, raise your heart rate for at least 15 minutes.

To build muscle, work out. This is NOT the same as excircising to lose weight and you SHOILD NOT use working out as a substitute for general weight-loss excircise.
When it comes to working out, you begin to target muscle groups and work them. By doing so, you build muscle and get stronger.

The big key to staying fit is activity and the menu of your diet.

Also, stay away from the drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

Further, prepare for life changes. By the time you hit 40 years of age, your body will not always respect your efforts. And it happens really quick.

All my best.
Good luck

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I have been a little stressed.

About not thinking....

We understand what a fair balance of sleep is - that point between being an insomniac and being lazy....

The same thing goes for not thinking - the mind has to rest, quite often, during a state of consciences - much like digesting food, it can't be done during sleep because digestion is largely shut down at sleep.

We need to actively digest the information we gather on a daily basis, it is important to understand that we live in the information age and it is easy to be a mental glutton - if you don't think so, just look at most every mental disorder that has been diagnosed over the span of three decades.

As a rule of thumb goes, I have determined that the condition of a person's home is a reflection of their mental well-being. Some people keep their place like a musium, other people have hoarder homes.

As I've mentioned, you have to take time to process your experiences (actually deal with them), before moving on (or changing the subject). And not to do so only invites information overload, and leads to a host of mental disorders.

The ability to not think generally means you've reached the end of what you have mentally digested - it doesn't mean we have to suddenly cram more information or experiences in, just to fill tiny voids of meaningless drivel - and this explains why we live in an age where HUGE sums of energy and attention are given to insignificant things - big things are comming your way because you bounced the Q-Tip off the bathroom countertop and made a rimshot off the waste basket (Tweet, Selfie, squint eye, pucker, upload to Facebook for a hopeful viral hit).

Well, this should be enough to get you started. Think it through, it's all we can do before it's time to take a break.

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The Struggle.

soco wrote:

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Sometimes....you just have to stash an emergency jug just for this occasion....
He!! Do you really think I get up and walk to the bathroom 4 times in the middle of the night??? I'd never get any sleep!

You still using that outhouse 600 yards from your front door?

Ha! How'd you guess? I gotta tell ya though, the practice of a 600 yard shot tends to improve one's aim (speaking as a guy).

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The Struggle.

Sometimes....you just have to stash an emergency jug just for this occasion....
He!! Do you really think I get up and walk to the bathroom 4 times in the middle of the night??? I'd never get any sleep!

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Happy Birthday, Help-QA.com!

Actually, @Rockster160 aren't we celebrating a little bit late??

The very first Post was yours. According to the date stamp that was on Nov 4, 2017....

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