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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

soco wrote:
I don't Help anyone. Just ridicule.

So my actor would be Don Rickles....

In drag!


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I love the music in this video

CreekFairy wrote:
Thanks Big Al! :)


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i found mera

Actually not a bad number.
This seems to be a Pakistani production.

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How can I help my mum?

Let her do her thing.
The games are a release of stress and once she's finished, I think she will gather herself up and do what needs to be done.

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Why can't I write?

aeolian wrote:
Who are you speaking to

Yeah, I wasn't clear. But, I would be willing to bank anyone who needed music.

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

PepperJ wrote:
And...thanks for the Naomi Watts compliment :)

It's just when I heard you mention Kathy Bates, the first thing that came to my mind was Steven Kings "Misery" starring Kathy Bates. The fact you mentioned Dwayne Johnson was just bonus to the thought.

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Why can't I write?

Two Socks wrote:

Thank you! I mostly use spotify for music because I don't have a lot of Cd's and don't like itunes or radio. It makes custom playlists based on artists or songs that are similar sounding. I've been introduced to a lot of awesome bands in the process. ๐Ÿ™‚

According to my list, I have 15,177 songs in my MP3 library. Carefully selected through the years. If you want a copy of my library, let me know and we can make some arrangements.

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

J.N-Bucking wrote:

Getting a 404 error when I click your link....
I think the link I managed to add worked tho.

I'm sorry, but this one's above my pay grade.

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

J.N Bucking wrote:

A little help -


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I used to write a lot of stuff for the old Help.com.

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
@Big-Al-One Thank you :)

I agree that this is what was needed to bring the community back. But knowing that I couldn't do that, I tried to work with what I had.

Helptogo was first aid. But as we all know first aid doesn't always work.

No. It doesn't always work.
And thank you for maintaining studious composure while an old barking dog barks.

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