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This gender neutral initiative is confusing.

Nixx wrote:
Funnily enough, it doesnt bother me personally. I wouldnt mind being called a policeman and never minded been referred to as a group of guys. I just want girls to be more than models or other air head professions.

I'd like to think we have accomplished that for the most part - not that it's perfect all the time, but if you're qualified AND the position is available.

Nixx wrote:

BTW I hope they are fixing the hole that you can never avoid.

(Sadly not the road to which I spoke of.)
And THAT problem is STILL on-going. I hit it again tonight because I had to stay in my lane for another oncoming car - this is a REAL problem, and it bothers me. It's at supernatural levels now.
Thanks for remembering.

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The wave might be passing...

I think the ability to analyze ones self is never entirely objective one way or the other. We may conclude things based on our emotions which do fluctuate.
A drunk guy at a bar was sullen and quiet. He drank on. After a while he began talking about all the injustices that were done to him from his woman - but he lacked character.
He finally said those famous words -
"I'm a good guy," to which I responded, " No you're not." Surprised, he looked at Me and said, "What makes you think that?"
I said, "Because, you're the one saying it."

And it works like that in so many different ways - we love ourselves, we hate ourselves and everything in between. Our self-judgement is usually biased.
Not to say we can't be reasonable with ourselves though.

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This gender neutral initiative is confusing.

Nixx wrote:
Yes, the one child policy in China certainly has had interesting effects.

There should be more gender neutral terms, and clothing. Im not talking about boys wearing skirts and dresses ect (they can if they want). I just mean encouraging girls to grow up to be more than a beautician hairdresser.

So...I'm at a dead halt on the highway because the road crew are repaving the road. I'm stopped because the super fine babe in front of me is holding the STOP sign. Now, she certainly isn't wearing a dress but it's not hard to figure out what SHE is.
She wears the same crew outfits as the team. Regardless, the sign next to her says "Men At Work." She's not in a ruffle about what the sign says - obviously, she's working too as well as the female operating the compactor.
None of the working women are complaining about the "patriarchal" language of the signs. I suspect, when they read those signs -Men At Work- those same women are thinking, "Yes....yes they are...." Knowing full well the power of their own positions.

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The wave might be passing...

Nixx wrote:
I'm glad your feeling better.

Keep waiting to hear back from the waiting lists, even if you do feel better.

Maybe just enjoy being single for a while, focus on uni and dont worry about love. Maybe thats easy for me to say, I was born to be single lol.

What Nix said (and also Sherlock)

The law of nature says a relationship takes priority above most things. Therefore, if you become involved your academics takes a back seat - without fail.

You're back on top of the game because you're finally caught up with your Uni work. That's a good thing. As for the other 25%, call it the uncertainty factor. It's still okay to feel good about what you have done.
Keep your appointment, none-the-less.

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Why are my chocolate chip cookies cakey and not dense and chewey?

Sherlock wrote:
When I encounter these problems, it's usually because I have bought an inferior brand of cookies!

TOLL HOUSE cookies, Sherlock. Not TROLL HOUSE....

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This gender neutral initiative is confusing.

Sherlock wrote:
It's also very Malthusian to note that a society that holds its women back will not progress very far. The Middle East holds perfect examples of this Malthusian law.

I remember way back when the Chinese passed regulitory laws regarding the numbers of females born into their society. Given the population of their country, I suppose they didn't expect to experience such adverse effects upon their men. As I understand the male\female ratio is 10 to 1.
Funny....because that has been the same ratio here in Alaska for over 30 years. Only now have things started to rebalance. Like I really care now that I'm old.

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Why are my chocolate chip cookies cakey and not dense and chewey?

Too much water or baking powder or both.

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This gender neutral initiative is confusing.

J.N-Bucking wrote:
I don't think people are having surgery and psychiatric evaluations to become that are they?

No. It's a form of lifestyle though.




- written
This gender neutral initiative is confusing.

Actually....none of the responses for the post topic are addressing the specific...
Gender NEUTRAL = NO gender.
Neutral. Not male. Not female. No gender.
All the inbetweens were well covered.
Androginy. Not even necessarily "interchangible" due to the uniformity of the subject.

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How on earth do i write a business plan when there are so many unknowns?

Nixx wrote:
The problem with the land is its not actually for sale, so its hard to gauge a price, I know what it was sold for several years ago though, so I've budgeted for a large increase. In reality, who knows.

With the building, again i have an approx, and the companies will do the planning permission and ground works, I have an idea of the building but not the extras, so again i have over budgeted but i have no idea if its enough.

You can only get as close as you can. Even if you had precise answers, there is always the unforseen and unexpected along the way.
There comes a point when you must brave it and say, "Good enough."
And then you go into action.

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