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When Sherlock Left the High Road .

It's not a Barney Fife life anymore...

The local town cops aren't local anymore.

They're rotated to other communities, just as the ones here are "imported."

Why, you ask?

To serve without discretion.

You don't get off easy for stupid things because your drinking buddy for 20 years isn't the one pulling you over.

Here's your $fine.$

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I'm thinking of applying for a new job.

If your current job is set to expire then I would start orentating myself for the other job.

As for the bond you share with your cat, I DO understand but humans rule.

My first dog was a minature sheltie puppy. My mother got him for me when I was five-years-old. He died when I was 19.
25 years later, he still comes to me in my dreams - true. More than my parents.

Meanwhile, adopting another cat (perhaps a kitten) can help your cat cope with your absence. But, cats adapt pretty well and are usually independent enough to handle change.

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I'm thinking of applying for a new job.

First - the last thing that should determine your livelihood is a pet...

Secondly, as you have examined all the rhetoric to get the job, is it worth it to you?

Can you financially survive the first year on less?

Considering the second year is the same as where you are now at, can you endure to the third year (where it finally pays off)?

If you make it to the third year and choose to carry on for longer can YOU (not your cat) handle the over-nighters?

If it all seems worth it...get your cat a friend and do it.

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Post Closed Post Closed


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Happy Christmas and New years, think I missed it here.!

danihatesyou wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:

danihatesyou wrote:
Oh yeah fun times with a alcoholic sister stumbling in for an appearance

I'm sorry to hear it went that way. Seems like the Grench has a way with Christmas at times - nothing more straining for the family.

It was entertaining


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I haven’t gotten any cravings to smoke (Day 10 Nicotine free!) but I’ve been told I’m crankier, I have a gross cough that won’t go away, and I’m tired all the time.

Sherlock wrote:

If I were the Emperor of the World, I'd crucify the executives of all the tobacco companies . . . I'd set up crosses on the national mall and have all of them nailed to one. The suffering and premature deaths they have inflicted constitute a crime against humanity.

It wouldn't matter. Every individual makes their personal choice.
I fee the same way about alcohol as you do about tobacco.
Went to the grocery store and waited behind a very skinny and hollow man at the ATM (some years older than me) and he had that familiar bar & aftershave smell that I associate with alcoholics.
As he turned, disappointed at the result of his account, I couldn't help but notice he had P'd himself - he didn't know or didn't care...

- written
Happy Christmas and New years, think I missed it here.!

danihatesyou wrote:
Oh yeah fun times with a alcoholic sister stumbling in for an appearance

I'm sorry to hear it went that way. Seems like the Grench has a way with Christmas at times - nothing more straining for the family.

- written
Happy Christmas and New years, think I missed it here.!

For what it's worth, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Always better late than never. I hope all was well with you and yours.

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Is there a killer in your home?

As I understand it, Radon gas also goes with the territory of (generally) fresh concrete.

It takes over 100 years for one cubic yard of concrete to season. In its slurry state it is naturally thermic (aka) radioactive.
Meanwhile, the gasses produced over that course of time as it cures....

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I haven’t gotten any cravings to smoke (Day 10 Nicotine free!) but I’ve been told I’m crankier, I have a gross cough that won’t go away, and I’m tired all the time.

Amen to that Sherlock!

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