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anyone thankful for something

I'm thankful that God has forgiven my sins.

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Do you think Trump should be impeached?

aeolians.revenge wrote:
If you went to the university and asked left wing college studens should trump be impeached everyone would say absolutly.
If you asked the same students well what did he do wrong? Almost non of the students would be able to tell you why he is being impeached.
They the students just dont like him but that isnt a good enough reason to impeach him.
Again. Yes he will be impeached.
He will never leave office.
He will win a landslide next november for reasons I gave above.

What Aeolian said.

soco wrote:
Trump will be regarded as the absolute worst President America ever had.

That is if Russia allows the truth to be recorded.

Even Martin Luther King had a dream. If he were alive he would have whipped the flesh off of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Barrak Obama.
America has always been a Republic - that is the spirit it was founded on.

I wish there was a blank slate of land where all the libs and dems could go, to form their own country and a working government.
I think it would amount to an entertainment value as that country would hold its hand out for aid regarding every issue that makes a county run smoothly.

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One day two brothers were raking in the front yard.


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Did he just ask me to hangout with him or did I misunderstand him?

What Soco said, although it's no surprise that upper managers play their games based on rumor and gossip.
Hence, keep all appearances of your interest in this guy away from them....

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I am posed with a conundrum.

Post a reply.

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What does it mean if a girl starts acting different around you?

Just tell her what you've noticed and ask if she's okay.
Of course she's going to say that she's okay, but it gives you a chance to tell her that you have the kind of ear that listens.

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My dad never taught me anything.

If you keep saying its red Ill have 6 burley cops come over to drag you away.

And if you keep saying it's not, I'll have 1 bitty lady from CPS hike you to the psychaitry ward and a warrant that spells out the details of what is to be done with you.....

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What do you think??

Anonymous wrote:

That's what I'm sayin'!

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What do you think??

Hey, I'll be the first to agree - it seems the good ole days are gone...

Probably worse than that. I think the humanity in man is going out.

Just a thought (probably one you've already entertained), why not buy a piece of property.
I did a quick look through on Craigslist and found all sorts of affordable deals.
For the cost of rent, you can own.

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What do you think??

So this post is now armchair psycology.

? I don't think so. I'm just trying to look at things from all sides based on events you presented because, (for some reason) I don't see anyone here as the "bad guy" for the most part.
It seems his story is consistent (for the most part, not all).

1st problem. Why didnt he call me to tell me the 1st 2 people didnt take it like he said?? And having 2 people again ahead of me.??

As I mentioned before, it is possible they DID take it. Technically, there wouldn't be any reason to call you based on his statement.

After 16 days pass and he realizes the first 2 are no good....could he have simply forgotton you, misplaced your number, deleted your contact info?
In any case, the show must go on for him - so 2 more people show up and you're lost in translation.

Don't get me wrong, maybe your hunch about him is right but I keep asking myself what does he have to gain by playing you that way? He needs renters....right?
Something common you both share?

I don't know in all reality, but I do agree that he could have been a little more kind and less profane toward you.

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