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Do you think Trump should be impeached?

Lets be civil and measured. I'm just wondering people's feelings, if any. Polls show that more people want him impeached than not, but not by a big margin. More surprisingly, the hearings themselves did not seem to change public opnion much, despite things looking pretty bad for trump in them, and the republican side not really having a substantive defense besides "not enough evidence."

Did you follow the hearings? I was able to listen to a lot of it at work audially and I really do think Trump did the bad thing, and that what he did is bad enough to impeach. I mean, on the best reading of the facts in Trump's favor he made a diplomatic fumble. In the worse he put personal interest above national security interest, which is impeachable in my book. I do not think that his guilt in this case is proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" but there is definitely a perponderance of evidence.

I just wish that more people were like will hurd and had more measured responses to the impeachment. Only republican willing to at least acknowledge, during the hearings, that trump made some kind of mistake. Everyone else on both sides is ra,ra,ra one way or the other and its gross.

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I hate Trump so much. I dislike that man from the core center of my being. I hate that he was elected in the first place and I agree with you. I hope he is impeached, and if he isn't, I hope there are some sort of ramifications.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Until the democrats get their act together trump will use this impeachment as a landslide victory in next november.
I think he will be impeached but will never leave office.
Im a democrat but the left has gone off the deep end.
At this point the only platform the democrats have is they hate trump and to raise taxes.

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Also keep in mind when you keep attacking trump you are also attacking his supporters who could be potential voters for the democrats. Your pushing away swing voters in this witchhunt.
Its literally killing the democrats.
The best move the democrats could do is to find a candidate that resonates with voters.
America has some rwal problems and the dems. Are focusing in on a hate campaign which will backfire.
The left focusing in on which bathroom to use at target isnt a strong enough platform to win 2020.
I believe if they would moderate their platform and seduce trump supporters than they can have a chance.
They are choosing a hate campaign which in my oppinion will totally backfire giving trump a landslide.
The old system will vanish if you offer americans a more viable and better system.

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Also keep in mind when you keep attacking trump you are also attacking his supporters who could be potential voters for the democrats. Your pushing away swing voters in this witchhunt.
Its literally killing the democrats.
The best move the democrats could do is to find a candidate that resonates with voters.
America has some rwal problems and the dems. Are focusing in on a hate campaign which will backfire.
The left focusing in on which bathroom to use at target isnt a strong enough platform to win 2020.
I believe if they would moderate their platform and seduce trump supporters than they can have a chance.
They are choosing a hate campaign which in my oppinion will totally backfire giving trump a landslide.
The old system will vanish if you offer americans a more viable and better system.

Does that mean the dems are only doing the impeachment thing cus they hate trump? I don't believe that myself. If trump did something worthy of impeachment, shouldn't he be impeached? Pence would take his place and then presumably run next year, or there will be a different republican candidate.

In any case you may be right about how this will effect the election, there is a good chance the impeachment thing is just going to make more trump supporters vote.

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I'm registered as independent but i never liked trump from way back before he was even political. However i was honestly much less in favor of impeachment before the hearings. I dont think we should impeach presidents on a whim but the hearing talked me into why it would be justified to do so in this situation.

It fascintes me how my own mind was changed by them but so few others have been affected, one way or the other

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Araz wrote:
I hate Trump so much. I dislike that man from the core center of my being. I hate that he was elected in the first place and I agree with you. I hope he is impeached, and if he isn't, I hope there are some sort of ramifications.

I've heard talk about possibly a "censure" being passed saying "you done wrong trump, dont do it again." But with so few republicans seeming to be even willing to admit something fishy went on, that's probably unlikely.

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I don't understand why he still is upset with former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Doesn't he know he won...???!

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Well. Clinton never was prosecuted. She should have been.
If your going to be santimonious you need to be consistant
I know soco you tend to play stupid when it suits you.
I know that your question wasnt sincere ans was a loaded question.

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Anonymous wrote:
Well. Clinton never was prosecuted. She should have been.
If your going to be santimonious you need to be consistant
I know soco you tend to play stupid when it suits you.
I know that your question wasnt sincere ans was a loaded question.

Prosecuted for what?! She was investigated by 2 different offices over a two year period of time. There was nothing "criminal" that she or anybody else could be charged with. So you want to reinvestigate a now private citizen. That's whats stupid.

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Compare that with all the charges both foreign and domestic handed out by Mueller.

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personally .. i hate politics. nothing but a headache now..

im pretty conservative and a private person - i like my small world.. i enjoy the simple things and i have no time getting into the business of others who are really interested tricking me to be involved - nor have any care for it.

I know right from wrong. whats really wrong is making me feel/think/believe that its my obligation to listen to crap i could care less about, politics is messy business.. all politicians have cheated the system in one way or the other.. do i cry about it .. NO why cuz idgaf.

far as the governments involvement and what im ok with : the hard earned money taxed for infrastructure. affordable commodities, and the things that really apply to my life's convenience is acceptable

i could go on.. bottem line.. look after yourself not others - THAT my friends .. is freedom.

if you take that from me.. we got a problem.

trump is laughable, the dems on a feeding frenzy also is laughable.. the media.. wow.. that ****shit spin.. is unbelievable.. i nearly shot the television because of all that garbage spewing out causing all sorts of outrages. once in a while i do check in with the world with little hope that the world will come to their senses .. it never does.

the wheel will keep on burning.


(9 hours after post)
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I agree. I hate politics.
Im with you yorick.
This is all a big distraction.
Soco belive what you want and ill believe what I want.
Im not going to fight.
Im independent and cant agree clunton is an ethical person.
But I wont try to change your thinking.

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Yorick wrote:

i could go on.. bottem line.. look after yourself not others - THAT my friends .. is freedom.

At the end of the day, I think everyone feels that way. However, there are moments in history where that view ends up smacking you right in the mouth and it's too late to say "if only I paid attention, maybe I could have changed something."

At the same time, does paying attention help if everyone is spinning and it's hard to tell up from down? What's the truth, who knows it, who should I believe?

This is one case where, to me, things aren't really all that complicated. These are facts that NO ONE on either side of the aisle are disputing:

1. Ukraine is being invaded by Russia
2. We should care, because it has repercussions for American national security.
3. Congress, both repubs and dems, voted to give the Ukraine security assistance.
4. There was a hold put on releasing the security assistance, and no one seems to know why.
5.Rudy Giuliani, the President's personal lawyer, ran a smear campaign against the former Ukraine ambassador, who was tough on corruption, to get her out of office, and no one seems to know why.
6. The infamous call transcript where (in my opinion) it sure SOUNDS like Trump is soliciting a bribe, but he doesn't quite say he is in so many words. (by the way, the transcript is only three pages of dialogue long, it's worth a read.)
7. The aid was finally released (if I remember correctly) two days after Congress announced it was going to do an investigation into the matter.

Now, there is more from witness testimony, much more, and the rest sort of relies on whether or not you believe those witnesses...witnesses who are putting their careers and reputations on the line to testify, defying executive orders not to testify, and have excellent reputations in their field. You can dismiss a lot of it as circumstantial, or say that the witnesses were assuming things without proof. Bottom line though, is that they all saw weird stuff going down and it really seemed to them then (or now, that they know all the facts) like Trump was trying to solicit a bribe.

The bombshell for me from the witnesses testimony that I remember best is when sondland said that Giuliani told him that a white house meeting was conditioned on the Ukraine prez doing investigations into the bidens. This guy has NO motivation to lie about that.

Now, we don't have a video tape where the prez admits to wrong doing, and more importantly, the Ukraine prez claims that he was not pressured to do anything. These are important facts as well, but in my opinion they are heavily outweighed by the other information. There is a whole thing about whether or not Trump believed a debunked conspiracy theory propagated by the Russians about Ukrainian interference in 2016 elections. It could be that Trump really believed that, which is why I say above, in the best reading of the facts, Trump is an idiot.

Now, that was more than i thought it was when i started writing, and granted, you're relying on my interpretation and biases of what I saw so take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to me, SOMETHING gross happened. If trump doesn't get impeached, I won't be mad, but I'm glad they are doing an investigation! This stuff really is life or death and it's finally getting the attention it deserves, I can understand not having an opinion and there really isn't much the average person can do on a day to day basis but I think one has to appreciate the weight of the issues. It really isn't just a distraction, in fact, this is one of the few times where a real issue that deserves attention is being put in the spotlight: Namely, the russian invasion of Ukraine.

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Its actually kinda scarier to me that the impeachment thing makes things look so bad for trump and it may be at the end of the day the american people dont care whether or not he did something wrong...that's higher stakes than whether or not he actually gets impeached.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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If you went to the university and asked left wing college studens should trump be impeached everyone would say absolutly.
If you asked the same students well what did he do wrong? Almost non of the students would be able to tell you why he is being impeached.
They the students just dont like him but that isnt a good enough reason to impeach him.
Again. Yes he will be impeached.
He will never leave office.
He will win a landslide next november for reasons I gave above.

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
If you went to the university and asked left wing college studens should trump be impeached everyone would say absolutly.
If you asked the same students well what did he do wrong? Almost non of the students would be able to tell you why he is being impeached.
They the students just dont like him but that isnt a good enough reason to impeach him.

It's not but thats not why he's being impeached.

He's been accused of conditioning military aid and a white house meeting on help with his reelection campaign.

I agree he probably won't be found guilty in the senate but we should still care whether or not he did something wrong. If you think there isn't enough information to know either way, that's fair. But it does matter!

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Another thing that gets me is if Trump is innocent in all this, there must be records that prove it, but they aren't forthcoming, and only because he hasn't released or allowed whichever key person to testify.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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And what if he didnt do anything wrong ie russian collusion..etc etc.
We cant deny that there has been nothing but witch hunts to hurt this man who is our president.
I also thought the clinton impeachment was a joke and wasted our tax money.
My tax is the left hates him and will do anything to remove him including fabricating one story after another.
Sorry but its simply not working and it bringing most swing voters and even democrats to vote him in.

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Trump will be regarded as the absolute worst President America ever had.

That is if Russia allows the truth to be recorded.

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Thats only an opinion soco.
Its easy to be an arm chair judge and jurry.
Hes the president who will be re elected. How do you conclude he will be the worst president when he will win a second term big time??
Anyway Im done here. Politics suck.
Im going back to making music.
Anyone intrested in music over politics I would be happy to give you a link to my music vidoes.
If not. Have a wonderful day

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
And what if he didnt do anything wrong ie russian collusion..etc etc.
We cant deny that there has been nothing but witch hunts to hurt this man who is our president.
I also thought the clinton impeachment was a joke and wasted our tax money.
My tax is the left hates him and will do anything to remove him including fabricating one story after another.
Sorry but its simply not working and it bringing most swing voters and even democrats to vote him in.

See, i have the opposite view. I'm conflicted as to whether clint should have been impeached, but he commited purjury! That's a crime that me or you can go to jail for, i dont think the impeachment was a waste of money. He did something wrong. In the end, he was lying about cheating on his wife, so the stakes were a lot lower than a jeopardizing our national security.

Now, what trump is being accused of is a lot worse than that. And it's not a witch hunt, the facts are very real. And yes, it could be a very good explanation for everything that hasn't been provided and we should be open to that, but this isn't just something democrats cooked up. The query and questions that are being asked are all legitimate. This was something that originated in the Trump administration, not the democratic party.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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We shall see leno.
Im centrist so I have no party that Im loyal too.
I would be real surprised if he did anything wrong.
Like I said earlier if the democrats would only get their act together and distance themeslves from socialism and communism they could still stand a chance.
Obama also said that americans dont want an overall to the system. Ie socialsm.
I used to be old school democrat.
Now Im in the center of politics.
Anyway lets leave it at that.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
If you went to the university and asked left wing college studens should trump be impeached everyone would say absolutly.
If you asked the same students well what did he do wrong? Almost non of the students would be able to tell you why he is being impeached.
They the students just dont like him but that isnt a good enough reason to impeach him.
Again. Yes he will be impeached.
He will never leave office.
He will win a landslide next november for reasons I gave above.

What Aeolian said.

soco wrote:
Trump will be regarded as the absolute worst President America ever had.

That is if Russia allows the truth to be recorded.

Even Martin Luther King had a dream. If he were alive he would have whipped the flesh off of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Barrak Obama.
America has always been a Republic - that is the spirit it was founded on.

I wish there was a blank slate of land where all the libs and dems could go, to form their own country and a working government.
I think it would amount to an entertainment value as that country would hold its hand out for aid regarding every issue that makes a county run smoothly.

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The reply thats pending approval can just be junked. I used the s word that also ends in an x. I wasn't expressing myself well anyway.

Calling this a witchhunt is just categorically incorrect. For all the reasons i stated and others. Keep in mind that no republican is saying that the witnesses in the hearing lied or that any of the facts that dems asserted happened are false. They are simply interpreting those facts differently and saying that trump's motivation for his actions was good.

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I could have sworn Styx was a perfectly legitimate word. They're still touring too.

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soco wrote:
I could have sworn Styx was a perfectly legitimate word. They're still touring too.

They are wanted men.

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I dont like trump. He even perves on his own daughter. Hes such a pedo

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