1,951 replies, Replies 611 to 620

if god were real i'd murder him.

Interesting.... But, I think I understand.

1. Blame God for what Satan does.
2. Blame God for the same thing you're guilty of which means getting off your lazy ***ass and do what you were created to do.

- my self discipline is of much higher values and morals than that of the christian god

People generally assess themselves as flying higher in altitude than they're really at. Nothing more beautiful to behold when it comes to the reflection in the mirror - me.

Trouble is, what do your "friends" say about you, what does your family say about you, what does your enemies say about you. Those are the claims that are closer to the truth about you than what you have to say about yourself.

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Why is it that the more sucessful you are in your passions you seem to lose some friends?

Many people have a set pattern for what they consider success, in life.

Also, as with children, people grow at different times and different rates than other people.

You can't wait. Who can. The opportunities that come for you are yours.

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Can you get in trouble for writing an angry email to someone who betrayed you.

Anonymous wrote:
Thank you so much slash.
Btw on her end she lied and slandered me on facebook.
So she calls the authorities on me, which she did for giving her hell for betraying a 30 year friendship for another male.
Unlike people who look the other way I have a hot spot when abused to that degree .
The authorities never showed up and once again the level of betrayal of even thinking about having me jailed is beyond betrayal. It almost becomes evil.
I helped this women for 30 years.
Think about my sacrifice slash.
30 freakin years.

I really do understand and feel your pain. Been through it with less investment to be honest.
Here's what you need to know..... If you're a dude and you have a c0*#, you're automatically guilty of anything a female might accuse you of.
Women are the heaviest of abusers of men when it comes to technical law -

"Ma'am, what caused you to fear for your life?"

"It was the way he was looking at me with his back turned."

Don't let it turn into that. In some cases when the volume of your voice reaches a certain DB level, you can be charged with 4th degree assault.

Women are a lot like spiders. The moment after showing them many good times, they'll eat you alive.

I'm sorry to hear about all this, friend. In the end all you can really do is walk this off with a little hope that she'll wake up....
But, here again, since you mention "Facebook" it tells me that she heavily socialises through the Net. She has dependency issues based on that experience and you're not going to win when it comes to that magical land.

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Can you get in trouble for writing an angry email to someone who betrayed you.

In the U.S. you still have the freedom of speech.
Name-calling is one thing but there is a fine line between that and being accusational.
If I call you a dirty, rotten scoundral or a liar, I am entitled to my opinion but if I accuse you of something where a pre-existing law exists, I better have PROOF (not evidence) to back my claim.

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Why I wont play blues music live..1.

I don't know if this is blues or not (maybe it's just more contemporary).


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Why I wont play blues music live..1.

Yeah. They were aw'ight. But, it took all of them put together with something to prove,to keep up with the old man and his acoustical threads.

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Why I wont play blues music live..1.


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This site is getting popular again.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Shes more than a bit torrent.

Well....I was reflecting on what you had said when the old Chuck Wagon commercial came to mind.
To me the ad seemed easy to connect with a *****bitch looking for a kibble-n-bit.
I just didn't want to say it like that though....

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What does it mean when a guy says โ€œit wouldnโ€™t be a dateโ€?

Of course it would be a date. He only said that because of the other employees.
He was talking to them more than you.

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This site is getting popular again.


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