1,951 replies, Replies 631 to 640

This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

1. No one really likes a mirror of true reflection.

2. Its extremely arrogant, and laughable to think that christian patriarchy is responsible for 'nearly every invention and monumental feat ever accomplished in the whole history of man

You just don't bother researching anything do you? You just argue to spite the truth. You vomit words like a bulimic vomits food. Are you a Patented inventor? Does your country recognize officially recognize and represent your creation? Are you "religious?" Have you studied the increase of invention since 1900 to 1950 to see what ethnicities they are tied to? (White European/western male). WITH A PERCENTAGE OF MINORITY SO THIN IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT TO MENTION! So pardon me if I don't promenade all you "feel gooders."

I have not lived as long as I have; Been around the world, Knowing what I know and accomplish what I have accomplished, to be told that everything I represent is ****shit at every turn, by one who hasn't even made the door.

Still not sure what the obsession with burkas are... either way i would rather die than be oppressed by any religion.

Just because you're too dense to figure it out, doesn't make what I said 'obsessive.'
(I'll try again and see if you get it).
Either way, get to dying if that's the case. Governments and nations are largely built and ran by the order of men, their consideration and the consensus' they acknowledge.
Saying this makes no mention of the most important and vital element - the spiritual drive in men (aka, their religion).
You seem well preserved by the religion of your government. Not to mention unbridled privilege.
Just want to take this moment to remind you how disgusting that is according to you. It took a lot of discrimination to give you the privilege to drive and vote and to be seen with an open face (or hardly with any clothes on at all, if you like).
You made a noise but did none of the killing or dying. Making a noise might get something done (the way an old hen nags her man into doing something), but the noise makers don't really put their hand to it.

And thats only because i have rarely seen anyone be improved by being in any way religious (theres actually only 1 person i can think of). you say your religious, yet you appear with a disgusting, elitist, discriminatory attitude, everything your so called religion teaches against.

.....Emm, no. The Bible pretty much make a it's own exclusive claims. And there's a reason why it discriminates.

You see, were here at the edge of the cliff and there's no more road. Nothing but vast open sky.
You seem to think that actual states of holyness do not exist. That there is nothing genuinely sacred, and certainly nothing can be pure according to your mentality.
Considering you despise Biblical faith it's not surprising you can't appreciate the world given to you upon the back of the Patriarchy.

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Anyone got thoughts on the following:

Do you need to build an atomic bomb?

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

Anonymous wrote:

What do u think their agenda may be?

The Bible makes it clear that the angels were witness when God created the earth.
There is an order to their society and a social structure when it comes to the big picture. It's a lot like being the first-born. You get the highest rank and all the parental access you want.
So, God made the earth and the angels marvelled. It was good and everyone was happy.
Then something new was enough to happen. It was rumored that God was going to make this creature called "Man."
And the angels joyfully gathered around to witness this event.

And God made man....in His own Image did God make man.

And the angels of heaven cried and all hell broke out.

This is part of the Bible people seriously overlook. They don't 'get it.' God made man in His Image - not the angels....

When God made man in His Image, He made man to have authority over the angelic realm....

Does it seem more clear why some of the angels did not like this new order.

The angels aren't some cute babies with wings and harps singing songs on clouds. They know what flesh is - they're smart and highly advanced.
Their agenda is to destroy man - not in the direct sense (because there are rules which they must follow). Their agenda is to destroy the Image of God that man bears.
Most of this was accomplished through genetic alchemy. It was the primary reason God wiped out everything on the earth with a flood. All flesh had become corrupt.
All flesh, not just that of man. ......All those animals aboard the Ark was the last vestige of Gods creation that had not been corrupted with genetic alchemy.

Are you familar with the term succession? Where the ecosystem changes?

Yes, but I'll not address that here just yet - thanks.

Do u have any thoughts regardinf radiation in heating the planet?

Most of the heat is thermally radiated from the earth. The sun is mostly responsible for the high fluxuatig air temprature (but not soly the air itself).

Its interesting what u say but the changes seem to have occured much faster the last few years. Id have expected it to happen slower if the ice caps were going to melt. I know they have been melting for a long time. But it appears to have speeded up over last few years.

Yes. The melt-off speed is normal and expected. Think of it this way; imagine a wood stove freshly packed with cured wood. You strike a match and carefully light a twig on fire.
Now, consider the flame/fuel ratio at this point. Big fuel and small flame. The flame grows and the energy of it eats into more wood.
The heat of the flame is not hottest when the fuel/fire ratio is 50/50 - no. The hottest the flame will get is just before it burns out. When that time comes, most of the wood will be in a state of ember.

The melt-off from the Ice Age is the same thing. Here we are.

Are u familiar with Haarp?
I was trying to learn but i cant even remember what i read properly

Yes, I'm familiar with HAARP.
Feel free to keep researching.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
Burkas are old fashioned values, and im not sure what they have to do with anything.....

This is why I'm happy to beat a dead horse. I'm honestly trying to put these examples at a level you can understand...but you're spoiled and you're under the impression that that spoil will never cease. You apparently don't understand the meaning "lesser of the two evils."
You need to snap awake. You *****bitch, moan, groan and complain about the Christian patriarchy - which by the way is responsible for nearly every invention and monumental feat ever accomplished in the whole history of man - upon this you spit. Fine.
There's a Patriarch comming for you, sweetie, unlike anything you're familiar with. And the way people act when their feet are in shoes as opposed held to a red hot plate of iron is like night and day.
You will be looking to me (an obvious example) to solve your problems with them.
And from your response in this thread, what do you represent - every female who has walked on, trampled on, spit on, good men with traditional Christian core values.... Transvite ain't gonna rescue you - their heads will decorate your city corners on every street.
You want oblivion - congratulations - you got it. You'll be a wife yet, among a herium of captured women where all your dreams will come true.

Show me the proof and I will change my attitude, until then, the sky fairy is all in your mind.

No. This is a lie you tell yourself. Proof is basic and it's been presented in numerous way from numerous people with varying degrees or care - you are where you're at. I'm fine with that - as a fact, I'm more comfortable with it than you are - I insist you stay right where you're at. The look on your face is going to be priceless when the Burka drops.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

The 'biological standards' are actually social hierarchies formed by generations before us. Theyre starting to unravel.

Yes, the double helix parades around in a plush, velvet, cape of purple, wearing a crown.
Male Voice: "I am of the highest order!"
Female Voice: "Only after I've given you permission!"

Trans Voice: "Ay, babeyyyy - what you two be doin tonight?"


They call it "Gay Pride." Do you know why? Because pride picks you up and keeps you going no matter how wrong you are. You never return to the former argument because what you brought to the table couldn't feed a gnat, so you just keep going forward and on and on.

Pay close attention.

There are only two genders in the human race. Male and female....period.

If this simple, biologically predetermined, factor is the reason for generating "sexual confusion," then it doesn't take rocket science to see how much more confusing it's going to get when the rest of the alphabet falls into place....

"Doc, doc! I got this dick between my legs! What does it mean!?"

"Son' it means you're a man."



Elders are no longer in charge, young people have voices and opinions which can be aired easily and loudly. They have the power to influence change.
The generations before us would rather things continue as they always would. Men in charge, women stay at home and look after the kids. The youth respect the elders. And it doenst happen anymore. We are more equal. There is more acceptance.

Yes. Long lived and beloved values that have preserved life and FLOURISHED life, generation after generation are being spat upon -

I dont know why there is anything wrong with that

(Hey....when the Burka comes over your head and the veil across your face, don't come crying to me. Loving those old fashion values will be too late.)

Or are you only worried about yourself and how YOU feel?

Naw - I'm good. I got a dick and you don't.

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soco wrote:
Morning. U got any coffee?? The barista on the other post cut me off. So I like Bailey's in my Joe - - - is that a crime?

Saw the Barista on the other side of the street. He sold me some fresh beans - grinding them up now. Sorry, though, I have no Bailey's, but if you don't mind his sister, Carolyn's.....

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Everything is just fucking shit I hate everything


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Dearest in mind,

BigWilly! wrote:

Slash wrote:
Omigawd! I'm so glad you found me. How'd you know I'd be here?

BULLSHIT!! That scammer's looking for ME.

How many times have we been through this, Big Willy? You're the Driver. That means the Driver Drives. And you can't Drive if you don't get away....
Shhhh -
- I know, I know -
-It'll be just -
- ah -
.....okay then....

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dreams never die..

Well...if we're talkin' bout 2 guys 1 girl in the shower menage-un-twa....

I like it slighty different.

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