1,951 replies, Replies 661 to 670


Because. That's why.

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Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

Yorick wrote:
Hey, ca'mon, guys....we all were trolls at some point in our lives. Let the vent release the steam.

Ay, Yo, you know, I'll hit the by-pass switch a time or two....but if he turns out to be a Xenomorph, Yo....I'll go orbital and nuke him from space. This whole area will be a cloud the size of Nebraska. It's the only way to be sure.

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Am I missing something?

Yorick wrote:
perhaps .. the bully just needs some love and understanding ;)

Yeah....yeah - that's it!



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Am I missing something?

I've got a feeling that the both of you could be good friends.

There's no doubt I'm rude but I try to make clear what it is based upon. Given my skills....most people get it, others do not. Other times, I'm in a world of my own.

In any case, it sounds as though you can see the meaning and intents of your boss beyond her transgression.

You're doing a better job than your co-workers. Step over this way for a minute...

We live in a society filled with double standards - far too many to list here, but the example for the meantime goes to this effect -

"You can't judge a book by it's cover."


"First impressions are the most important."

Well....if you can't judge a book by its cover then you can't take a first impression too seriously.

The problem is society forms conclusions based on first impressions and yet thinks itself wise beyond moulded history.

So, you're doing yourself (and your boss) a favor when you can see past her staged curtain of rudeness.

- written
Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

PTP wrote:
Back off me I didn't do anything to you.

That's okay. Get over it.

- written
Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

Lot's of editing, all-caps and exclamation marks too.
It reads like hysteria

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Jesus Christ is the best con in human history.

Easy, Scooter....
I'm sure your meds are in one of those cabinets.
Check between the Masingel Douce and Exceedrin PM

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"Vaping epidemic"

PTP wrote:
Mildly impressive.

Jobs of labor won't pay off a property in 3 years unless you're making a ****shit ton of cash. But bravo helping your mom finish paying for the property that's a very good son/daughter...whatever.

Drinking and smoking before 21 huh? Okay.

But totally agree with what you said about the cops.
Unless you were drunk then I wouldn't blame them for being in your rear view mirror.

You almost completely understand! Except for agreeing with posts on help-qa.com needing to read like a formal letter or something I guess.

But except for that really stupid part, SPOT ON!

I appreciate your compliments, Scooter but I wasn't looking for anyone's approval (much less yours).

And, you'll find that indirectly calling anyone a liar before you have any of the facts isn't going to make you welcomed.

No. Replies don't have to read like a formal letter...but they don't have to read like a 12-year-old texting her bestie, either...whatever. Scooter.

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"Vaping epidemic"

At 16 I wrote two novels and finished them by the time I was 18. Then I had them registered and copyrighted with the Library of Congress. They sit unpublished after all these decades.
At 18 I began working various jobs of labor and paid off my moms property which took a measured three years.
At 19, I was legal to drink but the State raised the drinking age to 21.
I can remember buying cigarettes at 13, while in junior high and sales were fairly guilt-free (as it should be).
I remember the days you could ride (or give your friends a ride) in the back of an open pick-up truck.
Now-a-days the only thing to be seen in the rear view mirror are police lights and a citation for no reason.

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Time to get back on the plane.

DocteurRalph wrote:

Going to the People's Republic of Kalifornia or down to the REAL south again? Aren't you in Arizona?

(I suspect he's going to the paradise in the Pacific - Hawaii.

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