1,951 replies, Replies 691 to 700


Heh, heh, heh....

They always come back.

Face it. The Hotel California traps no one. People choose to stay.

- written
Wow the world is so sad and broken.

All you got to do is read the Book of Revelation.
The world....will never end. Ways will end, but not the world.

- written
Wow the world is so sad and broken.


How do you know it was hot before the ice age happened?

If you want the Biblical narrative, the earth was never hot or "molten." Personally, I would go with this.
The Ice Age came after the great flood (according to the Bible). The truth is, 8 people stepped off a boat onto a remade earth.
8 people cannot out-breed the speed of the Ice Age. Think about this....
As mankind sits in the same spot, there's a lot going on that he does not see. Huge chunks of ice (the size of continents) block off sections of the earth from other sections.
The numbers of mankind slowly increase and he is able get around a little bit but he is still contained in one spot.
The seven seas and seven continents (what you know as the world) are only a small portion off a much larger earth that has never before been seen since the days before Noah.
There has been a war to possess the earth. And when you were born, you accepted the world for HOW it presented itself to you. It's kept you busy. Busy believing in lies, thinking they are truth.
It's not true, however....you don't need a lie to support a lie. You only need the lie and a lot of truth that supports it - that's how the trick works.
The Antarctic is a gate to other earth realms.

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need lil help here.

Jetmoo wrote:
@BA1 what do you think the differences are when it comes to being an empath versus being empathic?

To an extent, an Empath absorbs or "takes on" the emotions of another. Call it an emotional mirror to an extent.
Being empathetic, however, is just a matter of consideration of how another person feels according to the circumstances.

- written
Wow the world is so sad and broken.

Try not to fall for modern day propaganda when it comes to the environment.
Just remember the story of Henny Penney and Chicken Little - "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
So there.
Feel better?
Hope so.

- written
need lil help here.

First, I'm not gonna be able to "help" you because I really don't see much wrong when it comes to perspective.
But, I have to point out some differences. There is a difference between being an 'empath' and being empathetic. They're not the same. And sympathy is a completely different animal.

A situation presents itself to us and we process the results differently. Some people process it with emotion, others process it with logic.

You seem to be the latter. You don't seem to be heartless or out of touch.
Often times, emotionally based people (usually in groups) expect others to respond in the same manner as they do and that's when ****shit starts to get awkward.
"Ca'mon....just let it out, it's okay to cry -" and all that bullshit, and if you can't fake it well enough, then you're a heartless asshole.

- written
GRITS: Cream of Wheat with a quality control problem.

There's very little food(s) that I don't care for. I agree with Jetmoo when it comes to liver - it sucks.

With that said, I'll go just a bit further. There are four words that have sent me to the hospital on more than one occasion.
Yes, you read it right - four words have sent me to the hospital, clinging to life,on more than a dozen occasions. Those words? "Slash don't like beans."
Here's how it works.
It was discovered early on in my childhood that I was deathly ALLERGIC to most every type of bean or pea there is (with the exception of green beans and green peas) I can get away with garbonzos (aka chick peas).
My sensitivity to black-eye peas was such I could not be under the same roof when they were cooking (usually in a pressure cooker). Basically, it triggers a histimine reaction that causes my airway to constrict, the lining in my eyelids swell causing them to 'flip', blisters on the roof of my mouth, fattening of lips, etc.
Basically, it's a big ******fuckin' mess that requires hospitalization and a night of fuel injected Benadryll and oxygen.
As I have aged, I have built up a tolerance to some degree but I am not completely free of the effects that beans bring me.
Now, as I have said, words have sent me to the hospital.... This happens on occasion when I have interacted with people who don't give a ****shit what I have told them - it starts out as a ******fuckin joke - "Haha! Yeah, Slash we're ALL allergic to beans! Yuck-yuck-yuck!" (insert farting sounds here).
Then what follows are what I call "improper reminders." This is where some people might be cooking up some Chilli and I would request a portion of it without the beans -
Pick them out -
You can't pick out what has been cooked in, and people fail to realize that beans have oil (the very molecule I'm allergic to).
And then another person would say, "Slash don't like beans." So now, my problem becomes a matter of "taste."
So, since it becomes a hassle to deal with the nuances of food at this level, it now moves into the challenging stage -
"Hey, I bet I can fix them beans up in such a way that he don't notice - he won't taste the difference."
You know....the fact is....you're right. But, the fact that I'm still allergic to the damm things doesn't keep me safe from your game plan to kill me.
Do I like or dislike beans? I honestly don't know. All I know us what they do to me. Left to my own choices, I leave them alone (obviously). But putting my faith into other people....I sooner starve to death first.

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Marriage is like drowning: kind of nice, once you stop struggling.

Really? I always thought marriage was a friendly institution without benefits other than the certainty of sweet death.

- written
i hate you humans.

Anon wrote:
You're a *******fucking douche is all it's clear to see. ****Fuck you.

I reported your replies because they're purposefully trying to derail this post and you're just trying to start a fight.

It's funny how no one (including me) reported this Post when you created it with your dukes up and a fighting attitude. It's okay - I forgive you, as many Beta-types are generally uptight and have an unusual sense to protect something they never had - rationality.

Anon wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
What do you actually want from us?

I don't want anything. these are statements I made you can agree with them or not. You can choose to reply about it or not. I don't want anything from you.

My original post is just a statement of fact

- Your original Post is just a statement. As for facts....well...there's a lot of those left after you're finished cherry picking all the things that's wrong with the world.
But as for not wanting anything....? Not true, seems no one can disagree with you without being called a douche and then "reported." You want people to agree with your terms.

Anon wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

If you would like help, then please allow us to help you.

Nothing you can do about it even if I gave you the details though. NOTHING.

Then it seems there is even very little that you can do about it. I imagine that being that utterly powerless is quite frightening.
I am terribly sorry for your circumstance.

If people are so blind and inconsiderate that they accidentally hurt people who only try to stay out of their way they need to *******fucking die. They don't deserve to exist because they have 0 consideration or compassion for anything but themselves.

Aren't accidents accidents? Selfishness isn't an accident.

Anon wrote:
Everyone I've ever met has been too selfish to a degree.

I'm not saying I'm different. ๐Ÿ‘‰ But ๐Ÿ‘ˆ it's certainly one of the reasons I hate this species. We're inherently *******fucking each other over and acting like it's natural for each of us to do that to each other. This is a sick culture. I truly hate it.

Inherent? If it's inherent it is natural because circumstance becomes the default position when no one takes account for their actions.

Anon wrote:
I believe I know how to leave other people alone enough to not accidentally hurt them. Don't you?? o.O

No. There's no leaving other people alone. If hurting them happens it's only accidental (as you say).

....I was driving down a four-lane highway when I saw a rather large turtle move across the grass line onto the shoulder of the road. I made a decesion to leave it alone as I had no trouble passing it by.
Later that week, I drove by the same spot and judging by the carnage, the turtle did not make it. Secretly, inwardly, I knew what I should have done. My decision to "leave it alone" was actually a decision to let death have it, on the end. So, now I stop and redirect turtles and assholes too.

Bottom line, yeah...the world is ******fucked up for everyone and everything.
But, there is plenty good in it and there's a lot of decent people that still exist.
You choose who you associate with. If the people you know are assholes then go find those that aren't.

- written
i hate you humans.

Anon wrote:
Listen, I don't come to your posts talking about some bullshit you don't want to talk about. DON'T DO IT TO MINE IS ALL I'M ASKING OKAY?

Emotionally unstable and easy to trigger aren't we? I understand. Anyone who hates humans generally hates the One who created them.

Anon wrote:
And don't you *******fucking dare act like you are intimately familiar with my life choices. How can you even make any kind of basis for your assumptions. You don't know me. Back the ****fuck off!!

You know nothing about me but what you can assume from my responses on this website and you think you can make these kinds of assumptions about me? None of your bullshit assumptions can be applied to me. If you're going to talk on my posts about me know enough about what you're talking about to make *******fucking sense and don't make ****shit up. You can't know any of that about me. Anyone who reads the totality of our interactions CAN'T KNOW ANY OF THAT ABOUT ME. You don't know what you're talking about.

If I am making "assumptions" based on your responses and replies it must then be those very responses and replies are assumptive. I'm afraid it is you who do not know what you're talking about.

Anon wrote:
And by the way, when you create a post about the topic of "Cars" and I come to your post and divert it to a conversation about God. Or Dogs. Or any other kind of bullshit besides cars, I would be hijacking your post. Just like you tried to do talking about your religious beliefs in my post about humanity. Maybe I have it wrong but that's how I thought this was supposed to work. If I wanted to create a conversation about hating humans just to expect it to really be a conversation about something else I GUESS I WOULDN'T *******FUCKING CREATE THE POST IN THE FIRST PLACE WOULD I????????????????
This is a conversation about hating humans and why the species is total garbage. If you want to talk about God which you and douche bag up there wants to do, go make your own godamn post.

First off (you muppet) the subject of humanity and God have a correlation - God and cars, not so much. If you were as smart as you feel you would know this.
Secondly, cross talk among people who subscribe to the Post WILL happen. When two other people are talking it does not necessarily mean they are talking to you. With that said, what did I tell you in the beginning? That I wasn't talking to you specifically, but....this tiny little bubble space you live in seems to have some cognitive issues.

Thirdly, is this really a Post about hating humans? Okay. We're all waiting for you to stop the name calling and start providing some real *******fucking examples.
Get to the meat of the issue.

Anon wrote:
I can't believe you're not an idiot right now. Both of you can talk about it uninterrupted and without being on someone else's post.

You can't believe I'm an idiot right now? Lol! I'm afraid you've already beaten me to it๐Ÿ˜‚ And I'm quite comfortable....right where I'm at.

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