1,951 replies, Replies 681 to 690

Are you intimidated by intelligent people?

A matter of degree

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any stock market gurus or exp.

Buy low.
Sell high.

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I feel so defeated.

Tell her she'll get more work when you get a pay raise.

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.


Araz has gave you some excellent explanations.

The following video will help fortify what she has said.

Simplicity is always best.


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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Homelessness can be an adventure.
I did it with great gear. You will be in my prayers.

Thank you for including me in your prayers. But, I've been looking at the mortality rate of homeless people....
Please.....feel free to include me in your Will.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (Just kidding of course).
Yeah. Some adventure. It's been 95 for most of the day (I'm now in Texas).

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.


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For the time being I'm somewhat homeless and have been living in my truck, but I'll be back on track in about a month or two.

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

SmmartAZ wrote:
The Revelation is addressed to Jews. All the figures of speech are Jewish, that's why goyim can't understand the book. We Christians will be in heaven at the wedding supper of the lamb while those things are going on down on Earth.

I think being Christian puts us in the Goyim category, doesn't it? But that not all Goyim can understand on their own (or without the Holy Spirit).
Though I do agree with you about the wedding supper, I don't necessarily subscribe to a pre-tribulation rapture.
I think there are going to be a lot of Christians who lose their heads before then.

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Hey al. Blessings

Hey-O. How are ya doin' Aeolian? It's been some time. Got any stories?

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

jetmoo wrote:
We ourselves will end at some point. And then come back. I do believe the earth itself will stay. But we will make it inhabitable for ourselves and die out. The earth I think, will recycle the damage without our presence on earth.

That's an interesting thought but (Biblically) that's not what happens nor is it anywhere near the plan God has in store for us - BUT in the long run, the news is very good.

Jetmoo wrote:
How did they manage to survive through the ice age?

Well....before the time of the flood, there were no winters. When it comes to the subject of the Ice Age, run-of-the-mill education would have you think it was long ago and far away.
The recession of the flood introduced the Ice Age AND the four seasons - but they didn't look or act as they do now. Both summers and winters would last for years. That's why it was so vital to have high production food stocks stored away.
As time has moved on, the seasons have leveled out - they have become more manageable in their seasonal periods.
To tell the truth, we are STILL in that Ice Age period. We are living in the melt off period.
But, since most environmentalists are too ignorant and stupid to realize this, they have come up with more ways to keep the fear-mongering going. First it was called the green-house effect. When that turned out to be BS they called it "global warming" when that turned out to be BS they now call it "Climate Change."
Well how convenient. They seemed to finally settle on a name that is obscure. I mean, doesn't the climate change anytime you walk from a house to the outdoors? How about the reverse?
So now, knowing they are guilty of fear mongering (because they have an agenda), they call the few people who know better "Deniers."
In other words, "Just agree with us."

jetmoo wrote:
- but what about the dinosaurs? The ice age came then before people were on Earth.

First, mankind and dinosaurs have always lived together. In many ancient cultures, records are found, carved into their stone buildings proving this true - that's putting it in a nutshell.
In the public education system, the theory of evolution is taught. Your questions are based on what you were taught.
Try to understand the simple truth - evolution is the attempt to explain life (everything) without God. It's completely Godless. Completely void of the Creator and it's taught in such a way that many people believe it.
God has rules and regulations and godless people don't like that. With evolution, you are free to live, think and act in any fashion you see fit. If it feels good - do it.

jetmoo wrote:
And what about the promise of the rainbow, that God would never flood the earth again?

? What about it?

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