1,951 replies, Replies 671 to 680

im not sure what to think.

DocteurRalph wrote:
I know I got a DUI and never drove intoxicated, well not that day anyways. I appeared very guilty though...

I was driving recklessly and when I got to where I was going I took a handful of pills and started drinking. What I didn't know was that someone had reported me, everyone has a camera and thinks they're a cop now. So the cops show up and I'm wasted out of my mind and they have a video of me driving like a crazed maniac. BOOM guilty as charged.

Just, wow!

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Time to get back on the plane.

Please check out my youtube channel

It would be helpful if you left a link to get to your channel...

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Time to get back on the plane.

Well, I guess this means we'll see you back in another year.
And I was just heading to Arizona.... Lol!

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im not sure what to think.

In a court of law, the presumption of "innocence" does not exist....

The verdict at the end of anyone's trial will either be 'Guilty' or 'Not Guilty.'

No court ever declares "innocence," at the end of the trial.

This means, the least you can be is "Not Guilty."

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Honest question.

What you're talking about is a matter of judgement.
In this case, you need to provide at least two or three examples that describe the scenario.

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"Vaping epidemic"

aeolians.revenge wrote:
I would hire an editor.



As for the intent of the Post, I agree on many beachfronts.

Stupidity has destroyed many good things. Take your average Bic lighter. At one time in history, not so long ago, a Bic lighter used to have a flame adjuster. But, the drug addicts who were cooking their cocaine to crack end up blowing off their fingers. They sued Bic and won.
Now, the wheel notch in my 1972 lighter jacket sits, unfilled.

As for vaping goes, it's a shitty deal. I would encourage anyone who wants to get their nic-fix to smoke real cigarettes. They're delicious (but wait).....

The real problem with society isn't about intelligence but maturity.

If you're 30 with the mentality of a 10-year-old, that's a society in arrested development. You just can't get anything done, and the moment you try to do something on your own, someone else comes crying down the road, "Stop! You can't do that!"

Did you know that the cost of ANYTHING isn't the real price? If the store is selling it to you at 50% off they are still making money.

No vehicle (with certain exceptions) is worth more than $10,000 brand new.

Did you know that "mandatory vehicle insurance" is forced commerce and a form of forced gambling? Think of it this way, let's say you own a business that makes sandwiches, but, no one likes your sandwiches, don't you wish there was a law that forced people to buy your sandwiches.
Further, I have a right not to wear my seatbelt without legal repercussions.

What people don't understand is what is called "The Strawman."

You see....you were murdered at birth and reassigned to a new life that made you a product. You don't understand the full meaning of this because you accepted the world as it presented itself to you. The world didn't show you it's true nature, no.
But, there was once a people who were free and lost those freedoms and while the younger generation was looking away, that older generation went quietly into the night before they had a chance to say anything.
Now it's too late.

It will never matter how old or wise you get. You will never be considered exceptional. You are never going to find gas jugs the way they were made years ago (before the "Stupid Bomb went off). Nothing that was once good will ever go back to the way it was.
It is the intent of this world to customize it's disappointment to you. Joy isn't the name of some dish soap sitting on a supermarket shelf.

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My grandma has advanced Alzheimerโ€™s disease, so for my birthday this year, Iโ€™m trying to raise awareness for the cause.

Araz wrote:

Slash wrote:
Yeah. Been down this road a long time ago. The tough part about them not recognizing you is when they they turn around and ask if you've seen yourself, lately....

That was really hard, I think on my dad more than anyone else.

Iโ€™m sorry you went through this. :(

Thank you for your consideration. But, that's ancient history for me - I'm lucky though because my parents died under different circumstances.
However, 2 of my 4 grandparents had Alzheimer's. Growing up, I had no brothers or sisters BUT I had 1st cousin who was less than two weeks younger than me. She had two brothers later on in life so, in the ranks of things, were the first and oldest children regarding our grandparents - we got the best of our grandparents and didn't have to "share" with any of the younger. Then again, it hurt the most in the way they went.

More to the point, try not to feel as though you are alone with this situation. You're doing a fine job. Just remember the old saying when it comes to charity work - generosity begins at home.

My birthday was last Sunday. When is yours, my dear girl?

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My grandma has advanced Alzheimerโ€™s disease, so for my birthday this year, Iโ€™m trying to raise awareness for the cause.

Yeah. Been down this road a long time ago. The tough part about them not recognizing you is when they they turn around and ask if you've seen yourself, lately....

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Would anyone be interested if I posted a music video here.

Feel free to Post away.
If you don't, I certainly will.
This stop motion animation has been my latest entertainment.



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Can coworkers tell if there is something going on between two people before they even realize it?

There's nothing acceptable with this situation.
A lot of improper assuming.
A lot of improper labeling.
It all smells bad.

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