1,951 replies, Replies 651 to 660

This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
Well by YOUR lords standards i will be forgiven wont i?

Not at this rate. By saying, "your lord" you have rejected that He is your Lord also.

Im not sure where your logic has gone. Surely you can see that a thousand year old book is the one that is farfetched?

Several things going on here -
The Bible is a collection of works. Each work, in this case, (mostly) comes from a different period of time. Some of the accounts of Genesis can be up to 6 or 7 thousand years old (hence found in what is called "The Old Testament" of the Bible.) The ones that involve who we know as 'Jesus' (Christ incarnate) are found in the "New Testament" of the Bible and are just around 2,000 years old.
With this said, the problem you have is thinking that we are living in a period of shining intellect. That, as you go back in time, mankind gets stupider and stupider. Or that there is no such thing as real history at all and therefore can be dismissed as fiction. I gotta tell ya, there's no logic at all when it comes down that kind of thinking.
You think we live in the most advanced time in human history - you have no idea the position you put yourself into when you think like that. We live in the junkyard of civilization. Don't you get it? Where'd your logic go, what's it doing for you right now?
....Highly advanced technology has ALWAYS existed. We only live in a time when portions of it are mass produced and structured in such a way that the common idiot can use it.
Not so long ago, technology and knowledge was kept as privlidge by the most powerful and elite - the rich.....just as it is today.

- what makes the bible true and not the book of the dead?

By the fact that many nations have documented their account of the Biblical experience. (I'm saying that rather poorly).

The Bible has the account of Isreal being captive slaves of the Egyptians for 400 years. Big deal, right? The Egyptians kept excellent records - they documented their captives (the Isrealites) and the God they believed in.
Other nations (minor nations) also have their account these matters - go tell them it was all a work of fiction.

do you believe the earth is flat?

Should I say yes so you can have a laugh? I would say I have a good enough reason to believe that it isn't the shape that has been taught for only 500 years of human history (the Copernican heliocentric model of the earth).
Most of my conclusion is based on the idea that I do not believe that "we" ever went to the moon.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
And people thought the earth was flat for a long long time. And the earth revolves around the sun. Also not true. I wonder what else is not true?

You have never seen the earth from the vantage point of outer space and you never will. Who are you putting your faith into when it comes to what you believe?

So many forks in this road...

I like my information straight from the horse itself, so to speak. I would rather believe in something that is farfetched than so-called "reputable" sources who spoon feed you only what they want you to believe in.
You don't seem to escape an overstuffed box of flippant people who thinks it's a joke when someone tells them that there are carefully laid (and very evil) plans that are thousands of years old - no, it's not wisdom, it's not a warning - no - it's a joke.
The note upon which the days of scoffing laughter will end will be a sad note...for many. Why be one of those people.
.....First, the smile runs away as the brain tries to reason the cognitive dissonance of which the eyes are beholding. The heart can't decide between cardiac arrest or subatomic detonation. The lungs trip and forget how to breath in. The pupil of The eyes are fully dilated and black. The capillaries in the whites are neon red and many veins have burst - such will be for many in the day of the Lord.
And I will have earned the right to laugh in their faces.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Sometimes I present a question to represent reflection or irony. Often times it is misunderstood as a "real" question, so every now and then I'll say 'Don't answer that.'
But, it's good to see you already knew that.

1. Uhhhmmm....the Bible is a finished work. It's not a newspaper, magazine or Wiki page.

2. For the most part, His works are finished too. The real problem when it comes to seeing His works is due to OUR works of sin and the repercussions of consequence.
But time for that is even coming to an end. We don't have a God that is going to seemingly remain out of sight forever. The nights of evil have their number and this is the age we live in. The end.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
Just because itโ€™s in a book, doesnโ€™t make it real. Sure thereโ€™s a real place but at the end of the day the book was written by people. But so was Harry Potter

Allow me, for one instant, to mirror what you have said -


Just because it's in a video, doesn't make it real. Sure, there's a real Hindenburg but at the end of the day the video was reported and captured by people. But so was Alice in Wonderland.

The Bible is a written account of people's experience with God during an age when He allowed His works and judgements to be seen.

Tell the Sodomites who are burning in hell that it's all a work of fiction - convince them.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
I think the last few paragraphs hits the nail on the head.

God is the problem here. Your thoughts revolve around a 2000 year old idea which cannot (in your mind) be in anyway wrong or different. God didnโ€™t do any of what you mentioned. Lemme know when you catch up to 2019.

Wouldn't be easier to say that you just don't believe in the Bible rather than to say God didn't do any of that?
Because (not only)the Bible says He laid waste to those nations for their sexual lewdness, the fact is you can travel and visit those sites today. Furthermore, when the director tells you that "This is the site of Sodom," the chances are he won't be a Christian.
That was an event that many surrounding nations recorded when it happened - hello - there were no Christians at that time. Let me know when you get caught up with your basic theological homework.

Nix wrote:
All in all I have never met a woman who has a problem with trans people

....I don't think you get around much.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
Ok, lets deal in facts, not feelings or opinions.

Sure, but you can't exclude the opinions unless you want to forfeit most of your debate..... Let's try to develops grounds of sensable reason

Nix wrote:
People are not cars. The issue goes far beyond men just one day deciding to be women. It's a psychological. Like being gay, depression, etc.

I disagree. It is a behavior. It is an exponent based upon a psychological experience of "feelings," (remember....those very things you don't want us to include in the course of our debate - they have no problem referring to their feelings).

Nix wrote:
With the sports teams problem, because your so persistent with it -

Whoa! Hold up. You need to go back and read the thread. I'm sure you'll find it is you who has been very staunch when it comes to the issue of the female sports teams - I've only made the follow-up replies in response to those statements.

Nix wrote:
I dont think trans women should be allowed to play womens sports. At all, not even if it is a team of trans woman against biological women

Why is that?

Nix wrote:
Because, at the end of the day, they are biologically men (not psychologically), they still have XY chromosomes, nothing is changing that yet.

With one exception to what you have stated, I fully agree, but, you're still missing some of the point.
I'm saying they are not women even on the psychological level - they're diluted into an act. It's an ongoing game of pretend and the maturity level of most transgendered is just about junior-high level.
Another thing you're over-looking is that the XY chromosome biologically includes the chemistry that supports the psychological construct of the male....
That's why it's an on-going game of pretend and it's one of the many reasons I really don't respect "pronoun re-assignment."

I don't need to hold a door open, only to find the eyelashes batting back to me ultimately belong to a transgendered male - gross....

What part of this sentence says that you are happy to hold the door for anyone transgendered?

I think you're missing the over-all point. I have a right not to be misled physically or mentally. Guys understand all the nuances when it comes to their perceptions of women - I know what guys likes because I'm a guy (and for the most part) and he likes what I like.... I don't need him taking that kind of power and using it against me - there still exists a very real world where that sort of behavior would get someone killed.

And, I believe I listed an innumerable amount of people who I hold the door open for every day - and furthermore I don't believe I have to screen them....
"Sir.....are you a drug addict or wife abuser, because if you are, I just don't want to hold this door open on your account."
Or -
"Ma'am? Have you been a full on *****bitch today against your husband and kids, because if you have, I just don't want to hold the door open on your account."

That's not the way I am.

Nix wrote:
Not sure why anyone has an issue with girls joining boy scouts.

.....Because it's the BOY Scouts, not the "Boy and Girl Scouts", that's why. It's an issue because there is an all exclusive club for girls called "The Girl Scouts." The last time I checked, the Girl Scouts weren't selling 'Boy Scout cookies' (because there's no such thing as Boy Scout Cookies....)?

Nix wrote:
It's 2019, why are we still segregating?

I think the real question is, why do some people think there should be NO differences between the sexes at all?

Tell me, why is it called, "The Battered Womens' Shelter," and not "The Battered Persons Shelter?"
(Please don't answer that).

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Is it fair a hetrosexual man who thinks he's dating an attractive women suddenly finds out months later that his date was a guy?

Not a gender issue, it's a person being dishonest issue, ya know, like when people pinky swear they're not a thief, serial killer or rapist!

The fact is it's a lie about ones gender. The two are inextrictable at this point.

Nix wrote:
- but it seems men are more scared about this than woman are, especially the religious ones.

"Scared." Like a frightened little girl waking up in the middle of a cold dark night from a bad dream?

....It more of less seems to me that people no longer care to read what God thinks or has done in the past, to entire cities and nations when they go to playing with things they ought not to.
God didn't burn Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground because the LGBT communities of that time were a good thing.
Yeah. Let's just ignore the Guy that has the power to condem one's soul to an eternity of bliss or outer darkness where the fire is not quenched nor the worm dies not.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

I completely agree with you regarding the sports issue, but the problem is, you are cherry picking the issue - as if ๐Ÿ‘‰this๐Ÿ‘ˆ were the only thing of question that the transgendered bring and nothing else. Not the case.
I'll say it again, the grievance you have isn't going away by focusing on your slice of the perceived problem......?
It would literally take a full measure of discrimination to put what you want to bed.
"There will be no transgender allowed to play on teams whose women were born women at birth."
What kind of bullshit talk is that? That's another thing I have an issue with. There are no women who were born as a man. Women are not trapped in men's bodies nor are men trapped in women's bodies.
I gotta tell ya, the Volkswagon motor company in Germany isn't rolling out Rolls Royce cars from their assembly line.... Hondas don't go 'round "feeling" like they're Fords....no matter how many "Ford" stickers you slap on it. I don't have to call a Honda with Ford stickers a "Ford" because it never was and never will be. I am not required to share in the delusion of a customized personal pronoun.

When you say that I won't hold doors open for women who were born men, you're sending off a flare that says you're not up to date with biological facts.... It has nothing to do with me being a bigot(and by the way, I do hold the door open for all, in general including the transgendered, psychopaths, killers, the deranged, theives, liars, cheaters, jigalos, hoes, the godless, the satanic, the possessed, the lost and the saved).

Most transgender people what to get on with their lives, not harass other women. Any man that dresses as a women solely to get into a bathroom is a sick individual who would be arrested

No. Not most by a long shot - only some. The argument for transgendered persons is a lot like the argument for the need of abortion (you know, "life of the mother," "****rape," or "incest,). Who cares that 95% of real abortions are a result of recreational ***sex, (well, it is my body....). Yes, but abortion is about what you do to someone else's body - end of argument.
Sure, there's a few slim arguments you can make the transgendered but only for those that fit within a very narrow specification.

Honestly, why would you be concerned about women's sports being dominated by the transgendered? Given your view, they're still women.

Meanwhile, real men have been batteling transgender issues long before it threatened your favorite sports team. It's sad that's what it takes, but why does it have to come to that?

Why are there girls in the Boyscouts when there is an organization called the Girlscouts? (Don't answer, it's not a real question).

There are only two genders. Male and female. You weren't born a Barbie doll or a Ken doll. Your biology at birth is your ***sex (or "gender").

The real problem is that it seems that the philosophy department of schools has no respect for the biology department.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

SmartAZ wrote:
I considered several responses but I could not compose a polite one. @BA1 has managed to do that, so I defer to him.

Thank you SmartAZ - this will be my first direct deference in the history of my orations. I will do my best to maintain levity as the subject goes supercritical (haha).

Anon wrote:
Slash. I think we are-aware of the power women have. How they bring men to their knees sexually.
Is it at all a possible reason that men are turning over?
Take a guy who is a no one in society.
A fix to the problem though I also know high profile people like bruce jenner turned over.

Well....just remember that transgenderism is a two way road. Not only dudes are wanting to get their fem on, there seem to be a strong number of woman who want to get their dude on, as well.
Because of the fact I'm a guy, I can speak for my fellow brother and the error of his ways. As for transgendered women....I can only sum it up to *****penis envy - else we'll be here all night digging through rabbit holes through the earth before we see light at the end of the tunnel.

I think most TG people have certain genuine grievances but way too much privilege and time on their hands - turning themselves into something even they regret sooner than later (but then it's far too late, the damage is done and the only thing to do is hold onto it like an investment).

Nix wrote:
I actually cant believe some of the responses here.

Well, Nix, you literally open your first reply with, "I'm for it." but closed out with, " I just donโ€™t think it would be fair."
You need to understand there is no arrangement of acceptance that's going to make anything they do fair. I think you should be more concerned with who is sitting next to you in the public bathroom stall than why your opposing team has just won the game....?right?

Nix wrote:
So, in essence, what your saying is -

Opening a statement in this fashion is a tactic to rewrite the original meaning intended. There's a never ending supply of "So what you're saying is," to derail any narrative that is misunderstood or not liked.

Nix wrote:
- a man can no longer dominate women, so they are becoming them?

It's so *******fucking ridiculous. It sounds like men are feeling very threatened by strong women and are using God to cover their *****asses.

No, Nix. What I'm saying is a jar of poison can pollute the whole tank. Genuine, man-hating women do have an affect on their normal, grass roots grown, fellow sisters.
I don't mind a "strong woman" but I don't need spit in the face having opened a door for what seems, in all appearences, a woman....
And why should I settle for being tricked? I don't need to hold a door open, only to find the eyelashes batting back to me ultimately belong to a transgendered male - gross....

Nix wrote:
I'm sorry you feel threatened by my ****tits.

I think you would feel more threatened if I reveal my E-mail to you and say, I'm looking forward to seeing them.๐Ÿ‘€
Love ya girl๐Ÿ˜‰

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Anonymous wrote:
Wow. Thanks for your thoughtful response slash.
Is it a trend at this point in time? Is a reflection of turning their backs on God?

There have always been transgendered people through history. What few of them stayed in the closet - others could be found in the "arts" such as Cabaret shows and the performing arts, when women weren't often allowed a position.
But, there was a line drawn and it was understood and things were fairly respectful....but now? Society has exploded with an abundance of these creatures because it's the effect of them turning their back on God.

- written
This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

I think you'll find that the modern social justice woman will welcome transgender males. To begin with, they are beta males, submissive slave drones to be dominated by the S.J. wanna-be alpha hen committee.
Few of these "dudes" believe in God but love the theory of evolution. Sadly for them, the natural course of nature has made no provision for their kind. Therefore, what they want becomes more of a force of will and completely un-natural. It literally requires surgery and hormone therapy. But no matter the case, nothing rearranges those XY chromosomes on that DNA helix.

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