1,951 replies, Replies 621 to 630

Should a sibling who is now 56 years old who collects 1500 a month disability be allowed to still live with parents where all expenses are covered including gas cable food insurance etc.

I'm going to assume there is more going on than what just meets the eye.

The person in question is 56 years old. Let's consider the age of his parents. What...? 76 to 80 - maybe even older?
In any case I'm going to say I don't think they're the model of spring youth and health anymore.
You may not like him in the personal sense, but I think he pays for his life-style in a completely different way.

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This site is getting popular again.

Bit Torrent....when you need extra butter on your corn.

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spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

Aloha! Is that Spam I'm smelling?
Where's the luau?

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This site is getting popular again.


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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

Jetmoo wrote:
Which jehovahs witnesses views do you think are not biblical?

Far too many to list, but as some examples go
- Salvation. Does man need saving?
-The Trinity. Three Gods or just one?
- The 144,000. They believe they are of the 144,000.
Anyway, that train could roll on for a long time.

What's the difference between a religion that is a cult and a religion thats not a cult?

Religion ends at the Bible. A true faith is Biblically based. Call it Gods user manual to life.
When people organize their faith, they have to take care that their practices don't violate Biblical standards otherwise God won't recognize it as His own.
Of course there's more to it but that's the general crux.

Where do you think Hell is? What is your idea of Hell? I think we already have "hell" here on earth.

What we have here on earth today is chaos. Neither heaven or hell is found here on earth.
To Biblically sum it up, hell is the final environment of the Damned. It is an eternal place that punishes with fire and burning. That is not a place anyone should find themselves.
Where is hell? It's supposed to be in a lair deep under the earth. Sometimes, I'm under the impression that it could be in a parallel dimension. I personally don't know for certain.

I agree i also think satan is the current ruler of this world. But I think he has the fallen angels helping him. I dont think satan would get rid of the fallen angels cos he could use them to his advantage.

I used to think the same thing.

Satan has his helpers, but they are demons not other fallen angels.

What is a demon.... It is the child of an angel and a human female. But that's only the start.

God has an account of the souls He intends to create in life. Wether that soul is angel or human, He has made a provision for them.

When the fallen angels mated with human women, this resulted in "children" that were unintended by Gods count.

Ultimately, these children grew up more evil than their angelic parents.

But, as with all things, time passed and the flood killed them. They became disembodied spirits, known as demons.

How do you think the fallen angels got dealt with?

Judged by God and sentenced to hell.

Why do you think some have been dealt with and not others?

Well....they've all been dealt with, but only a rare few haven't been sent to hell until they complete what God wants them to do.

Do you think there are also some good angels on earth right now?
Some believe theyre all fallen angels and deceive us to think otherwise in order to mislead us.

A mixture of both including much demon. The Bible says tests the spirits to see if they be of God.
The very word "Angel" means messenger of God. But to know if they are good or bad.... Usually, the good ones operate in the background and make no waves, avoiding attention.
Truly no strings attached.

Reiki uses angels to work. Do you know about reiki?

Honestly, can't say that I have. But after all this time in my life, do I want to?

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

Was it offensive to ask if u know about succession?

Huh? Not at all. When it comes to some topics, I'm not as driven or prepared to talk about them as I am of other topics (I guess I have my favorites?).

Jetmoo wrote:
Do u think all angels are bad? I think there are good and bad ones.
Jehovahs Witnesses teach that only the fallen ones are on the earth.

I would agree that there are both good and bad angels. Most of the bad ones have been dealt with - in hell itself. Others made to serve a different purpose for a time at the end. One of them certainly allowed to dominate the earth at this point in time.
Jehovahs Witnesses are a cult religion with a Christian flavor (like the Mormons). I'll say things frankly and directly because I've had first hand experience introspecting their views, many of which are not Biblical.

What is genetic alchemy, Slash?

It's gene-splicing two different creatures with different flesh to make a hybrid.

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This post is mainly an inquiry to women however guys input is also welcome.

Nix wrote:
You mean like Marie curie, Ann tsukamoto, grace hopper, Rosalind Franklin, Stephanie kwolek and Shirley Jackson. A few women there that have laid foundations to some of the greatest things in history.

Never said there weren't brilliant women. Saying that given a 1-to-1 ratio, men out invent women up to 95%. And like I said, until you do your research, I stand by my original statement.
And if it's so damn easy to get a Patent then try getting one. It shouldn't be that hard. I'm sure you have more ideas (and better ones too) than a kid with a box of TicTacs.

And if you think your patented toothbrush is in their league then you truly are cuckoo.

I never said it was - that's an assumption you made to continue the vilification of my character - a strawman.
I've invented other things that I'll never seek patenting for because in this day and age only certain groups are allowed all the fun (but that's a different issue).

How much have you made from that? Sweet FA is my guess.

Really? You will never be able to take that statement to a higher level.
The question of success is not a matter of 'if' but "when." A good thing is worth perusing and I never gave up. So....good luck with what you have going for yourself.

But sure, paint yourself as one of those mighty white Christian men who think they own the world.

Nothing you say here is a question of paint. I AM a white, male, Christian. I own property, pay taxes and have a relative degree of status. I'm not dependant on others regarding the conventional sense of things.

Anyone can get a patent as long as itโ€™s different from other things. ๐Ÿ‘‰ It doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s a good idea. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

So, let me agree. With that said I have a bad idea? Lol!

Interestingly in the uk we have had two female prime ministers, a female first minister, the queen, head of police and fire are also both female.

Sure. Lot's of women in seats of power. Same over here (and maybe even more). Your problem is you assume I have a problem with this - that's been your mistake the whole way through this.
...But, those positions have been made available only in recent history.

Also the sufferegettes fought and died for women to vote. If I was in that time, I would have joined them.

Well....if I could invent a time portal that would ensure your arrival to said historical period, I'd push you through, myself. You'd certainly be fighting for a better cause than the one your fighting for now.

I wonder what the reason is for the magic books discrimination. Hmmm? Control perhaps? You betchya.

Those "magic" books are the very reasons for the freedoms you have today. They are the reason why even your country has been so historically great and honoring women with status and privilege.
It really goes to show how much you know of those "magic books" and the "sky god" by which the men of your country have historically honored.

And finally, you believe the earth is flat so you canโ€™t really call me dense now can you? Lmfao.

I do? First, that's not what I said and (secondly, as usual) you completely ignored what I did say.
One last time for the record; when I review all the events of the "moon landings" and other space-related events, I'm less inclined to believe that we live on a ball spinning through space.
Since I have not seen the earth from the vantage point of space with my own two eyes, I'm still not going to believe or trust in sources that are known liars.
Now that you're laughing your ***ass off -
You will now need to edit a certian reply that you made to me back at a certain Post, to at least maintain your honesty.

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Anyone got thoughts on the following:

I only know a variable amount of the following -

Georgia guidestones

It's an outdoor temple type structure that contains the sacred philosophies of life according to the elite.
Supposedly founded by someone who wanted to remain "anonymous," you can't get anymore open about it than TV communications mogul, Ted Turner.
Ted wants the population of earth reduced to one-half of a billion people. Ted is in the top 5 people in the world that has the largest land holdings - on the order of 43,000 acres.
Ultimately the earth and its resources are to belong to the powerful and elite with enough "support staff" (slaves) to keep their needs in constant supply.

Illuminati? Free masons?

Practically one in the same. Look at the Masons as the training ground where only the few who make the cut are taken under wing by the Illuminati.
Remember, the structure of the Illuminati is pyramidical in nature. Ultimately, the is one at the very top - (imagine who that could be).

Haarp? Geoengineering?

High Altitude Ariel Research Project. I'm inclined to say has combined forces with geoengineering. In a nutshell, they are weaponizing the weather with radiation and chemtrails.

Anyone good with physics?

Some fields more than others - other fields not as much.

Anyone got good understanding of how radiation works?

Let's look at the root word of radiation = RAD. Aka, Radio Active Decay. When a specific element decays it releases energy. The amount of energy it releases follows the laws of conservation regarding anyone of the three categories of thermodynamics.
Only as you move up the elemental chain does the release of heat become more direct but the radioactivity will continue through colder and colder regions.
Electrons are the primary wave carrier of radiation.

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Anyone got thoughts on the following:

Slash wrote:
Do you need to build an atomic bomb?

Jetmoo wrote:
E? No...???? Why do u ask that?

Sweetie, it's not a real question- it was meant to stir the emotions of conspiracy.... Got'cha๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜

A few words of consulation, @Aria. Truly my regards for your loss or circumstances that has caused your mourning.
Secondly, I don't think you need to worry about being blind-sided or 'sucker-punched,' according to the nature of Jetmoo's Post.
The floor is yours.

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Anyone got thoughts on the following:

@Aria is talking about me @Jetmoo You're doing just fine.

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