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Anyone got thoughts on the following:

greta thunberg?
Georgia guidestones?
Free masons?

Anyone good with physics?

Anyone got good understanding of how radiation works?

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Since writing this post Jetmoo may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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good, works, understanding, radiation, physics
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Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone got thoughts on the following:¬ ¬ greta thunberg?¬ Georgia guidestones?¬ Illuminati?¬ Free masons?¬ Haarp?¬ 5G?¬ Geoengineering?¬ ¬ Anyone good with physics? ¬ ¬ Anyone got good understanding of how radiation works?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Do you need to build an atomic bomb?

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E? No...???? Why do u ask that?

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Nope. None at all.

It seems that my opinions apparently differ a lot from the majority of the people here now; so I'm just plain scared to even contribute lest I start a nasty debate that will end up with me realizing I should have just kept my mouth shut in the first place.

I've matured enough over the years to learn how to learn from my mistakes.

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(10 hours after post)
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Aria wrote:

It seems that my opinions apparently differ a lot from the majority of the people here now

Why do you feel like this? At which points did this occur?

I value everyones views. Perhaps if there are nasty comments left behind we should start to report them. I do not like an atmosphere like that either and this place if not much good if people arr afraid to speak

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Aria wrote:
Nope. None at all.

Is this literal or is this your way of saying you would rather not share your thoughts?

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(11 hours after post)
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@Aria have i ever made you feel uncomfortable or is it others?

I am an oddball with my own views. I find it hard to find others who think and see things as i do. Sometimes its like im stuck in my own world looking oit the window as life goes on for others. They are amongst the hustle and bustle of life with no time to ponder on life. Where as ill health has brought me time to reflect. It sometimes gets lonely though.

Where some may not appreciate others differences and different viewpoints there are others who will.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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@Aria is talking about me @Jetmoo You're doing just fine.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I wasn't talking about anyone in particular actually...

But yes, it was my way of saying that I don't wish to share my opinions on delicate topics anymore. But yes, some opinions that @BA1 has shared, are different to my own. It doesn't mean I am hateful of them as a person though.

But, from what I've observed lately, it just seems that some people's (and no, not just Slash's) way of dealing with differing opinions aren't "agree to disagree", it has come across as more "you mean less to me because we don't agree."

I'm a minority in most of my opinions and beliefs, and I am more of a "hide in the corner" type when I spot that.

It's self-preservation and paranoia, maybe. But I'd much rather state that I don't feel comfortable voicing my thoughts where I don't feel comfortable, rather than voicing those actual thoughts out-right, and then regretting it later.

It's taken me until this post to really even say anything; but that's probably because I've had a really shitty day and am in a period of mourning. My inhibitions are lowered a bit.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Slash wrote:
Do you need to build an atomic bomb?

Jetmoo wrote:
E? No...???? Why do u ask that?

Sweetie, it's not a real question- it was meant to stir the emotions of conspiracy.... Got'cha😉😁

A few words of consulation, @Aria. Truly my regards for your loss or circumstances that has caused your mourning.
Secondly, I don't think you need to worry about being blind-sided or 'sucker-punched,' according to the nature of Jetmoo's Post.
The floor is yours.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I only know a variable amount of the following -

Georgia guidestones

It's an outdoor temple type structure that contains the sacred philosophies of life according to the elite.
Supposedly founded by someone who wanted to remain "anonymous," you can't get anymore open about it than TV communications mogul, Ted Turner.
Ted wants the population of earth reduced to one-half of a billion people. Ted is in the top 5 people in the world that has the largest land holdings - on the order of 43,000 acres.
Ultimately the earth and its resources are to belong to the powerful and elite with enough "support staff" (slaves) to keep their needs in constant supply.

Illuminati? Free masons?

Practically one in the same. Look at the Masons as the training ground where only the few who make the cut are taken under wing by the Illuminati.
Remember, the structure of the Illuminati is pyramidical in nature. Ultimately, the is one at the very top - (imagine who that could be).

Haarp? Geoengineering?

High Altitude Ariel Research Project. I'm inclined to say has combined forces with geoengineering. In a nutshell, they are weaponizing the weather with radiation and chemtrails.

Anyone good with physics?

Some fields more than others - other fields not as much.

Anyone got good understanding of how radiation works?

Let's look at the root word of radiation = RAD. Aka, Radio Active Decay. When a specific element decays it releases energy. The amount of energy it releases follows the laws of conservation regarding anyone of the three categories of thermodynamics.
Only as you move up the elemental chain does the release of heat become more direct but the radioactivity will continue through colder and colder regions.
Electrons are the primary wave carrier of radiation.

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(1 day after post)
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@Aria sorry youre having a hard time. I understand in a way. Ive discussed things on social media and got told to drop dead cos i said i wouldnt have vaccines. But i reported it and fb took it down. Maybe when someone makes you feel this way u could report it to a mod so they can help deal with it. I know rockstar would like it to be a nice place like all a big family.

There is always the anon option if u want to remain hidden if u feel uncomfortable too.

I hope you feel better soon. Life is crappy sometimes.

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Thank you @BA1 :)

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Ill be quiet.
Youll thank me

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Ill be quiet.
Youll thank me


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Maybe not on a scientific level but, I thought Chernobyl HBO series fantastically explained nuclear radiation real well..

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Yorick wrote:
Maybe not on a scientific level but, I thought Chernobyl HBO series fantastically explained nuclear radiation real well..

Thank u. Is that a tv series?

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how are you online dear?

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@Yorick Im on mobile but dont got much data allowance left.

Its really hard for me to watch videos unless they have subtitles for me to follow cos i struggle to process speech cos my brain is poorly.

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I dont understand why people dont want to comment.

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Chernobyl is a HBO miniseries.. 4 part episode i believe.. that series won a Grammy or Oscar as well ..

i use subtitles too cuz im hearing impaired.. so it works for me. if it helps it should be a good thing. if on mobile.. maybe hbo go app might have a sub setting

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Jetmoo wrote:
@Yorick Im on mobile but dont got much data allowance left.

Its really hard for me to watch videos unless they have subtitles for me to follow cos i struggle to process speech cos my brain is poorly.

I use subtitles too because it’s easier for me to pay attention when I’m reading. Otherwise, I get sidetracked.

I’ve been meaning to watch Chernobyl but am never in the mood to right now. I’m too busy binge watching watching old Cheers episodes on Netflix right now lol.

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What's HBO @Yorick ?

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N thank u

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@Aria i used to feel the same. I rarely ever used to talk cos i got bullied so much. Perhaps partly cos i think i may have aspergers too to some degree.

But as time has gone by i have learnt to talk and learnt of my self worth.

Sometimes i have views that are the minority too but im stubborn. I dont like to feel like others have power or control over me, like they used to, so i often state my views regardless.

And when people are critical i see it as a challenge to remain true to myself. I see it as a challenge to not allow others to control my emotions or my actions. And to not allow others to mute me or decide how i live my life.

When my emotions are affected i try to come back when they are cleared. I try hard to use my words to express myself rather than emotion. I try hard to stay in control of who i am. Because only i can decide who i am. Others cant decide who i am anymore.

When my cognition is especially bad though i sometimes forget to come back later but i am getting better at it. Sometimes people can be very cruel but i try to be kind back even when i am angry at them, and the responses i get back are surprising sometimes.

Sometimes it feels unnatural to be nice to others who are unkind to me, but sometimes it seems thats all they needed - kindness. Then sometimes they are more respectful when they talk to me.

When someone is cruel i sometimes say, some express themselves with emotions and belittlement like that because they do not have the language skills to express themselves otherwise. I dont need to do that because i can use my words to express my self.

I am blunt with people. Why are you talking to me in such a nasty way when i have not done so to you?

Or why are you being nasty because i have different views?
Those with intelligence acknowledge that they have much to learn and are open minded to views of others, so why not you?

Or i respect that u have different views. But you do noy respect mine. Do u not think there is enough hatred and intolerance in this world already?

And then i see what responses i get and go from there. It doesnt always work out but im getting better at it. But i kinda understand it's not worth having a battle sometimes when life has too many of them for us already! Sometimes we have to pick our battles.

Im sorry Aria, im rambling! im virtually bedridden and i dont get visitors, i have too much time on my hands LOL sort of..

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I think perhaps my meaning was misconstrued a bit. Heh. It's more that I meant that I've noticed that my opinions largely differ from others here, and some more political or opinionated topics tend to cause debate. I'm a very liberal person, the kind that would probably get called a "libtard" by some swarms of people. It also doesn't help that I'm a religious minority on here (and most places, really), so...yeah, some topics are a bit of a danger zone that would lead to some harsh debates and flared tempers, and it's never nice when that happens.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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H ome
B ox
O office
Home Box Office

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Libtard, scare mongerer, snowflake, conspiracy theorist, remoaners.. all words that get on my nerves... they're so silly and immature.

If we addressed this with a mod do u think it would make people feel differently?

N if people reported unkind words n attitudes for mod to deal with?

Im that kind of person who doesnt mind others views, if this makes u feel better? I have a friend who was brought up jewish, a friend who is jehovahs witness, other christian types, some who are very spiritual with angels and one who is a pagan as well as atheists and those who sit on the fence. It doesnt stop us being friends though.

I hope i dont seem pushy. I get scared incase i come across wrong sometimes. But i think everyone should feel comfortable and i think bullying is wrong.

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Thanks @BA1

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Ok, I’m back. So I’ve been learning abit more. I think I need to get my head straight with the definitions.


What’s the name for putting bad chemicals in the sky?
What’s the name for putting ice particles in the sky to cool it down?
Are there other terms?
Geo engineering.
What about when they use lasers instead of planes?

I’ve heard of the term DEW. ....D.......E ......Weapon forgotten what stands for....

In my mind they’re all sorta the same thing. But I know they’re kinda not. Does that even make sense?

@BA1 @Gone

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP.

What’s the name for putting bad chemicals in the sky?

Chem-trailing. This is done to cloud the sky and cause the ambient temperature to cool down.

What’s the name for putting ice particles in the sky to cool it down?

Close - it's called "Cloud seeding" and it's done to draw in precipitation from outlying air boundaries in Order to cause rain. I suppose it can also cause hail (maybe even snow) if done under certain circumstances.

Are there other terms?
Geo engineering.?

Generally speaking it's called "Geo-engineering."

I’ve heard of the term DEW. ....D.......E ......Weapon forgotten what stands for....

Sorry dear, I'm not sure of this one.

What about when they use lasers instead of planes?

Hmmm.....I don't know of an instant where a laser is used in the place of a plane.
I know that both microwave and radio frequencies do effect the weather and it's often believed that Geo-engineering and HAARP are working together.

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Thank u :)Oh dear. My brain is still not registering what haarp is

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That is one heck of a word to speak!😂 i cant say it!

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(4 years after post)
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It agree, it is an amusing piece

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What abstract thinking

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It is remarkable, very good information

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I think, that you are not right. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

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