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Are you intimidated by intelligent people?

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people, intelligent, intimidated
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Drawn log viking 19
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Intimidated is the wrong word. I am intrigued by very intelligent people. And perhaps selfishly desire to learn from them.

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Very much so, sometimes.

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A matter of degree

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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The sign of an intelligent person is the realisation that we know very little.

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depends if its something i would care to learn/know about. lol

im walkin' if some know it all starts correcting my somewhat level of stupidity ( we all got one no denying it.) i wouldn't really be intrigued or intimidated, i'd settle for whether if i'm interested or not.

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I have a friend who is highly intelligent. She has 3 PhDs and 4 master's degrees. She doesn't have student loan debt because she is so smart that she figured out ways of having school paid for or figured out how to maximize her dollars....or MAKE MORE dollars. She had her mortgage on a 10 year note, for example, and there were times her family survived on hot dogs as a result, but now..... (what can I say?)

She doesn't "show off" or any such thing.

However, talking to her on a daily basis makes me realize just HOW MUCH she "knows...." in a "well rounded" way, too, if that makes sense.

I think that she gets frustrated with people who "don't think things through," and that can make her sort of "catty."

I love her to death. I love being around her. I love her insight and her way of thinking about things. I love the advice she can give me. I love the fact that she is a great problem solver and is insightful and honest. I especially love LEARNING From her. But she intimidates the hell out of me. I feel like a bumbling idiot....NOT that SHE has EVER done anything to make me feel bad, either. It's just my own knowledge that she can run circles around me in her head.

I'm sure that there are plenty of other highly intelligent people who I have had encounters with, unknowingly, who could also run circles around me. In fact, I can think of two past acquaintences right now. And they also intimidated me in our short "acquaintence-ship"

Incidentally, my friend has a son who is autistic. It's been very hard for her to deal with him. But she has....and she home schools him in a way that makes life meaningful and happy for him....

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Wow. Pepper jelly.
I know the one brillient person in my life who graduated from harvard with a 165 IQ.
Everything was always a test with her. Nothing was relaxed. She was bored with anything less the genious. Everything was a test. She kept score in her head if you met her standards.
It wasnt fun.

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My friend might be like that: keeping score in her head; always bored, etc. She seems like she gets stressed out a lot

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last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I'm intimidated by people in general. I do however, envy intelligent people. Heck even as a high school drop out who's government stinks at letting us re-educate as adults; I envy anyone who finished 10th grade public level. I can't even get a job in retail without those extra 6 months I missed out on.

But yeah, people just scare me. I try mostly to stay out of everyone's way these days. Less terrifying, and less painful. They don't get disappointed with me, and I don't have to protect myself from them. It's a win-win.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Wow same here aria. I was petrified of people growing up.
Im still but I hide it better.
Thank you for sharing.
I think tthe way to really be intelligent is to treasure your cognition but not to flaunt it and make people around you uncomfortable.
When I attended the bronx highschool of science with a higher Iq I wanted to also have friends so I always put aside my skills to be part of my fun loving friends. No one would ever feel less.
I have met straight out higher IQ people who wear their intelligence like a badge .
They bore me to tears.

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There are "multiple intelligences," as well. Courtesy of Gardner.

Those are playing more and more of a part in society today, where things are different than the old status quo

I do think that many of those things now have just as much value as the standard IQ test.

My dad was sort of a "dumb jock." Yet when my daughter's oxygen tank broke on Easter Sunday in a small town with no where to really go and get it fixed, he fixed it. Nobody else, with their advanced degrees, could figure out what to do.... (just one example)

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I am interested in intelligent people and what they have to say and what I can learn from them.

I think I'd be more concerned if the intelligent person did not have a good heart. Selfish intelligent people in powerful positions can be dangerous for lives of many.

But I once heard someone say keep your friends close and your enemy's closer

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My carers think I'm really intelligent. I think it's cos of my Veg EPA omegas cos test showed I was in higher range for almost optimal for omega 3.

But I still got cognitive dysfunction..cos my illness.

Carers been asking about my Veg EPA and wanted to try it.

I feel like Vep EPA has changed my life so much being able to think better. I never ever want to go back.

I dunno what my IQ would be but even speech therapists assistant said that she thought I was soo intelligent to my mam after meeting me once. ..

It's nice but not sure how I feel about it.

I think I ramble on too much but discussing and thinking things through.. sort of exercising my mind.. is kind of fulfilling sometimes. Not really sure why, I'm not really sure how many listen to my long rambles lol

I guess some do when I see likes online but...

I dunno.... if I AM intelligent I don't think it's right to say or suggest I'm better than u type thing.

I DO KNOW that professionals are VERY intimidated by me as they know that I know the rules of law and I'm not a soft touch to say it. But now the practice manager at the doctor surgery will no longer accept phone calls or emails from me. Andy GP has backed off.

I was teaching my own Dr about my own illness and my private test results since he said it was well beyond his expertise. I'm not even a Dr and if I can learn why can't he?

I understand that we know so little but think we know so much. I think humans are a silly species who repeat history over and over again. We don't learn from experience.

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But on the other hand I'm interested in not only intelligent people but all people. I want to understand and learn lots about how people think and why and all the different perspectives.

I have spent many hours looking up different mental illness videos and reading information about different things and joined a bipolar group on fb so learn about it better and how it affects people and to better support my friend.

I joined a group on aspergers to see what it is like for them but then i think i might also have abit of it myself but un diagnosed. Im not sure..but i think i do.

I try to gain insight of what it is like to be on the opporsite side when i disagree with someone. My friend taught me that before he died. That its good to see other peopls perspectives. He was such a clever man and id not have learnt this had he not told me and enjoy following it.

Like i feel many people divide because of differences but i seek to understand where as many dont seem to do this.

But if people only fight and argue with each other then no one will ever understand each other and then less likely to come together and make peace with each other.

Lack of searching for understanding and ignorance can be very dangerous. People do not like to admit that they do not know everything. Noone in this world knows everything and never will but people deny when they make mistakes instead of being honest.

I think that following ones own heart is more important than intelligence and acts of kindness to others

Sory i do LOL

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Maybe its my cogntion or lack of social skills or something.. or maybe im just not that smart but i wish i wouldnt frighten people away. Makes me cry so much like people think i a terrible person . I try so hard to be a good person and ill never be perfect but i try. And it hurts people think im a trouble maker.

I get really scared of being left alone with no one. Its hard when people dont seem to trust you.

Maybe keeping intelligence a secret is an intelligent thing to do in itself...

People can abuse it to manipulate others, as they do so much in the world

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Aria wrote:
I'm intimidated by people in general. I do however, envy intelligent people. Heck even as a high school drop out who's government stinks at letting us re-educate as adults; I envy anyone who finished 10th grade public level. I can't even get a job in retail without those extra 6 months I missed out on.

But yeah, people just scare me. I try mostly to stay out of everyone's way these days. Less terrifying, and less painful. They don't get disappointed with me, and I don't have to protect myself from them. It's a win-win.

You DO know that dropping out doesnt make anyone less smart dont you?

See if someone never had the opportunity to reach their potential then that doesnt show a persons intellectual ability. It just means the didnt have the opportunity for some reason or because of life circumstances.

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Intimidated is the wrong word, thank you Legion!

I would choose either fascinated or intrigued as better words. Jetmoo, you are far more intelligent than me. I'd love to live closer so I could learn more from you.

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No. I'm intimidated by stupid people that are bigger and meaner than me... there seem to be a lot of those around.

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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Good one

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