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I feel so defeated.

For the past month my job has been having a competition for who can get the most donations in the month of August. I have been working my butt off asking for donations on every phone call I have taken. We are a nonprofit organization. Well, I’m a pretty competitive person and I was having fun with it. I have been in first place the entire month then this week a coworker decides to participate and he’s only asked 3 times and all 3 times he’s gotten huge donations. Today he is ahead of me by less than $10. The thing is, I only work a few hours tomorrow and then I don’t come back til the first part of September. He’s here all week. I mean it’s great for the company. But I’m really hard on myself and to come up at the very end of the month to just lose after all this time and working my butt off sucks. And what’s worse is that my manager has been hounding me about him in the lead now. I know she don’t want us to give up but I feel so defeated and I feel in a way, I failed. I know she’s going to be saying things tomorrow to try and motivate me but I feel bad. I really do. Any advice?

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my advice, get another job.

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(1 hour after post)
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It’s like a psychological hold on you. Unrealistic expectations, unreasonable workload type stuff. She should not be hounding you.

Tell her to back off, in polite terms and see how that goes.

If it continues this way I’d definitely get a new job, I know someone who ended up with really bad depression when they kept raising the targets higher and higher and the job made her life a living misery.

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Tell her she'll get more work when you get a pay raise.

(3 days after post)
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Your manager is a very smart person. They're trying to make you more competitive and you've already let them convince you that that's who you are. They're prob using the same tactic on your co-workers too. Let me give you a little hint: they're just doing it for the money, and neither of you will get any raise or sth. Your working environment will become a living hell. Don't let them do that to you. You've already proved your value! go home and enjoy your day off. God, if I were you, I'd probably do sth, like donate a little something to the other worker or sth, just to make a statement. F*ck. Take a step back and look at your situation! You've worked your @ss off, did a GREAT job and what you got back is a feeling of (a non-existent) defeat! you now won't even enjoy your day-off cause you'll be thinking about this.. Are you f*cking serious?

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AND THIS is exactly why I hate sales positions. (It’s a nonprofit and you’re getting donations but it boils down to sales in the end, honestly.)

Get a different job. A manager that’s hounding an employee who very obviously is doing their best isn’t very good at managing.

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(1 week after post)
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Quit being a quitter. Sales is all about attitude. You won't win if you give up in your head. That being said everywhere I've worked the best salesmen have the best leads. Someone knew there were 3 donors out there that had big contributions and your competition got them as soon as he walked in. Find out why.

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