1,951 replies, Replies 731 to 740

So I am a Athiest, what now?

If you're an Athiest, you should already know what to do. What's the point of your Post - to argue about something you won't change your mind about?

BigWilly! wrote:
Life goes on. I don't believe in a god and am quite happy.

Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Terry Gibbs - they don't believe in rainbows and are just as happy as you.

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The evolution of the prosthetic ass.

I am not ashamed....to laugh to scorn.
She killed her looks.
What's new?

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I printed stuff out and the black ink wasnโ€™t very clear.

I wish people really understood the power we have as a collective....

You walk into a store and buy a top-chart printer for literally a song and dance, but -

- but the cost of ink....

Look....I like capitalism, I really do, but there is a point a profit enters a realm of unaccepted greed -

- and the cost of printer ink has ALWAYS been inexcusable.

These corporations have a tough skin when it comes to complaining - I mean, the squeaky mouse gets the cheese, right? Wrong. They hire hotline pacifiers to calm you down by draining your adrenal energy through a filter of redirection.
It'll be sometime before you call, if ever, again.
So, bitching doesn't work.
But, boycotting does.
The trouble with boycotting is, most people are so pathetically pathetic, they can't live without anything for longer than five minutes. And to have that sweet, soothing calming feeling seems to be a price anyone is willing to pay - who cares that it doesn't last, we'll just cross that bridge on the next triggering.
So....because of this stunted mentality, the corporations win and we lose (not to them but ourselves). And instead of paying $4.75 for ink, we pay $50 and in some cases even higher.
In this world, as long as the corporations have the power, we are looked upon as "consumers."
Only when the tables turn will we ever be respected as "customers."

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I have a grade 2 Cystocele.

SmartAZ wrote:
It is against the law for anybody here to advise anything other than to see a doctor.


HelpBot, you're fired!

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Dolly understands

Jetmoo wrote:
Work is a right pain when u feel like that.

So true - but - not only that,

I find it very hypocritical that very wealthy artist sing songs of poverty and slavery and how hard life is -
I actually have a problem with that. Just who are they to do that? It's like a subliminal message that says "stay down" "don't climb" "back off" "it's gonna be so loong - don't bother".

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Dolly understands

Jetmoo wrote:
@BA1 you're probably right know n I never even thought of it

Aww - thanks for saying so and inviting me back.
Well, I just got to looking at the title: "Dolly Understands." There was nothing else writ because the song carried all the meaning. And then the obvious dawned on me - that song IS the way she feels (and it ain't a feel-good song).

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Dolly understands

Okay - so it takes time to soak in (because I'm thick that way).

I think Araz is feeling over-worked, under paid AND under appreciated.
I can only hope you get the recognition that increases your affluence and position.
My best regards.

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should have a FB group with this and make me mod, i'd so give the link with everything i say (very on social media)

soco wrote:

danihatesyou wrote:
I'm going to try to stop in more often...

And blow past the stop sign again?

She can't help it. For some it's ๐Ÿ˜ hard to tell a STOP sign from a YIELD. It's a genetics thing....๐Ÿ˜œ

danihatesyou wrote:
I remember shyt.....

Hahhaha!๐Ÿ˜‚ hard to argue with that.

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I have a grade 2 Cystocele.

Probably need to get to a gynecologist for a proper evaluation.
Usually the medical industry has methods to keep certain organs in the area they belong.
That's all I know.
Hope it helps.

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I'm 6stone 7lbs (ish).

Jetmoo wrote:

I've been silent
I've listened very closely
Understand these things you need to do (and some things not to do).

Take a break if you must.
Come back when you can.

None of us have forgotten you - as a fact, you have been missed.

But now it's time to heal.
You can always E-Mail me if you wish.

And now, I will let you to your day. Peace.
)))BIG HUG((( and XOXO!๐Ÿ’–

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